721 research outputs found

    Pulsed laser irradiation of plasma sprayed alumina-zirconia coatings

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    Plasma sprayed alumina and zirconia coatings are widely used coatings for many industrial applications. One of the most important applications is the production of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). As sprayed alumina-zirconia coatings have relatively high degree of porosity and the properties of these coatings, such as high temperature, corrosion resistance, toughness and abrasion resistance may thereby be reduced. Laser surface treatment is one novel method that has potential for eliminating porosity and producing a homogeneous surface layer. In this research work the effect of excimer laser annealing on the surface of alumina-zirconia coatings was investigated. Alumina-40% zirconia (AZ-40) coatings were sprayed with a water-stabilized plasma spray gun. The coated surface was treated by excimer laser having a wavelength of 248 nm and pulse duration of 24 ns. In the first phase of the work an analytical model was developed in COMSOL Multiphysics 4.2 in order to investigate the effect of the defects on the heat distribution at the surface of samples irradiated by KrF beam. The model revealed that much higher temperatures were localized at areas having defects than at continuous surfaces. A detailed parametric study was carried out to investigate the effects of different laser surface treatment parameters including laser energy density (fluence), pulse repetition rate (PRR), and number of pulses on the microstructure, surface morphology, and mechanical properties of the coatings. The surface structure of the treated coating was examined by field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Treating the surface with low laser energy of 200mJ/cm2 etched a very thin layer from the coating, which helped revealing the microstructures initially present but hidden on the surface of as sprayed coatings. High laser energy of 800mJ/cm2 resulted in significant changes in the coat surface morphology where eutectic colonies growing in a pool of zirconia matrix were identified on the surface. The surface of untreated coating was continuously alternating up and down; it had a zigzag nature. After irradiating the surface with high laser fluence of 800mJ/cm2 the zigzag nature of roughness profile of untreated coating disappeared. Also irradiating the surface with high pulse repetition rate exhibited dome-like structures on the surface, which were associated with an increase in surface hardness

    Screening & Mashrabiah New Applications as Smart, Green, and Unique Identity Factors

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    Due to living in a society plagued by acceleration and significant development in building technology, information, and computer applications, a transformation in Arts and Architecture has resulted in a neglect, whether deliberate or non-deliberate, in the dimensions of moral and non–physical values such as heritage and civilization. It is safe to say that such neglect has led to the creation of Architectural products with no identities. As a result, an appearance of new architectural trends that includes Green and Smart Architecture, for instance, was identified. This new type of Architecture generally relies on merge between the use of the natural and surrounding environment in serving the design process as well as the use of modern computer applications, fixtures, technology, and new building materials combined to provide a comfortable and safe environment for users.When traditional Arab Architecture is the product of a rich experience of its manufacturers’, it presents an integrated mixture between each of the non–physical features represented in religious beliefs, traditions and customs prevailing in the community, and the physical elements that include the effects of the natural environment, climate changes, building materials, and natural resources available.Screening and Mashrabiah represent a very important element in traditional and Arab Architecture. It is also still being used nowadays in Modern Architecture after enduring a study of its functions, benefits, new materials and applications such as smart Mashrabiah. The conclusion of this research provides recommendations of new applications and Architectural treatments for Screening and Mashrabiah and their possible use as unique identity factors that represent our modern Architecture both in the Arab world and worldwide

    An analysis of the pragmatic functions of idiomatic expressions in the Egyptian novel ‘Taxi’

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    The purpose of the study is to investigate the idiomatic expressions and their pragmatic functions in the conversations of the novel Taxi in the light of Speech Act Theory. The study adopts a qualitative linguistic analysis method of research. After analyzing the 58 episodes of the novel ’Taxi’, the study reveals 80 idiomatic expressions fulfilling 13 pragmatic functions: describing with six subcategories, complaining, stating, concluding, and swearing, thanking, condoling, sympathizing, deploring and excusing, agreeing and opposing and advising. These pragmatic functions have been classified based on four of Searle’s speech acts: (1) representatives, (2) expressives, (3) commissives and (4) directives. Hence, the study shows that idiomatic expressions fulfill a satisfying number of pragmatic functions which in turn operate in facilitating conversations among speakers as they are stored in their memory and easily retrieved in diverse contexts. In addition, the study shows the high usage of negative pragmatic functions such as complaining, deploring, describing negative issues in comparison with positive ones in the conversations of taxi drivers. It has been also observed that these positive and negative functions shed light on a multitude of cultural aspects in Egyptian society. The study suggests pedagogical implication: the result that the idiomatic expressions perform various pragmatic functions and fulfill cultural aspects provides a rationale for including them in Arabic foreign language classes as their main aim is to use the language appropriately and achieve cultural competence as well

    The Effect of Peer Learning vs. Traditional Learning on Knowledge and Clinical Performance of Critical Care Nursing Students

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    Background: Clinical practice is a vital part of nursing education, and highly valued by student nurses. From a student perspective, the clinical environment can be perceived as stressful and not welcoming. Therefore, the relationship between the student and the instructor is fundamental to the learning process. Peer learning offers students the opportunity to learn from each other. Moreover, it was suggested that academic involvement and interaction with faculty and fellow students increases the time and physical and psychological energy that students devote to the academic experience. The positive effects of peer learning have been described as increased cognitive skills, self-confidence, autonomy, clinical skills and reasoning are highlighted. Furthermore, and perhaps more difficult to evaluate in other educational models, are increased self-evaluating skills, collaborative- and leadership abilities, critical thinking and the opportunity to share the experiences of a fellow student without the immediate interference of the preceptor. Aim: The study aimed to compare the effect of using peer learning versus traditional learning on the clinical performance of critical care nursing students. Methods: The study was conducted at the critical and emergency care nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Damanhour University using an experimental comparative design. 100 nursing students enrolled in the third year were selected randomly to participate in this study. These were divided into two groups randomly. - Group I (study group): consisted of 50 students who were similarly assigned into 10 subgroups of 5 students each and they were learned by their colleagues. Group II (control group) included the other 50 students who were similarly assigned to 2 skill labs in subgroups of 25 students each.Results: The finding of the current study indicates significantly better performance scores among peer learning group. This study revealed that the majority of the study group students were positively satisfied as regarding peer learning. Moreover, the  majority of the students in peer group stated that being taught by their peer increases interaction and collaboration with other students, they can communicate more freely with their peer than with their clinical instructor they don't feel freer to approach the instructor for help than their peer. However, they agreed that the feedback they received from their peers is more helpful and they learn more from their peer than from their clinical instructor. Furthermore, they expressed their belief that peer learning experience was worth the time spent and students felt more comfortable when the performance is being assessed by their peer.Conclusion: The results of this study confirm the results of the previous studies, emphasizing numerous positive effects of peer learning methods in the academic environment. The results of this study also suggest that peer-assisted learning increases the confidence, reduces anxiety and affects the development of students' future responsibilities. Therefore, the study recommends more utilization of this approach in nursing education, with training workshops aimed at changing the attitude of nurse educators towards the use of more innovative models of active learning such as peer learning. Keywords: Peer learning, peer tutoring, traditional method, nursing students, clinical performance

    Rectenna Systems for RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer

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    With the rapid development of the wireless systems and demands of low-power integrated electronic circuits, various research trends have tended to study the feasibility of powering these circuits by harvesting free energy from ambient electromagnetic space or by using dedicated RF source. Wireless power transmission (WPT) technology was first pursued by Tesla over a century ago. However, it faced several challenges for deployment in real applications. Recently, energy harvesting and WPT technologies have received much attention as a clean and renewable power source. Rectenna (rectifying antenna) system can be used for remotely charging batteries in several sensor networks at internet of things (IoT) applications as commonly used in smart buildings, implanted medical devices and automotive applications. Rectenna, which is used to convert from RF energy to usable DC electrical energy, is mainly a combination between a receiving antenna and a rectifier circuit. This chapter will present several designs for single and multiband rectennas with different characteristics for energy harvesting applications. Single and multiband antennas as well as rectifier circuits with matching networks are introduced for complete successful rectenna circuit models. At the end of the chapter, a dual-band rectenna example is introduced with a detailed description for each section of the rectenna

    Develop Accreditation Standards for Nursing Departments at Mansoura University Hospital.

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    Accreditation has gained worldwide attention as an effective quality evaluation and management tool. Accreditation has been defined as a system of external peer review for determining compliance with a set of standards. Accreditation standards are written to reflect current practice and expectations for the specific functions the nurses perform. Accreditation systems provided better quality results in nursing care; positive changes in leadership, commitment and support, use of data, staff involvement, and quality management; impact or effectiveness of health sector accreditation. Accreditation has recently gained great importance in Egypt, but nursing departments still lack accreditation standards and criteria. Hence, the present study aims to develop and validate a set of relevant, feasible, and reliable standards that needs for accrediting nursing departments at Mansoura University Hospital. The study subjects includes a jury group includes 12 academic staff from Faculty of Nursing and 10 nurse managers from Mansoura University Hospital. All head nurses (n=46) works in all inpatient departments at Mansoura University Hospital were included in the study. Three tools were used for data collection, namely; a validity form, interview questionnaire sheet, and an audit form. The study findings indicated that the proposed accreditation standards for nursing departments at Mansoura University Hospital are valid. A most proposed accreditation standard was met in less than a half of the cases. It is recommended that the developed accreditation standards could be used in Mansoura University Hospital

    Realizing the Prospects of the Demographic Dividend in Selected Arab Countries

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    Background: For most Arab countries, the coming ten years will reveal a real challenge with their changing age structure. Currently, a demographic window of opportunity is unlocked in many of those countries with the increase in the fraction of population in the working-age. Hence, the study investigates the relation between population growth and dependency ratio as demographic indicators and the per capita growth domestic product (GDP). Methods: A  time-series analysis  model  was developed for  Egypt and Morocco versus the Republic of Korea as an economically empowered country that had the same initial conditions in the early sixties. Data exploited are drawn from the World Bank and OECD databases. We adopt an income per capita growth model to analyze the role of demographic factors, mainly working-age share. Results There is a significant relationship between GDP per capita and the proportion of working age population. A significant long-run association between dependency ratio and per capita GDP is confirmed. The reduction of dependency load contributes to GDP per capita growth throughout the study duration by an annual rate of about 9 and 2 percent in Egypt and Morocco, respectively. Conclusion: The decline in the dependency ratio, or alternatively, the raise in the working age population has a favorable impact on economic growth. The paper presents supporting evidence to scale up the effect of age structure alteration and to realize the demographic dividend in the studied countries

    Interplay between matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in acute asthma exacerbation and airway remodeling

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    AbstractBackgroundAirway inflammation and remodeling of extracellular matrix are important features of asthma. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are group of enzymes expressed in the airways with their inhibitor (tissue inhibitor of MMPs (TIMP) and they are the key responsible for extra cellular matrix (ECM) degradation.ObjectiveTo clarify the role of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in asthma exacerbation and airway remodeling.Subjects and methodsThe study included 3 groups, group “A” included 22 patients with stable asthma group “B” included 18 patients during asthma exacerbation and group “C” of 18 healthy volunteer served as control. All groups were matching age and sex. Levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 were measured in the induced sputum of the 3 groups. Serum IgE skin prick test and PEFR were assessed.ResultsMMP-9, TIMP-1 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio increased in both A and B groups in comparison to control (P<0.001). During exacerbation MMP-9 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio showed significant increase for both but TIMP-1 did not show significant change when compared to stable asthmatics. There was significant negative correlation between PEFR and MMP-9, TIMP-1 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio.ConclusionMMP-9 and TIMP-1 play an important role in pathophysiology of asthma exacerbation and airway remodeling. Clearly, a greater understanding of the pathogenesis of asthma is critical to the development of better therapeutic modalities

    Histological changes of the adult albino rats entorhinal cortex under the effect of tramadol administration: Histological and morphometric study

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    Background: Tramadol is a centrally acting synthetic analgesic agent with opioid activity. Tramadol is used to treat moderate to severe pain. The entorhinal cortex has initially attracted attention because of its strong reciprocal connections with the hippocampal formation and its involvement in certain brain disorders.Aim of work: The present study was designed to assess the deleterious effects of tramadol on the entorhinal cortex of the adult male albino rats.Materials and methods: The study was carried out on 40 adult male rats. The rats were divided equally into two groups: control group, received 1 ml normal saline 0.9% intraperitoneally for 4 weeks. Treated group received 50 mg/kg/day of tramadol intraperitoneally for 4 weeks. All animals were anaesthetized by ether inhalation and perfused by normal saline. The brains were extracted from the skulls. For light microscopy, the brains of 10 animals in each group were processed for paraffin sections and stained by Gallocyanine stain. For electron microscopy, the entorhinal cortex was dissected in 10 brains of each group and processed. Semithin sections were prepared and stained with toluidine blue. Morphometric and statistical studies were performed.Results: By light microscopy, the treated groups showed neuronal cells disorganization. Apoptotic cells were detected. In addition, diffuse chromatolysis of nuclear chromatin, absence of nucleoli, multinuclear cells, intercellular edema and a congested blood capillary were noticed. By electron microscopy, the treated groups of both lateral and medial entorhinal areas showed granular and pyramidal apoptotic cells. The morphometric and statistical studies showed significant increase of apoptotic index % in treated group as compared with control group.Conclusion: Tramadol had degenerative effects on both lateral and medial entorhinal areas. Light as well as electron microscopic examination of entorhinal areas came to prove these effects. Tramadol abuse should be avoided without medical description due to its toxic effects.Keywords: Tramadol; Entorhinal cortex; Rat