701 research outputs found

    A family of triaxial modified Hubble mass models: effects of the additional radial functions

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    The projected properties of triaxial generalization of the modified Hubble mass models are studied. These models are constructed by adding the additional radial functions, each multiplied by a low-order spherical harmonic, to the models of \citet{ct00}. The projected surface density of mass models can be calculated analytically which allows us to derive the analytic expressions of axial ratio and position angles of major axis of constant density elliptical contours at asymptotic radii. The models are more general than those studied earlier in the sense that the inclusions of additional terms in density distribution, allows one to produce varieties of the radial profile of axial ratio and position angle, in particular, their small scale variations at inner radii. Strong correlations are found to exist between the observed axial ratio evaluated at 0.25Re0.25 R_{e} and at 4Re4 R_{e} which occupy well-separated regions in the parameter space for different choices of the intrinsic axial ratios. These correlations can be exploited to predict the intrinsic shape of the mass model, independent of the viewing angles. Using Bayesian statistics, the result of a test case launched for an estimation of the shape of a model galaxy is found to be satisfactory.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in New Astronom

    Glueballs and k-strings in SU(N) gauge theories : calculations with improved operators

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    We test a variety of blocking and smearing algorithms for constructing glueball and string wave-functionals, and find some with much improved overlaps onto the lightest states. We use these algorithms to obtain improved results on the tensions of k-strings in SU(4), SU(6), and SU(8) gauge theories. We emphasise the major systematic errors that still need to be controlled in calculations of heavier k-strings, and perform calculations in SU(4) on an anisotropic lattice in a bid to minimise one of these. All these results point to the k-string tensions lying part-way between the `MQCD' and `Casimir Scaling' conjectures, with the power in 1/N of the leading correction lying in [1,2]. We also obtain some evidence for the presence of quasi-stable strings in calculations that do not use sources, and observe some near-degeneracies between (excited) strings in different representations. We also calculate the lightest glueball masses for N=2, ...,8, and extrapolate to N=infinity, obtaining results compatible with earlier work. We show that the N=infinity factorisation of the Euclidean correlators that are used in such mass calculations does not make the masses any less calculable at large N.Comment: 49 pages, 15 figure

    Baryogenesis in Cosmological Model with Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification

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    We have developed a concept of parallel existence of the ordinary (O) and hidden (H) worlds with a superstring-inspired E_6 unification, broken at the early stage of the Universe into SO(10) X U(1) - in the O-world, and SU(6)' X SU(2)' - in the H-world. As a result, we have obtained in the hidden world the low energy symmetry group G'_SM X SU(2)'_\theta, instead of the Standard Model group G_SM. The additional non-Abelian SU(2)'_\theta group with massless gauge fields, "thetons", is responsible for the dark energy. We present a baryogenesis mechanism with the B-L asymmetry produced by the conversion of ordinary leptons into particles of the hidden sector.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Random Exchange Disorder in the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain

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    The one-dimensional XXZ model is studied in the presence of disorder in the Heisenberg Exchange Integral. Recent predictions obtained from renormalization group calculations are investigated numerically using a Lanczos algorithm on chains of up to 18 sites. It is found that in the presence of strong X-Y-symmetric random exchange couplings, a ``random singlet'' phase with quasi-long-range order in the spin-spin correlations persists. As the planar anisotropy is varied, the full zero-temperature phase diagram is obtained and compared with predictions of Doty and Fisher [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 45 }, 2167 (1992)].Comment: 9 pages + 8 plots appended, RevTex, FSU-SCRI-93-98 and ORNL/CCIP/93/1

    The S-matrix of the Faddeev-Reshetikhin Model, Diagonalizability and PT Symmetry

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    We study the question of diagonalizability of the Hamiltonian for the Faddeev-Reshetikhin (FR) model in the two particle sector. Although the two particle S-matrix element for the FR model, which may be relevant for the quantization of strings on AdS5×S5AdS_{5}\times S^{5}, has been calculated recently using field theoretic methods, we find that the Hamiltonian for the system in this sector is not diagonalizable. We trace the difficulty to the fact that the interaction term in the Hamiltonian violating Lorentz invariance leads to discontinuity conditions (matching conditions) that cannot be satisfied. We determine the most general quartic interaction Hamiltonian that can be diagonalized. This includes the bosonic Thirring model as well as the bosonic chiral Gross-Neveu model which we find share the same S-matrix. We explain this by showing, through a Fierz transformation, that these two models are in fact equivalent. In addition, we find a general quartic interaction Hamiltonian, violating Lorentz invariance, that can be diagonalized with the same two particle S-matrix element as calculated by Klose and Zarembo for the FR model. This family of generalized interaction Hamiltonians is not Hermitian, but is PTPT symmetric. We show that the wave functions for this system are also PTPT symmetric. Thus, the theory is in a PTPT unbroken phase which guarantees the reality of the energy spectrum as well as the unitarity of the S-matrix.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure; references added, version published in JHE

    Le Chatelier-Braun principle in cosmological physics

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    Assuming that dark energy may be treated as a fluid with a well defined temperature, close to equilibrium, we argue that if nowadays there is a transfer of energy between dark energy and dark matter, it must be such that the latter gains energy from the former and not the other way around.Comment: 6 pages, revtex file, no figures; version accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    The gauge-string duality and heavy ion collisions

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    I review at a non-technical level the use of the gauge-string duality to study aspects of heavy ion collisions, with special emphasis on the trailing string calculation of heavy quark energy loss. I include some brief speculations on how variants of the trailing string construction could provide a toy model of black hole formation and evaporation. This essay is an invited contribution to "Forty Years of String Theory" and is aimed at philosophers and historians of science as well as physicists.Comment: 21 page

    Spin injection into a ballistic semiconductor microstructure

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    A theory of spin injection across a ballistic ferromagnet-semiconductor-ferromagnet junction is developed for the Boltzmann regime. Spin injection coefficient γ\gamma is suppressed by the Sharvin resistance of the semiconductor rN=(h/e2)(π2/SN)r_N^*=(h/e^2)(\pi^2/S_N), where SNS_N is the Fermi-surface cross-section. It competes with the diffusion resistances of the ferromagnets rFr_F, and γrF/rN1\gamma\sim r_F/r_N^*\ll 1 in the absence of contact barriers. Efficient spin injection can be ensured by contact barriers. Explicit formulae for the junction resistance and the spin-valve effect are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 2 column REVTeX. Explicit prescription relating the results of the ballistic and diffusive theories of spin injection is added. To this end, some notations are changed. Three references added, typos correcte

    A scheme with two large extra dimensions confronted with neutrino physics

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    We investigate a particle physics model in a six-dimensional spacetime, where two extra dimensions form a torus. Particles with Standard Model charges are confined by interactions with a scalar field to four four-dimensional branes, two vortices accommodating ordinary type fermions and two antivortices accommodating mirror fermions. We investigate the phenomenological implications of this multibrane structure by confronting the model with neutrino physics data.Comment: LATEX, 24 pages, 9 figures, minor changes in the tex

    Caustic Formation in Tachyon Effective Field Theories

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    Certain configurations of D-branes, for example wrong dimensional branes or the brane-antibrane system, are unstable to decay. This instability is described by the appearance of a tachyonic mode in the spectrum of open strings ending on the brane(s). The decay of these unstable systems is described by the rolling of the tachyon field from the unstable maximum to the minimum of its potential. We analytically study the dynamics of the inhomogeneous tachyon field as it rolls towards the true vacuum of the theory in the context of several different tachyon effective actions. We find that the vacuum dynamics of these theories is remarkably similar and in particular we show that in all cases the tachyon field forms caustics where second and higher derivatives of the field blow up. The formation of caustics signals a pathology in the evolution since each of the effective actions considered is not reliable in the vicinity of a caustic. We speculate that the formation of caustics is an artifact of truncating the tachyon action, which should contain all orders of derivatives acting on the field, to a finite number of derivatives. Finally, we consider inhomogeneous solutions in p-adic string theory, a toy model of the bosonic tachyon which contains derivatives of all orders acting on the field. For a large class of initial conditions we conclusively show that the evolution is well behaved in this case. It is unclear if these caustics are a genuine prediction of string theory or not.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in JHEP. Revised derivation of eikonal equation for the DBI action. Added comments concerning the relationship between p-adic string theory and tachyon matter. Added second example of inhomogeneous evolution in p-adic string theory. Misleading statements concerning caustic-free evolution removed, references adde