1,206 research outputs found

    Hegemoni Budaya Industri dalam Pendidlkan Kontemporer

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    The industrial culture as a product ofan increasingly indus­trial society has greatly influenced the educational system.Its hegemony in the educational system has shifted educationalidealism. Since the industrial culture assumes that man is afactor in production, the aim of education has started tochangefrom its original course for the sake of meeting thedemandsof the industrial field, the market for its product. Afurther consequence of this is that the output of educationno longer meets the expectation concerning what is essentiallyworthy to be the objectiveof education, which is to develophuman resources with all their potentials into better individualswho are independent and increasingly awareof the essence oftheir humanity.There are supposed to be three main agents of education,i.e., the family, the school, and society. However, today the schooltends to be the main support ofeducation while the educatiomil .system runningat schools now in operation has diverged fromthe original idealismofeducation. Education in one alternative.religion, Islam, has not achieved what is intended by the Koranand Hadits, either, because there are not yet any adequate willand ability among Moslems to interpret creatively the religiousteachings and transfer them into some formof educational sys­tem together with its operational steps.The hegemonyofindustrial culture has "forced" the execu­torsof education to use educational concepts and designs thatsupport industrial needsin order that the educational output wouldbe wel1-preparedto enter the job market. The educational systemis then also designed in such a way that practical and pragmaticteaching materials have a greater portion than the students'values in ethics, social matters, religiosity, behavior, and men­tality. This phenomenon will speed up a processofdehumaniza­tion thatwil1 eventual1y result in social and national destruction.Therefore, there needto be steps of reorientation, restructuring,and innovation in the educational system that are based onpotentialsofthe self and stick to religious values to achieve thereal educational objectiv

    Identificação molecular e criopreservação de microalgas verdes (Chlorophyta) isoladas de águas continentais brasileiras.

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    As microalgas são organismos unicelulares fotossintéticos que possuem estrutura celular eucariótica e podem apresentar-se em formas coloniais ou livres. Estes organismos vem sendo amplamente estudados para aplicação em biorremediação e em biorrefinarias. Seu potencial biotecnológico destaca-se na produção de biocombustíveis e bioprodutos, por apresentarem características como alta taxa de crescimento e alta capacidade de armazenamento de substâncias de reserva, como lipídios e amido. Coleções de recursos genéticos e programas de melhoramento, tem como pré-requisito a identificação e manutenção a longo prazo dos organismos depositados nesta coleção. Desta forma, dois marcadores moleculares, o gene cloroplastídeo rbcL e a região ITS2 do DNA ribossômico nuclear, foram utilizados como barcodes de DNA para identificação das cepas microalgais coletadas de águas continentais brasileiras, depositadas na Coleção de Microrganismos Aplicados à Agroenergia da Embrapa. Para manutenção dos recursos genéticos desta coleção em estado metabólico inativo, aplicou-se o método de criopreservação aliado a estratégia de resfriamento lento, utilizando os compostos químicos metanol e dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) como agentes crioprotetores. Os resultados demonstraram que ambos os marcadores possuem variabilidade semelhante. A região ITS2 apresentou primers com maior universalidade, enquanto o gene rbcL um maior poder de discriminação de espécies e um banco de dados com curadoria taxonômica. Os resultados observados nos testes de criopreservação demons traram que é possível utilizar este método para manutenção de microalgas continentais brasileiras em estado metabólico inativo, utilizando DMSO em concentração de 10% como agente crioprotetor.Dissertação (Mestrado em Biotecnologia) - Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Palmas, TO. Orientador CNPAE: Dr. Bruno dos Santos Alves Figueiredo Brasil

    The Analysis of Hierarchical Structure of Mesoporous Silica in Nanometer Scale by Small Angle Scattering Method

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    The analysis of hierarchical structure of mesoporous silica material with template     of cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB) with co-surfactants of tetra-methylammonium hydroxide (TMAOH) and Triton X-100 was conducted by using the technique of small angle scattering (SAS) using neutron (SANS) and X-ray (SAXS). The analysis was supported by the data of nitrogen absorption and electron microscopy. The analysis showed that the concentration of CTAB affected the characteristics and pore structures of particles. The increase of co-surfactant concentrations tended to form particles that were more uniform in size and more regular in the shape of the sphere. The results of SAS analysis showed that the morphology, shape, and size of the large particles were arranged by smaller (primary or secondary) particles that had pores. The variation of surfactant templates had influenced the formation of pore structure. For CTAB-TMAOH, it would had resembled MCM-41 type which has a hexagonal structure, whereasfor CTAB-Triton X-100, it would have resembled MCM-48 type which has a cubic structure. The particles that have a high surface area which resembled pore structure MCM-41 has been able to set up by using 0.25 M of CTAB with 0.040 M of TMAOH. Moreover, the particles which resembled pore structure MCM-48 were able to set up by using 0.03 M of Triton X-100 with 0.4 M of CTAB. The analysis of SANS data that was supported by electron microscopy results is entirely showing a complete information of the particles formed by each template. Whereas SAXS analysis that supported by nitrogen adsorption method is fully confirming the information of pore characteristics

    Penataan Ruang Daerah Aliran Sungai Ciliwung Dengan Pendekatan Kelembagaan Dalam Perspektif Pemantapan Pengelolaan Usahatani

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    Pembangunan yang sangat pesat di Daerah Aliran Sungai Ciliwung mendorong terjadinya konversi lahan pertanian menjadi lahan terbangun. Hal ini menyebabkan berkurangnya daerah resapan air sehingga terjadi banjir. Banjir tersebut merupakan indikasi bahwa tata ruang saat ini tidak sesuai dengan daya dukung wilayah. Selama ini, kebijakan pemerintah untuk penyelesaian pengelolaan kawasan DAS lebih didominasi oleh penyelesaian secara struktural. Selain itu, perencanaan penataan ruang yang telah disusun seringkali menimbulkan adanya konflik sektoral dan kewilayahan. Melalui studi literatur, dapat diketahui bahwa pendekatan yang bersifat nonstruktural harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu sebelum pendekatan struktural. Penataan ruang menggunakan pendekatan kelembagaan merupakan bagian dari pendekatan nonstruktural. Pendekatan kelembagaan dalam pengelolaan kawasan DAS Ciliwung dapat mengacu pada Ostrom\u27s Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD). Mekanisme imbal jasa lingkungan dan pemberian kompensasi dapat dilakukan melalui operasi dan pemeliharaan irigasi serta pengelolaan DAS secara bersamaan. Kualitas DAS yang terjaga dengan baik mampu menanggulangi banjir sekaligus menjaga kontinuitas air irigasi sehingga produktivitas USAhatani meningkat. Alokasi tata ruang kawasan DAS Ciliwung yang optimum dapat diperoleh dengan mengakomodir kebutuhan konservasi dan ekonomi secara bersamaan. Interaksi kelembagaan yang efektif merupakan langkah yang tepat untuk menjamin implementasi pengelolaan DAS secara terpad

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Nelayan Tangkap Tradisional Di Kawasan Pesisir Pantai Moro Demak Dalam Uapaya Peningkatan Produksi Dan Penghematan Bbm

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    Mitra dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang merupakan kelompok nelayan yang tergabung dalam KUD Mino Utomo dan paguyuban nelayan kabupaten Demak. Karya utama dalam kegiatan ini adalah alat pemanggil ikan berupa lampu celup dengan dilengkapi solarsel sebagai sumber energi alternatif pengganti BBM yang ramah lingkungan. Peralatan ini dirancang sebagai lampu atraktor yang dapat meningkatkan hasil tangkapan dan mengurangi biaya operasional. Lampu tersebut dapat di turunkan ke dalam air sampai kedalaman tertentu. Sistim pencahayaan ikan menggunakan lampu listrik dalam air bertenaga surya yang telah dibuat teridiri dari : satu paket lacuba terdiri dari 2 (dua) buah lampu, 1 (satu) buah converter, kabel masing-masing untuk 1 (satu) lampu sepanjang 15 meter, 1 (satu) buah charger, untuk pengisian accu.Dengan adanya alat ini nelayan tidak tergantung pada bahan bakar minyak bumi (BBM), dapat menekan biaya operasional dan akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan

    Studi Dinamika Ekosistem Perairan di Teluk Lampung: Pemodelan Gabungan Hidrodinamika-Ekosistem

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dinamika ekosistem perairan di Teluk Lampung dengan menggunakan gabungan model hidrodinamika-ekosistem dengan pendekatan numerik. Secara umum, hasil simulasi pola arus residu M2 cenderung masuk dari mulut teluk sebelah barat, sebagian terus memasuki sampai kepala teluk dan sebagian keluar kembali dari mulut teluk bagian timur. Selain itu, terlihat pula adanya suatu eddy yang mengalir berlawanan arah jarum jam di sekitar kepala teluk. Pola penyebaran masing-masing kompartimen ekosistem hasil model memiliki kesamaan dengan hasil pengamatan di lapangan, serta konsisten dengan pola arus residu M2. Pengaruh suplai dari sungai, interaksi antara proses biologis seperti produktifitas primer, sekunder (pemangsaan), kematian alami plankton, serta proses dekomposisi oleh bakteri belum begitu berperan dalam neraca dan standing stock ekosistem di Teluk Lampung. Peranan suplai dari laut lebih dominan dibanding dengan proses-proses biokimiawi yang berinteraksi di dalam teluk. Hasil perhitungan tingkat efisiensi aliran energi dari proses dekomposisi dan produksi urine zooplankton ke produktifitas primer mengalami kehilangan sebesar 30.48 %, sementara dari produktifitas primer ke produktifitas sekunder (pemangsaan) mengalami penambahan 17.24 %

    Unitary representations of nilpotent super Lie groups

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    We show that irreducible unitary representations of nilpotent super Lie groups can be obtained by induction from a distinguished class of sub super Lie groups. These sub super Lie groups are natural analogues of polarizing subgroups that appear in classical Kirillov theory. We obtain a concrete geometric parametrization of irreducible unitary representations by nonnegative definite coadjoint orbits. As an application, we prove an analytic generalization of the Stone-von Neumann theorem for Heisenberg-Clifford super Lie groups