615 research outputs found

    Comparison of physicochemical properties of soils under contrasting land use systems in Southwestern Nigeria

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    Soil physicochemical properties were determined for soils under cropland and forest at the headquarters of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria to examine the 30-year effects of different land use on the fertility of five soil series toposequences underlain by a Basement Complex. The cropland had been under cultivation for 30 years, during which mainly maize and yams had been cultivated in rotation with application of chemical fertilizer and intermittent fallow, while the forest had secondary vegetation that had been regenerated during a 30-year period under protection. The findings for cropland indicated an accumulation of available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium, soil compaction and slight depletion of topsoil organic carbon content; and the findings for forest indicated soil acidification and accumulation of exchangeable Ca at the surface soil horizon. These findings suggest the possibility of maintaining soil fertility with a long-term intensive and continuous crop farming system in kaolinitic Alfisol soil over the inland valley toposequences of tropical Africa

    Lowland Soils for Rice Cultivation in Ghana

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    Using Selected Structural Indices to Pinpoint the Field Moisture Capacity of Some Coarse-Textured Agricultural Soils in Southeastern Nigeria

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    Over- or underestimation of field capacity (FC) of agricultural soils could misguide soil and water management and this might have negative agronomic and environmental impacts. The study sought to identify the moisture tension for reliably estimating in the laboratory the FC of some sandy soils with low-activity clay minerals and at different levels of structure development in Nsukka agroecological zone in southeastern Nigeria. Fifty-four samples of topand subsoils under contrasting vegetation cover at three locations in the zone were analyzed for texture, organicmatter contents, bulk density and total porosity. Saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ksat) of the samples were equallydetermined. Water-conducting and water-filled porosities at each of 0.06-, 0.10- and 0.33-bar tensions were implied from water retention data at the respective tensions. The soils were categorized based on their levels of structure development using a structural stability index [(organic matter: silt+clay) %] as follows: very low (< 4%), low (4-7.5%) and moderate to high (> 7.5%) stability soils. Series of simple correlation tests were run among the waterconducting porosities at the various tensions and the Ksat of the soils. In each case, the soil was assumed to have attained FC at that moisture tension which the associated water-conducting porosity showed significant positive correlation with the Ksat. Our results revealed that the 0.06-bar tension overestimated the FC of the soils. The 0.10-bar tension, the commonly used moisture tension for the purpose in the study area, proved suitable only for soils within the moderate to high structural stability category. From all indications, the 0.33-bar tension best corresponded to the FC of the less structurally developed soils in the other two categories. The level of soil structure development should therefore be considered before deciding the suitable moisture tension for the determination of FC of these and similar soils in other tropical locations

    Analysis of Diffusion of Ras2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching

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    Binding, lateral diffusion and exchange are fundamental dynamic processes involved in protein association with cellular membranes. In this study, we developed numerical simulations of lateral diffusion and exchange of fluorophores in membranes with arbitrary bleach geometry and exchange of the membrane localized fluorophore with the cytosol during Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) experiments. The model simulations were used to design FRAP experiments with varying bleach region sizes on plasma-membrane localized wild type GFP-Ras2 with a dual lipid anchor and mutant GFP-Ras2C318S with a single lipid anchor in live yeast cells to investigate diffusional mobility and the presence of any exchange processes operating in the time scale of our experiments. Model parameters estimated using data from FRAP experiments with a 1 micron x 1 micron bleach region-of-interest (ROI) and a 0.5 micron x 0.5 micron bleach ROI showed that GFP-Ras2, single or dual lipid modified, diffuses as single species with no evidence of exchange with a cytoplasmic pool. This is the first report of Ras2 mobility in yeast plasma membrane. The methods developed in this study are generally applicable for studying diffusion and exchange of membrane associated fluorophores using FRAP on commercial confocal laser scanning microscopes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Biology (2010). 28 pages, 7 figures, 3 table
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