210 research outputs found

    Non-detection of a statistically anisotropic power spectrum in large-scale structure

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    We search a sample of photometric luminous red galaxies (LRGs) measured by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) for a quadrupolar anisotropy in the primordial power spectrum, in which P(\vec{k}) is an isotropic power spectrum P(k) multiplied by a quadrupolar modulation pattern. We first place limits on the 5 coefficients of a general quadrupole anisotropy. We also consider axisymmetric quadrupoles of the form P(\vec{k}) = P(k){1 + g_*[(\hat{k}\cdot\hat{n})^2-1/3]} where \hat{n} is the axis of the anisotropy. When we force the symmetry axis \hat{n} to be in the direction (l,b)=(94 degrees,26 degrees) identified in the recent Groeneboom et al. analysis of the cosmic microwave background, we find g_*=0.006+/-0.036 (1 sigma). With uniform priors on \hat{n} and g_* we find that -0.41<g_*<+0.38 with 95% probability, with the wide range due mainly to the large uncertainty of asymmetries aligned with the Galactic Plane. In none of these three analyses do we detect evidence for quadrupolar power anisotropy in large scale structure.Comment: 23 pages; 10 figures; 3 tables; replaced with version published in JCAP (added discussion of scale-varying quadrupolar anisotropy

    Searching for planar signatures in WMAP

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    We search for planar deviations of statistical isotropy in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data by applying a recently introduced angular-planar statistics both to full-sky and to masked temperature maps, including in our analysis the effect of the residual foreground contamination and systematics in the foreground removing process as sources of error. We confirm earlier findings that full-sky maps exhibit anomalies at the planar (ll) and angular (\ell) scales (l,)=(2,5),(4,7),(l,\ell)=(2,5),(4,7), and (6,8)(6,8), which seem to be due to unremoved foregrounds since this features are present in the full-sky map but not in the masked maps. On the other hand, our test detects slightly anomalous results at the scales (l,)=(10,8)(l,\ell)=(10,8) and (2,9)(2,9) in the masked maps but not in the full-sky one, indicating that the foreground cleaning procedure (used to generate the full-sky map) could not only be creating false anomalies but also hiding existing ones. We also find a significant trace of an anomaly in the full-sky map at the scale (l,)=(10,5)(l,\ell)=(10,5), which is still present when we consider galactic cuts of 18.3% and 28.4%. As regards the quadrupole (=2\ell=2), we find a coherent over-modulation over the whole celestial sphere, for all full-sky and cut-sky maps. Overall, our results seem to indicate that current CMB maps derived from WMAP data do not show significant signs of anisotropies, as measured by our angular-planar estimator. However, we have detected a curious coherence of planar modulations at angular scales of the order of the galaxy's plane, which may be an indication of residual contaminations in the full- and cut-sky maps.Comment: 15 pages with pdf figure

    Anisotropic Inflation from Charged Scalar Fields

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    We consider models of inflation with U(1) gauge fields and charged scalar fields including symmetry breaking potential, chaotic inflation and hybrid inflation. We show that there exist attractor solutions where the anisotropies produced during inflation becomes comparable to the slow-roll parameters. In the models where the inflaton field is a charged scalar field the gauge field becomes highly oscillatory at the end of inflation ending inflation quickly. Furthermore, in charged hybrid inflation the onset of waterfall phase transition at the end of inflation is affected significantly by the evolution of the background gauge field. Rapid oscillations of the gauge field and its coupling to inflaton can have interesting effects on preheating and non-Gaussianities.Comment: minor changes, references added, figures are modified, conforms JCAP published versio

    The Cold Spot as a Large Void: Lensing Effect on CMB Two and Three Point Correlation Functions

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    The "Cold Spot" in the CMB sky could be due to the presence of an anomalous huge spherical underdense region - a "Void" - of a few hundreds Mpc/h radius. Such a structure would have an impact on the CMB two-point (power spectrum) and three-point (bispectrum) correlation functions not only at low-l, but also at high-l through Lensing, which is a unique signature of a Void. Modeling such an underdensity with an LTB metric, we show that for the power spectrum the effect should be visible already in the WMAP data only if the Void radius is at least L \gtrsim 1 Gpc/h, while it will be visible by the Planck satellite if L \gtrsim 500 Mpc/h. We also speculate that this could be linked to the high-l detection of an hemispherical power asymmetry in the sky. Moreover, there should be non-zero correlations in the non-diagonal two-point function. For the bispectrum, the effect becomes important for squeezed triangles with two very high l's: this signal can be detected by Planck if the Void radius is at least L \gtrsim 300 Mpc/h, while higher resolution experiments should be able to probe the entire parameter space. We have also estimated the contamination of the primordial non-Gaussianity f_NL due to this signal, which turns out to be negligible.Comment: v1: 18 pages, 12 figures; v2: 19 pages, 12 figures, calculation of bispectrum improved, reference added, published version; v3: 19 pages, 12 figures, refined eq.(9) and related figures, conclusions strengthene

    Temperature and Polarization Patterns in Anisotropic Cosmologies

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    We study the coherent temperature and polarization patterns produced in homogeneous but anisotropic cosmological models. We show results for all Bianchi types with a Friedman-Robertson-Walker limit (i.e. Types I, V, VII0_{0}, VIIh_{h} and IX) to illustrate the range of possible behaviour. We discuss the role of spatial curvature, shear and rotation in the geodesic equations for each model and establish some basic results concerning the symmetries of the patterns produced. We also give examples of the time-evolution of these patterns in terms of the Stokes parameters II, QQ and UU.Comment: 24 pages, 7 Figures, submitted to JCAP. Revised version: numerous references added, text rewritten, and errors corrected

    Bubble, Bubble, Flow and Hubble: Large Scale Galaxy Flow from Cosmological Bubble Collisions

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    We study large scale structure in the cosmology of Coleman-de Luccia bubble collisions. Within a set of controlled approximations we calculate the effects on galaxy motion seen from inside a bubble which has undergone such a collision. We find that generically bubble collisions lead to a coherent bulk flow of galaxies on some part of our sky, the details of which depend on the initial conditions of the collision and redshift to the galaxy in question. With other parameters held fixed the effects weaken as the amount of inflation inside our bubble grows, but can produce measurable flows past the number of efolds required to solve the flatness and horizon problems.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, pdftex, minor corrections and references adde

    Searching for hidden mirror symmetries in CMB fluctuations from WMAP 7 year maps

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    We search for hidden mirror symmetries at large angular scales in the WMAP 7 year Internal Linear Combination map of CMB temperature anisotropies using global pixel based estimators introduced for this aim. Two different axes are found for which the CMB intensity pattern is anomalously symmetric (or anti-symmetric) under reflection with respect to orthogonal planes at the 99.84(99.96)% CL (confidence level), if compared to a result for an arbitrary axis in simulations without the symmetry. We have verified that our results are robust to the introduction of the galactic mask. The direction of such axes is close to the CMB kinematic dipole and nearly orthogonal to the ecliptic plane, respectively. If instead the real data are compared to those in simulations taken with respect to planes for which the maximal mirror symmetry is generated by chance, the confidence level decreases to 92.39 (76.65)%. But when the effect in question translates into the anomalous alignment between normals to planes of maximal mirror (anti)-symmetry and these natural axes mentioned. We also introduce the representation of the above estimators in the harmonic domain, confirming the results obtained in the pixel one. The symmetry anomaly is shown to be almost entirely due to low multipoles, so it may have a cosmological and even primordial origin. Contrary, the anti-symmetry one is mainly due to intermediate multipoles that probably suggests its non-fundamental nature. We have demonstrated that these anomalies are not connected to the known issue of the low variance in WMAP observations and we have checked that axially symmetric parts of these anomalies are small, so that the axes are not the symmetry ones.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Consideration and discussion expanded, 5 figures and 1 table added, main conclusions unchange

    Constraints on cosmic hemispherical power anomalies from quasars

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    Recent analyses of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps from the WMAP satellite have uncovered evidence for a hemispherical power anomaly, i.e. a dipole modulation of the CMB power spectrum at large angular scales with an amplitude of +/-14 percent. Erickcek et al have put forward an inflationary model to explain this anomaly. Their scenario is a variation on the curvaton scenario in which the curvaton possesses a large-scale spatial gradient that modulates the amplitude of CMB fluctuations. We show that this scenario would also lead to a spatial gradient in the amplitude of perturbations sigma_8, and hence to a dipole asymmetry in any highly biased tracer of the underlying density field. Using the high-redshift quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we find an upper limit on such a gradient of |nabla sigma_8|/sigma_8<0.027/r_{lss} (99% posterior probability), where r_{lss} is the comoving distance to the last-scattering surface. This rules out the simplest version of the curvaton spatial gradient scenario.Comment: matches JCAP accepted version (minor revisions

    Foreground removal from CMB temperature maps using an MLP neural network

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    One of the main obstacles in extracting the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) signal from observations in the mm-submm range is the foreground contamination by emission from galactic components: mainly synchrotron, free-free and thermal dust emission. Due to the statistical nature of the intrinsic CMB signal it is essential to minimize the systematic errors in the CMB temperature determinations. Following the available knowledge of the spectral behavior of the galactic foregrounds simple, power law-like spectra have been assumed. The feasibility of using a simple neural network for extracting the CMB temperature signal from the combined CMB and foreground signals has been investigated. As a specific example, we have analysed simulated data, like that expected from the ESA Planck Surveyor mission. A simple multilayer perceptron neural network with 2 hidden layers can provide temperature estimates, over more than 80 percent of the sky, that are to a high degree uncorrelated with the foreground signals. A single network will be able to cover the dynamic range of the Planck noise level over the entire sky.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Can we detect Hot or Cold spots in the CMB with Minkowski Functionals?

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    In this paper, we investigate the utility of Minkowski Functionals as a probe of cold/hot disk-like structures in the CMB. In order to construct an accurate estimator, we resolve a long-standing issue with the use of Minkowski Functionals as probes of the CMB sky -- namely that of systematic differences ("residuals") when numerical and analytical MF are compared. We show that such residuals are in fact by-products of binning, and not caused by pixelation or masking as originally thought. We then derive a map-independent estimator that encodes the effects of binning, applicable to beyond our present work. Using this residual-free estimator, we show that small disk-like effects (as claimed by Vielva et al.) can be detected only when a large sample of such maps are averaged over. In other words, our estimator is noise-dominated for small disk sizes at WMAP resolution. To confirm our suspicion, we apply our estimator to the WMAP7 data to obtain a null result.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure