865 research outputs found

    Unified efficient layerwise theory for smart beams with segmented extension/shear mode, piezoelectric actuators and sensors

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    A unified coupled efficient layerwise theory is presented for the dynamics of smart laminated beams with surface-mounted and embedded piezoelectric actuators and sensors with arbitrary poling directions, acting in extension or shear mode. The theory considers a global third-order variation across the thickness combined with a layerwise linear variation for the axial displacement, expressed in terms of only three primary variables, and accounts for the transverse normal strain due to the electric field in the approximation for the transverse displacement. The electric potential is approximated as piecewise quadratic across sublayers. A finite element is developed which has two physical nodes with mechanical and some electric potential degrees of freedom (DOF), and an electric node for the electric potentials of the electroded surfaces of the piezoelectric patches. The electric nodes eliminate the need for imposition of equality constraints of the electric DOF on the equipotential electroded surfaces of the segmented piezoelectric elements and result in significant reduction in the number of electric DOF. The electric DOF associated with the physical nodes allow for the inplane electric field that is induced via a direct piezoelectric effect. The accuracy of the formulation is established by comparing the results with those available in literature and the 2D piezoelasticity solutions for extension and shear mode actuators, sensors and adaptive beams. The effect of segmentation of the electroded surface on the deflection, sensory potential and natural frequencies is illustrated for both extension and shear mode cases. The influence of the location of extension and shear mode actuators and sensors on the response is investigated for a hybrid mode composite beam. The effect of actuator thickness on the actuation authority is studied

    Developing New Public Governance as a public management reform model

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    The concept of New Public Governance (NPG) has proven valuable as an umbrella term for cross-sector collaboration in public governance. Thus far, however, its conceptual development has mainly focused on the external relations of government. To develop NPG as a public management reform model, this article examines its internal dimension by specifying eight NPG reform tools for advancing collaboration within the public sector. We argue that the NPG reform model enables scholars to capture significant collaborative transformations in public administration and suggest new avenues for public management reform research

    An analytical framework for soil degradation, farming practices, institutions and policy responses

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    There is a lack of knowledge about the effectiveness and efficiency of soil conservation policies in agriculture and little understanding of how policy measures should be designed to encourage farmers to adopt soil conservation practices. This paper analyzes institutional settings surrounding agricultural soil management in ten European countries based on the Institutions of Sustainability framework. This framework considers the interdependencies between ecological and social systems, taking into account environmental conditions, farming practices impacting on soil conservation, different types of actors, policies, institutions and governance structures. The purpose of this paper is to describe the analytical framework and the methodology that all case studies are based on, present and discuss compared findings, outline implications for successful soil conservation policy, and draw conclusions on the methodological approach. The case studies focused on the main soil degradation types occurring across Europe which are addressed by a broad range of mandatory and incentive policies. The findings highlight the following issues: i) the need to design policies that target the locally most common soil threats and processes in the light of agricultural management; ii) the need to take farming management constraints into consideration, (iii) the need for good communication and cooperation both between agricultural and environmental authorities as well as between governmental and non-governmental stakeholders; iv) the necessary mix of mandatory and incentive instruments; and v) the need for data and monitoring systems allowing the evaluation of the effectiveness of policies and soil conservation practices.Institutional analysis, soil degradation, soil conservation policy, soil conservation measures, farming practices, policy evaluation, Farm Management,

    Mangfoldighed på danske arbejdspladser— byrde eller styrke?

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    Mangfoldighedsledelse er et ledelseskoncept, som opfordrer virksomheder til at se menneskers forskellighed som en styrke. Mangfoldighedsledelse er fra mange sider blevet modtaget som en tiltrængt ny røst i ligestillingsdebatten. Denne artikel belyser, hvorvidt mangfoldighedsledelse i praksis medvirker til at forbedre etniske minoriteters position på arbejdsmarkedet. Vi peger-via en undersøgelse blandt danske frontløbere-på, at mangfoldighedsledelse nok skaber forandring, men fortrinsvis fører til assimilation og ikke til en gensidig integration, sådan som retorikken lægger op til. En af forklaringerne er, at mangfoldighedsledelse i mødet med stærke samfundsmæssige institutioner 'oversættes' til lokale varianter. Her spiller diskursen om virksomhedernes sociale ansvar, hvor de etniske minoriteter snarere ses som en byrde, en vigtig rolle

    Krads kritik: Kampen for kontekst

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    Ledelseskonsulenters formning af forandringsprocesser — mellem strategiske "nødvendigheder" og politiske processer

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    Organisatorisk forandring bliver i stigende grad 'outsourcet' til konsulenter. De fremstår som eksperter, som kan oversætte omverdenens forandringer til interne organisatoriske forandringer. I denne artikel belyses, hvordan forandringsprocesserne formes i dynamikken mellem de forskellige aktører og ledelseskoncepterne. På den baggrund analyseres perspektiver for at få prioritet til arbejdsmiljø i sådanne forandringsprocesser

    Theory of Structural Glasses and Supercooled Liquids

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    We review the Random First Order Transition Theory of the glass transition, emphasizing the experimental tests of the theory. Many distinct phenomena are quantitatively predicted or explained by the theory, both above and below the glass transition temperature TgT_g. These include: the viscosity catastrophe and heat capacity jump at TgT_g, and their connection; the non-exponentiality of relaxations and their correlation with the fragility; dynamic heterogeneity in supercooled liquids owing to the mosaic structure; deviations from the Vogel-Fulcher law, connected with strings or fractral cooperative rearrangements; deviations from the Stokes-Einstein relation close to TgT_g; aging, and its correlation with fragility; the excess density of states at cryogenic temperatures due to two level tunneling systems and the Boson Peak.Comment: submitted to Ann. Rev. Phys. Che

    Fra individuel til organisatorisk robusthed

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