44 research outputs found

    A Cascade Neural Network Architecture investigating Surface Plasmon Polaritons propagation for thin metals in OpenMP

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    Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) confined along metal-dielectric interface have attracted a relevant interest in the area of ultracompact photonic circuits, photovoltaic devices and other applications due to their strong field confinement and enhancement. This paper investigates a novel cascade neural network (NN) architecture to find the dependance of metal thickness on the SPP propagation. Additionally, a novel training procedure for the proposed cascade NN has been developed using an OpenMP-based framework, thus greatly reducing training time. The performed experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed NN architecture for the problem at hand

    High total dose tolerance of prototype silicon nanocrystal non-volatile memory cells

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    Fabrication of Single Crystal Gallium Phosphide Thin Films on Glass

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    Abstract Due to its high refractive index and low absorption coefficient, gallium phosphide is an ideal material for photonic structures targeted at the visible wavelengths. However, these properties are only realized with high quality epitaxial growth, which limits substrate choice and thus possible photonic applications. In this work, we report the fabrication of single crystal gallium phosphide thin films on transparent glass substrates via transfer bonding. GaP thin films on Si 001 and 112 grown by MOCVD are bonded to glass, and then th

    Investigation of interface orientation and interface mixing in spin valve heterostructures

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    Optimized Spatial Correlations for Broadband Light Trapping Nanopatterns in High Efficiency Ultrathin Film a-Si:H Solar Cells

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    Nanophotonic structures have attracted attention for light trapping in solar cells with the potential to manage and direct light absorption on the nanoscale. While both randomly textured and nanophotonic structures have been investigated, the relationship between photocurrent and the spatial correlations of random or designed surfaces has been unclear. Here we systematically design pseudorandom arrays of nanostructures based on their power spectral density, and correlate the spatial frequencies with measured and simulated photocurrent. The integrated cell design consists of a patterned plasmonic back reflector and a nanostructured semiconductor top interface, which gives broadband and isotropic photocurrent enhancement

    Optical cavity modes in gold shell colloids

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    Core-shell colloids composed of a dielectric core surrounded by a metal shell show geometric cavity resonances with optical properties that are distinctly different than those of the collective plasmon modes of the metal shell. We use finite-difference time domain calculations on silica colloids with a core diameter of 456 nm, surrounded by a 38 nm thick Au shell, to study the temporal evolution of the mode field intensity inside the cavity upon pulsed excitation. Calculations using Mie theory and the T-matrix method are used to analytically determine the dipolar cavity resonance spectrum, which is found superimposed on the broad collective dipolar plasmonic resonance modes. We characterize resonance wavelength and linewidth in terms of a geometric mode confined inside the cavity. Cavity linewidth can be controlled by metal shell thickness and quality factors Q>150 are observed. Due to the small cavity mode volume V=0.2(λ/n)3, a Purcell factor as high as P=54 is calculated. Introducing shape anisotropy lifts the cavity mode degeneracy, yielding blue- and redshifted longitudinal and transverse resonant modes, respectively. The relatively large volume over which the field enhancement is observed in these spherical and anisotropic metal shell cavities, combined with cavity quality factors that are much higher than that of the collective plasmonic modes, makes them attractive for application in nanoscale light sources, sensors, or lasers

    Defect-Mediated Growth of YBaCuO Films

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    Schlom DG, Anselmetti D, Bednorz JG, Gerber C, Mannhart J. Defect-Mediated Growth of YBaCuO Films. In: Atwater HA, Chason E, Gabow M, Lagally M, eds. Proceedings of the Fall MRS Meeting Symposium B (1992) "Evolution of Surface and Thin Film Microstructure". Vol 280. Mat. Res. Symp.; 1993: 341

    Plasmonic light trapping in thin-film Si solar cells

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    Plasmonic nanostructures have been recently investigated as a possible way to improve absorption of light in solar cells. The strong interaction of small metal nanostructures with light allows control over the propagation of light at the nanoscale and thus the design of ultrathin solar cells in which light is trapped in the active layer and efficiently absorbed. In this paper we review some of our recent work in the field of plasmonics for improved solar cells. We have investigated two possible ways of integrating metal nanoparticles in a solar cell. First, a layer of Ag nanoparticles that improves the standard antireflection coating used for crystalline and amorphous silicon solar cells has been designed and fabricated. Second, regular and random arrays of metal nanostructures have been designed to couple light in waveguide modes of thin semiconductor layers. Using a large-scale, relative inexpensive nano-imprint technique, we have designed a back-contact light trapping surface for a-Si:H solar cells which show enhanced efficiency over standard randomly textured cells