9,037 research outputs found

    The Renormalized Stress Tensor in Kerr Space-Time: Numerical Results for the Hartle-Hawking Vacuum

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    We show that the pathology which afflicts the Hartle-Hawking vacuum on the Kerr black hole space-time can be regarded as due to rigid rotation of the state with the horizon in the sense that when the region outside the speed-of-light surface is removed by introducing a mirror, there is a state with the defining features of the Hartle-Hawking vacuum. In addition, we show that when the field is in this state, the expectation value of the energy-momentum stress tensor measured by an observer close to the horizon and rigidly rotating with it corresponds to that of a thermal distribution at the Hawking temperature rigidly rotating with the horizon.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Diffusive transport in networks built of containers and tubes

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    We developed analytical and numerical methods to study a transport of non-interacting particles in large networks consisting of M d-dimensional containers C_1,...,C_M with radii R_i linked together by tubes of length l_{ij} and radii a_{ij} where i,j=1,2,...,M. Tubes may join directly with each other forming junctions. It is possible that some links are absent. Instead of solving the diffusion equation for the full problem we formulated an approach that is computationally more efficient. We derived a set of rate equations that govern the time dependence of the number of particles in each container N_1(t),N_2(t),...,N_M(t). In such a way the complicated transport problem is reduced to a set of M first order integro-differential equations in time, which can be solved efficiently by the algorithm presented here. The workings of the method have been demonstrated on a couple of examples: networks involving three, four and seven containers, and one network with a three-point junction. Already simple networks with relatively few containers exhibit interesting transport behavior. For example, we showed that it is possible to adjust the geometry of the networks so that the particle concentration varies in time in a wave-like manner. Such behavior deviates from simple exponential growth and decay occurring in the two container system.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, REVTEX4; new figure added, reduced emphasis on graph theory, additional discussion added (computational cost, one dimensional tubes

    Skin Calcium-Binding Protein Is a Parvalbumin of the Panniculus Carnosus

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    Skin calcium-binding protein (SCaBP) is a calcium binding protein purified from whole rat skin. It has a molecular weight of approximately 12,000 daltons but migrates at Mr 13,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gels. On nitrocellulose blots of SDS-polyacrylamide gels, 6 different antisera to SCaBP reacted equally well with SCaBP and parvalbumin (PV), an 11,500-dalton calcium-binding protein purified from rat skeletal muscle, which also migrates at Mr 13,000 on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Rabbit antiserum to muscle PV also recognized both PV and SCaBP, and either protein absorbed specific antibodies against either antigen from both types of antisera. Soluble protein extracts from whole adult rat and mouse skin contained a Mr 13,000 protein which was recognized on nitrocellulose blots of SDS gels by both antisera. Blots of extracts from epidermis, dermis, whole skin, and skin scraped on the dermal side to remove hypodermal tissue revealed that the Mr 13,000 PV/SCaBP cross-reacting antigen was restricted to the hypodermal tissue removed by scraping. Immunofluorescent staining of Bouin-fixed skin sections with these antisera confirmed the localization of PV/SCaBP to the panniculus carnosus, a hypodermal muscle layer. Newborn mouse skin does not contain this antigen. Additional polypeptides of Mr 10,500 and 12,000 on SDS gels of extracts from the epidermis of newborn and adult rats and mice were found to be immunoreactive with anti-SCaBp serum. These polypeptides were not recognized by the PV antiserum, and the reactivity of anti-SCaBP for these antigens was not absorbed by purified PV or SCaBP. Our results indicate that SCaBP is antigenically indistinguishable from PV and is localized in the adult rodent panniculus carnosus, and that antisera to SCaBP are poly-specific, recognizing epidermal proteins in addition to SCaBP/PV

    Amplitude Modulation and Relaxation-Oscillation of Counterpropagating Rolls within a Broken-Symmetry Laser-Induced Electroconvection Strip

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    We report a liquid-crystal pattern-formation experiment in which we break the lateral (translational) symmetry of a nematic medium with a laser-induced thermal gradient. The work is motivated by an improved measurement (reported here) of the temperature dependence of the electroconvection threshold voltage in planar-nematic 4-methoxybenzylidene-4-butylaniline (MBBA). In contrast with other broken-symmetry-pattern studies that report a uniform drift, we observe a strip of counterpropagating rolls that collide at a sink point, and a strong temporally periodic amplitude modulation within a width of 3-4 rolls about the sink point. The time dependence of the amplitude at a fixed position is periodic but displays a nonsinusoidal relaxation-oscillation profile. After reporting experimental results based on spacetime contours and wavenumber profiles, along with a measurement of the change in the drift frequency with applied voltage at a fixed control parameter, we propose some potential guidelines for a theoretical model based on saddle-point solutions for Eckhaus-unstable states and coupled complex Ginzburg-Landau equations. Published in PRE 73, 036317 (2006).Comment: Published in Physical Review E in March 200

    Causal Relativistic Fluid Dynamics

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    We derive causal relativistic fluid dynamical equations from the relaxation model of kinetic theory as in a procedure previously applied in the case of non-relativistic rarefied gases. By treating space and time on an equal footing and avoiding the iterative steps of the conventional Chapman-Enskog --- CE---method, we are able to derive causal equations in the first order of the expansion in terms of the mean flight time of the particles. This is in contrast to what is found using the CE approach. We illustrate the general results with the example of a gas of identical ultrarelativistic particles such as photons under the assumptions of homogeneity and isotropy. When we couple the fluid dynamical equations to Einstein's equation we find, in addition to the geometry-driven expanding solution of the FRW model, a second, matter-driven nonequilibrium solution to the equations. In only the second solution, entropy is produced at a significant rate.Comment: 23 pages (CQG, in press

    Circadian Timing of Food Intake Contributes to Weight Gain

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    Studies of body weight regulation have focused almost entirely on caloric intake and energy expenditure. However, a number of recent studies in animals linking energy regulation and the circadian clock at the molecular, physiological, and behavioral levels raise the possibility that the timing of food intake itself may play a significant role in weight gain. The present study focused on the role of the circadian phase of food consumption in weight gain. We provide evidence that nocturnal mice fed a high‐fat diet only during the 12‐h light phase gain significantly more weight than mice fed only during the 12‐h dark phase. A better understanding of the role of the circadian system for weight gain could have important implications for developing new therapeutic strategies for combating the obesity epidemic facing the human population today

    Improving Surgical Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Pivotal Role for the World Health Organization

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    In response to increasing evidence that surgical conditions are an important global public health problem, and data suggesting that essential surgical services can be delivered in a cost-effective manner in low- and middle-income countries, the World Health Organization (WHO) has expanded its interest in surgical care. In 2004, WHO established a Clinical Procedures Unit within the Department of Essential Health Technologies. This unit has developed the Emergency and Essential Surgical Project (EESC), which includes a basic surgical training program based on the “Integrated Management of Emergency and Essential Surgical Care” Toolkit and the textbook “Surgery at the District Hospital.” To promote the importance of emergency and essential surgical care, a Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Care was launched in 2005. In what maybe the most important development, surgical care is included in WHO’s new comprehensive primary health care plan. Given these rapid developments, surgical care at WHO may be approaching a critical “tipping point.” Lobbying for a World Health Assembly resolution on emergency and essential surgical care, and developing “structured collaborations” between WHO and various stakeholders are potential ways to ensure that the global surgery agenda continues to move forward

    van Vleck determinants: traversable wormhole spacetimes

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    Calculating the van Vleck determinant in traversable wormhole spacetimes is an important ingredient in understanding the physical basis behind Hawking's chronology protection conjecture. This paper presents extensive computations of this object --- at least in the short--throat flat--space approximation. An important technical trick is to use an extension of the usual junction condition formalism to probe the full Riemann tensor associated with a thin shell of matter. Implications with regard to Hawking's chronology protection conjecture are discussed. Indeed, any attempt to transform a single isolated wormhole into a time machine results in large vacuum polarization effects sufficient to disrupt the internal structure of the wormhole before the onset of Planck scale physics, and before the onset of time travel. On the other hand, it is possible to set up a putative time machine built out of two or more wormholes, each of which taken in isolation is not itself a time machine. Such ``Roman configurations'' are much more subtle to analyse. For some particularly bizarre configurations (not traversable by humans) the vacuum polarization effects can be arranged to be arbitrarily small at the onset of Planck scale physics. This indicates that the disruption scale has been pushed down into the Planck slop. Ultimately, for these configurations, questions regarding the truth or falsity of Hawking's chronology protection can only be addressed by entering the uncharted wastelands of full fledged quantum gravity.Comment: 42 pages, ReV_TeX 3.

    Direct Singular Positions of the Parallel Manipulator Tricept

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    [[abstract]]In this article, the direct singular positions of the parallel manipulator Tricept are determined. An alternative 3 x 3 Jacobian matrix, simpler than the existing one, is obtained in this study. For a given moving platform's orientation, the determinant of this Jacobian matrix may be expressed as a cubic polynomial in moving platform's equation length. Direct singular positions may thus be obtained by solving cubic polynomial equations. For an arbitrarily chosen moving platform's orientation, there exists at least one moving platform's extension length that causes direct kinematic singularity. It is found that if moving platform's size is larger than a specific value, then within the moving platform's domain there exist two regions, in which direct kinematic singularities can only occur at positions impossible to reach.[[notice]]補正完畢[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]GB