946 research outputs found

    Literaturauswertung Lebenslanges Lernen und Literaturnachweis zur Literaturauswertung Lebenslanges Lernen:Anhang 3 und Anhang 4 zur Strategie fĂĽr Lebenslanges Lernen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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    Diese Literaturauswertung wurde vom DIE im Auftrag des BMBF im Zeitraum September 2003 bis Juli 2004 im Zusammenhang mit der BLK-Veröffentlichung „Strategie für Lebenslanges Lernen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ (http://www.blk-bonn.de/papers/heft115.pdf) der BLK Ad-hoc-AG vorgenommen. Sie stellt Literatur zum Lernen in unterschiedlichen Lebensphasen (Kinder, Jugendliche, junge Erwachsene, Erwachsene und Ältere) und zu Entwicklungsschwerpunkten lebenslangen Lernens (Einbeziehung informellen Lernens, Selbststeuerung, Kompetenzentwicklung, Vernetzung, Modularisierung, Lernberatung, Neue Lernkultur/Popularisierung des Lernens und chancengerechter Zugang) zusammen. Ergänzt wird die Darstellung durch Informationen zur Entwicklung lebenslangen Lernens im bildungspolitischen und erziehungswissenschaftlichen Diskurs und durch die Dokumentation bildungspolitischer Dokumente des Europarats, der OECD, der UNESCO, der Europäischen Union und der Weltbank. Zur Auswertung gehört ein 23-seitiger Literaturnachwei

    Elucidation of the metabolites of the novel psychoactive substance 4-methyl-N-ethyl-cathinone (4-MEC) in human urine and pooled liver microsomes by GC-MS & LC-HR-MS/MS techniques and of its detectability by GC-MS or LC-MS(n) standard screening approaches

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    4-methyl-N-ethcathinone (4-MEC), the N-ethyl homologue of mephedrone, is a novel psychoactive substance of the beta-keto amphetamine (cathinone) group. The aim of the present work was to study the phase I and phase II metabolism of 4-MEC in human urine as well as in pooled human liver microsome (pHLM) incubations. The urine samples were worked up with and without enzymatic cleavage, the pHLM incubations by simple deproteinization. The metabolites were separated and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-high resolution-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-HR-MS/MS). Based on the metabolites identified in urine and/or pHLM, the following metabolic pathways could be proposed: reduction of the keto group, N-deethylation, hydroxylation of the 4-methyl group followed by further oxidation to the corresponding 4-carboxy metabolite, and combinations of these steps. Glucuronidation could only be observed for the hydroxy metabolite. These pathways were similar to those described for the N-methyl homologue mephedrone and other related drugs. In pHLM, all phase I metabolites with the exception of the N-deethyl-dihydro isomers and the 4-carboxy-dihydro metabolite could be confirmed. Glucuronides could not be formed under the applied conditions. Although the taken dose was not clear, an intake of 4-MEC should be detectable in urine by the GC-MS and LC-MS(n) standard urine screening approaches at least after overdose

    Biotransformation and detectability of the designer drug 2,5-dimethoxy-4-propylphenethylamine (2C-P) studied in urine by GC-MS, LC-MS(n), and LC-high-resolution-MS(n)

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    2,5-Dimethoxy-4-propylphenethylamine (2C-P) is a hallucinogenic designer drug of the phenethylamine class, the so-called 2Cs, named according to the ethyl spacer between the nitrogen and the aromatic ring. The aims of the present work were to identify the phases I and II metabolites of 2C-P. In addition, the detectability of 2C-P and its metabolites in urine as proof of an intake in clinical or forensic cases was tested. According to the identified metabolites, the following pathways were proposed: N-acetylation; deamination followed by reduction to the corresponding alcohol and oxidation to carbonic acid; mono- and bis-hydroxylation at different positions; mono- and bis-O-demethylation, followed by glucuronidation, sulfation, or both; and combination of these steps. Proof of an intake of a common user\u27s dose of 2C-P was possible by both standard urine screening approaches, the GC-MS as well as the LC-MS(n) approach

    Ketamine-derived designer drug methoxetamine: metabolism including isoenzyme kinetics and toxicological detectability using GC-MS and LC-(HR-)MS n

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    Methoxetamine (MXE; 2-(3-methoxyphenyl)-2-(N-ethylamino)-cyclohexanone), a ketamine analog, is a new designer drug and synthesized for its longer lasting and favorable pharmacological effects over ketamine. The aims of the presented study were to identify the phases I and II metabolites of MXE in rat and human urine by GC-MS and LC-high-resolution (HR)-MS n and to evaluate their detectability by GC-MS and LC-MSn using authors’ standard urine screening approaches (SUSAs). Furthermore, human cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes were identified to be involved in the initial metabolic steps of MXE in vitro, and respective enzyme kinetic studies using the metabolite formation and substrate depletion approach were conducted. Finally, human urine samples from forensic cases, where the ingestion of MXE was suspected, were analyzed. Eight metabolites were identified in rat and different human urines allowing postulation of the following metabolic pathways: N-deethylation, O-demethylation, hydroxylation, and combinations as well as glucuronidation or sulfation. The enzyme kinetic studies showed that the initial metabolic step in humans, the N-deethylation, was catalyzed by CYP2B6 and CYP3A4. Both SUSAs using GC-MS or LC-MSn allowed monitoring an MXE intake in urine
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