66 research outputs found

    Absence of repellents in Ustilago maydis induces genes encoding small secreted proteins

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    The rep1 gene of the maize pathogen Ustilago maydis encodes a pre-pro-protein that is processed in the secretory pathway into 11 peptides. These so-called repellents form amphipathic amyloid fibrils at the surface of aerial hyphae. A SG200 strain in which the rep1 gene is inactivated (∆rep1 strain) is affected in aerial hyphae formation. We here assessed changes in global gene expression as a consequence of the inactivation of the rep1 gene. Microarray analysis revealed that only 31 genes in the ∆rep1 SG200 strain had a fold change in expression of ≥2. Twenty-two of these genes were up-regulated and half of them encode small secreted proteins (SSPs) with unknown functions. Seven of the SSP genes and two other genes that are over-expressed in the ∆rep1 SG200 strain encode proteins that can be classified as secreted cysteine-rich proteins (SCRPs). Interestingly, most of the SCRPs are predicted to form amyloids. The SCRP gene um00792 showed the highest up-regulation in the ∆rep1 strain. Using GFP as a reporter, it was shown that this gene is over-expressed in the layer of hyphae at the medium-air interface. Taken together, it is concluded that inactivation of rep1 hardly affects the expression profile of U. maydis, despite the fact that the mutant strain has a strong reduced ability to form aerial hyphae

    Passive water control at the surface of a superhydrophobic lichen

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    Some lichens have a super-hydrophobic upper surface, which repels water drops, keeping the surface dry but probably preventing water uptake. Spore ejection requires water and is most efficient just after rainfall. This study was carried out to investigate how super-hydrophobic lichens manage water uptake and repellence at their fruiting bodies, or podetia. Drops of water were placed onto separate podetia of Cladonia chlorophaea and observed using optical microscopy and cryo-scanning-electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) techniques to determine the structure of podetia and to visualise their interaction with water droplets. SEM and optical microscopy studies revealed that the surface of the podetia was constructed in a three-level structural hierarchy. By cryo-SEM of water-glycerol droplets placed on the upper part of the podetium, pinning of the droplet to specific, hydrophilic spots (pycnidia/apothecia) was observed. The results suggest a mechanism for water uptake, which is highly sophisticated, using surface wettability to generate a passive response to different types of precipitation in a manner similar to the Namib Desert beetle. This mechanism is likely to be found in other organisms as it offers passive but selective water control

    Amyloids - A functional coat for microorganisms

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    Amyloids are filamentous protein structures ~10 nm wide and 0.1–10 µm long that share a structural motif, the cross-β structure. These fibrils are usually associated with degenerative diseases in mammals. However, recent research has shown that these proteins are also expressed on bacterial and fungal cell surfaces. Microbial amyloids are important in mediating mechanical invasion of abiotic and biotic substrates. In animal hosts, evidence indicates that these protein structures also contribute to colonization by activating host proteases that are involved in haemostasis, inflammation and remodelling of the extracellular matrix. Activation of proteases by amyloids is also implicated in modulating blood coagulation, resulting in potentially life-threatening complications.

    The FlbA-regulated predicted transcription factor Fum21 of <i>Aspergillus niger</i> is involved in fumonisin production

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    Aspergillus niger secretes proteins throughout the colony except for the zone that forms asexual spores called conidia. Inactivation of flbA that encodes a regulator of G-protein signaling results in colonies that are unable to reproduce asexually and that secrete proteins throughout the mycelium. In addition, the ΔflbA strain shows cell lysis and has thinner cell walls. Expression analysis showed that 38 predicted transcription factor genes are differentially expressed in strain ΔflbA. Here, the most down-regulated predicted transcription factor gene, called fum21, was inactivated. Growth, conidiation, and protein secretion were not affected in strain Δfum21. Whole genome expression analysis revealed that 63 and 11 genes were down- and up-regulated in Δfum21, respectively, when compared to the wild-type strain. Notably, 24 genes predicted to be involved in secondary metabolism were down-regulated in Δfum21, including 10 out of 12 genes of the fumonisin cluster. This was accompanied by absence of fumonisin production in the deletion strain and a 25% reduction in production of pyranonigrin A. Together, these results link FlbA-mediated sporulation-inhibited secretion with mycotoxin production

    Post-genomic approaches to understanding interactions between fungi and their environment

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    Fungi inhabit every natural and anthropogenic environment on Earth. They have highly varied life-styles including saprobes (using only dead biomass as a nutrient source), pathogens (feeding on living biomass), and symbionts (co-existing with other organisms). These distinctions are not absolute as many species employ several life styles (e.g. saprobe and opportunistic pathogen, saprobe and mycorrhiza). To efficiently survive in these different and often changing environments, fungi need to be able to modify their physiology and in some cases will even modify their local environment. Understanding the interaction between fungi and their environments has been a topic of study for many decades. However, recently these studies have reached a new dimension. The availability of fungal genomes and development of post-genomic technologies for fungi, such as transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, have enabled more detailed studies into this topic resulting in new insights. Based on a Special Interest Group session held during IMC9, this paper provides examples of the recent advances in using (post-)genomic approaches to better understand fungal interactions with their environments

    Functional distinction of hyphal compartments

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    Hyphae of higher fungi grow at their tips and are compartmentalized by porous septa that enable inter-compartmental cytoplasmic streaming. Woronin bodies discontinue cytoplasmic streaming by plugging the septal pores. Here, it was assessed whether apical compartments of Aspergillus niger sustain their own growth or whether their growth depends on subapical compartments. Hyphae of wildtype and the ΔhexA strain, lacking Woronin bodies, had a similar morphology and growth rate. A total of 58% and 17% of the hyphae continued growing, respectively, after dissecting the 2nd compartment. Extension rate of the apical compartments that continued growing was not affected, even when the carbon or nitrogen source was limiting. Thus, apical compartments are self-sustaining in growth. It was also shown that the first 8 subapical compartments of the wildtype, but not of the ΔhexA strain, function as a backup system for growth by forming new branches when their apical neighbouring compartment has been damaged. This backup system is pivotal in nature because of the life style of fungi to continuously explore their surrounding substrate that may prove hostile

    Growth induced translocation effectively directs an amino acid analogue to developing zones in Agaricus bisporus

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    The vegetative mycelium of Agaricus bisporus supplies developing white button mushrooms with water and nutrients. However, it is not yet known which part of the mycelium contributes to the feeding of the mushrooms and how this depends on growth conditions. Here we used photon counting scintillation imaging to track translocation of the 14C-radiolabeled metabolically inert amino acid analogue α-aminoisobutyric acid (14C-AIB). Translocation to the periphery of the mycelium was observed in actively growing vegetative mycelium with a velocity of up to 6.6 mm h−1, which was 30-fold higher than the growth rate. Furthermore, 14C-AIB translocated to neighboring colonies after fusion by anastomosis depending on the relative growth rate in these colonies. When mushrooms started to develop, translocation of 14C-AIB was redirected to the fruiting bodies via mycelium and hyphal cords. More abundant mycelial cord formation and a 5-fold higher rate of translocation was observed for cultures growing directionally from inoculum located at one side of the substrate, when compared to non-directional growth (inoculum mixed throughout the substrate). The maximum translocation distance was also greater (≥50 and 22 cm, respectively). In conclusion, 14C-AIB translocation switches between vegetative growth and towards developing mushrooms, especially via cords and when source–sink relationships change