43 research outputs found

    Diffusive transport and self-consistent dynamics in coupled maps

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    The study of diffusion in Hamiltonian systems has been a problem of interest for a number of years. In this paper we explore the influence of self-consistency on the diffusion properties of systems described by coupled symplectic maps. Self-consistency, i.e. the back-influence of the transported quantity on the velocity field of the driving flow, despite of its critical importance, is usually overlooked in the description of realistic systems, for example in plasma physics. We propose a class of self-consistent models consisting of an ensemble of maps globally coupled through a mean field. Depending on the kind of coupling, two different general types of self-consistent maps are considered: maps coupled to the field only through the phase, and fully coupled maps, i.e. through the phase and the amplitude of the external field. The analogies and differences of the diffusion properties of these two kinds of maps are discussed in detail.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Toward the automated analysis of plasma physics problems

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    A program (CALC) is described, which carries out nontrivial plasma physics calculations, in a manner intended to emulate the approach of a human theorist. This includes the initial process of gathering the relevant equations from a plasma knowledge base, and then determining how to solve them. Solution of the sets of equations governing physics problems, which in general have a nonuniform,irregular structure, not amenable to solution by standardized algorithmic procedures, is facilitated by an analysis of the structure of the equations and the relations among them. This often permits decompositions of the full problem into subproblems, and other simplifications in form, which renders the resultant subsystems soluble by more standardized tools. CALC's operation is illustrated by a detailed description of its treatment of a sample plasma calculation. 5 refs., 3 figs

    Guiding-center Hamiltonian figure-8 particles in axisymmetric field-reversed configurations

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    The guiding-center Hamiltonian K is derived for so-called figure-8 particles which are present in field-reversed mirror configurations, using a formalism developed previously. For such particles, the gyro-orbit cannot be approximated by a circle, and standard approaches to guiding-center theory are thus totally inapplicable. K manifests this intrinsic difference by a quite different dependence on the gyroaction, and by familiar effects such as mirroring and magnetic-gradient drifts being controlled by the radial derivative of the magnetic field strength B at the point of field-reversal, rather than by B itself, as occurs in standard guiding-center theory

    The generalized Balescu-Lenard collision operator: A unifying concept for tokamak transport

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    The generalization of the Balescu-Lenard collision operator to its fully electromagnetic counterpart in Kaufman's action-angle formalism is derived and its properties investigated. The general form may be specialized to any particular geometry where the unperturbed particle motion is integrable, and thus includes cylindrical plasmas, inhomogeneous slabs with nonuniform magnetic fields, tokamaks, and the particularly simple geometry of the standard operator as special cases. The general form points to the commonality between axisymmetric, turbulent, and ripple transport, and implies properties (e.g., intrinsic ambipolarity) which should be shared by them, under appropriate conditions. Along with a turbulent ''anomalous diffusion coefficient'' calculated for tokamaks in previous work, an ''anomalous pinch'' term of closely related structure and scaling is also implied by the generalized operator. 20 refs. (LSP

    Verification of the classical theory of helical transport in stellarators

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    The apparent discrepancies of the classical theory of helical transport in stellarators, versus two recent numerical studies of stellarator transport, are investigated. Numerical results are presented, verifying the classical theory, when the model for the magnetic field has the simple form assumed by the classical theory. When the helical contribution to the total transport is isolated numerically, and the different energy dependence of the particle distribution is accounted for, the results of one of the numerical studies is brought into substantial agreement with theory. It is argued that the anomalously favorable low collisionality results of the second numerical study are due partly to numerical procedure, and partly to a more complicated spatial dependence of the magnetic field. The latter may enable collisionless helical detrapping to dominate the usual collisional mechanism at low collisionality, thereby controlling transport