17 research outputs found

    Modelling astronomical climate signals in fluvial stratigraphy

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    Orbital climate forcing is demonstrated to result in cyclic changes as reflected in the catchment, including precipitation, temperature, vegetation, sediment supply and water discharge. All of these are known to largely impact alluvial architecture. Climate change related to the 21-kyr precession cycle was proposed as driver of regularly-alternating river avulsion and overbank phases in the Eocene Willwood Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA (Abels et al. 2013; 2016). This study aims to explore the conditions that are favourable for these climate cyclic signals to be preserved in the fluvial stratigraphy

    Modelling astronomical climate signals in fluvial stratigraphy

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    Orbital climate forcing is demonstrated to result in cyclic changes as reflected in the catchment, including precipitation, temperature, vegetation, sediment supply and water discharge. All of these are known to largely impact alluvial architecture. Climate change related to the 21-kyr precession cycle was proposed as driver of regularly-alternating river avulsion and overbank phases in the Eocene Willwood Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA (Abels et al. 2013; 2016). This study aims to explore the conditions that are favourable for these climate cyclic signals to be preserved in the fluvial stratigraphy.Applied Geolog

    Modelling orbital climate signals in fluvial stratigraphy

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    There are certain orbital cycles influencing the relative position and location of the earth towards the sun, resulting in the cyclic insolation received on the earth, which causes climate changes and subsequent environmental response in the catchment, including precipitation, temperature, and vegetation, and so on. Furthermore, such catchment responses induce cyclic variation of source materials, including sediment supply and water discharge in the entry of a fluvial basin. Climate change related to the 21-kyr precession cycle was proposed as the driver of regularly-alternating river avulsion and overbank phases in the Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA 1-2. This study aims to simulate the building-up process of fluvial stratigraphy under the action of precession.Applied Geolog

    Evaluating alluvial stratigraphic response to cyclic and non-cyclic upstream forcing through process-based alluvial architecture modelling

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    Formation of alluvial stratigraphy is controlled by autogenic processes that mix their imprints with allogenic forcing. In some alluvial successions, sedimentary cycles have been linked to astronomically-driven, cyclic climate changes. However, it remains challenging to define how such cyclic allogenic forcing leads to sedimentary cycles when it continuously occurs in concert with autogenic forcing. Accordingly, we evaluate the impact of cyclic and non-cyclic upstream forcing on alluvial stratigraphy through a process-based alluvial architecture model, the Karssenberg and Bridge (2008) model (KB08). The KB08 model depicts diffusion-based sediment transport, erosion and deposition within a network of channel belts and associated floodplains, with river avulsion dependent on lateral floodplain gradient, flood magnitude and frequency, and stochastic components. We find cyclic alluvial stratigraphic patterns to occur when there is cyclicity in the ratio of sediment supply over water discharge (Qs/Qw ratio), in the precondition that the allogenic forcing has sufficiently large amplitudes and long, but not very long, wavelengths, depending on inherent properties of the modelled basin (e.g. basin subsidence, size, and slope). Each alluvial stratigraphic cycle consists of two phases: an aggradation phase characterized by rapid sedimentation due to frequent channel shifting and a non-deposition phase characterized by channel belt stability and, depending on Qs/Qw amplitudes, incision. Larger Qs/Qw ratio amplitudes contribute to weaker downstream signal shredding by stochastic components in the model. Floodplain topographic differences are found to be compensated by autogenic dynamics at certain compensational timescales in fully autogenic runs, while the presence of allogenic forcing clearly impacts the compensational stacking patterns.Applied Geolog

    Codes and data for "Evaluating alluvial stratigraphic response to cyclic and non-cyclic upstream forcing through process-based alluvial architecture modelling".

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    With this dataset generated using the method by Karssenberg and Bridge (2008), we are able to evaluate the impact of cyclic and non-cyclic upstream forcing on alluvial stratigraphy through a process-based alluvial architecture model. We find cyclic alluvial stratigraphic patterns to occur when there is cyclicity in the ratio of sediment supply over water discharge (Qs/Qw ratio), in the precondition that the allogenic forcing has sufficiently large amplitudes and long, but not very long, wavelengths, depending on inherent properties of the modelled basin (e.g. basin subsidence, size, slope, etc). Each alluvial stratigraphic cycle consists of two phases: an aggradation phase characterized by rapid sedimentation due to frequent channel shifting and a non-deposition phase characterized by channel belt stability and, depending on Qs/Qw amplitudes, incision. Larger Qs/Qw ratio amplitudes contribute to weaker downstream signal shredding by stochastic components in the model. Floodplain topographic differences are found to be compensated by autogenic dynamics at certain compensational time scales in fully autogenic runs, while the presence of allogenic forcing clearly impacts the compensational stacking patterns

    Sandstone body character and river planform styles of the lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA

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    ABSTRACT The lower Eocene Willwood Formation of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA, is an alluvial succession with a sand content varying around 25 palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates, as well as sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis. Channel dynamics were studied at a relatively low resolution throughout the basin over the geological time from late Palaeocene to early Eocene. Here, a high-resolution study is reported to complement previous research at the basin scale. Efforts are made to document the characteristics and river planform styles of most sandstone bodies encountered through ca 300 m of alluvial stratigraphy in a 10 km2 area of the Deer Creek part of the McCullough Peaks area situated in the basin axis of northern Bighorn Basin. Four channel facies associations are recognized and ascribed to four river planform styles: crevasse channel, trunk channel, braided-like channel and sinuous-like channel, with the latter two types dominant. Braided-like and sinuous-like channel sandstone bodies differ significantly in thicknesses, being on average 6.1 m versus 9.0 m, but they have similar palaeoflow–perpendicular widths of on average 231 m and palaeoflow directions of on average N 003°. Braided-like and sinuous-like river planform styles show no spatial dependency in the 10 km2 study area. Results of this study are in line with existing basin-scale depositional models that are composed of a single axial system fed by several transverse systems dominantly from the west. The feeding of these systems could be influenced by palaeoclimate changes possibly controlling their contribution over time, thereby impacting river planform styles. At the same time, changing water discharge hydrograph, sediment load, and overbank cohesiveness may have equally driven the observed river planform style changes within the basin without a major role of catchments.Applied Geolog

    Lateral and vertical characteristics of floodplain aggradation cycles in the lower Eocene Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA

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    Sedimentation on river floodplains is a complex process that involves overbank flooding, crevasse splaying, and river avulsion. The resulting floodplain stratigraphy often exhibits floodplain aggradation cycles with alternating fine-grained overbank flooding deposits that underwent significant petrogenesis, and coarser-grained, avulsion-belt deposits largely devoid of pedogenic impact. These cycles are linked to lateral migration and avulsion of channels driven by internal dynamics, external factors, or a combination of both. To better understand the spatial and vertical variability of such floodplain aggradation cycles, we map these in three dimensions using a photogrammetric model of the lower Eocene Willwood Formation in the northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, USA. This allows identifying 44 floodplain aggradation cycles in ∼300 m of strata with an average thickness of 6.8 m and a standard deviation of 2.0 m. All the cycles are traceable over the entire model, pointing to their spatial consistency over the 10 km2 study area. At the same time, rapid lateral thickness changes of the floodplain aggradation cycles occur with changes up to 4 m over a lateral distance of 400 m. Variogram analyses of both field and numerical-model results reveal stronger consistency of floodplain aggradation cycle thicknesses along the paleoflow direction compared to perpendicular to paleoflow. Strong compensational stacking occurs at the vertical scale of 2–3 floodplain aggradation cycles (14–20 m), while full compensational stacking occurs at larger scales of more than six floodplain aggradation cycles (>41 m). The lateral and vertical thickness variability of the floodplain aggradation cycles, as well as their compensational stacking behavior, are interpreted to be dominantly driven by autogenic processes such as crevasse splaying and avulsing that preferentially fill topographic lows. External climate forcing may have interacted with these autogenic processes, producing the laterally persistent and vertically repetitive floodplain aggradation cycles. The spatial variability of floodplain aggradation cycles demonstrated in this study highlights again the need for three-dimensional data collection in alluvial floodplain settings rather than depending on one-dimensional records.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Applied Geolog