577 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic Constraints on the Surface Magnetic Field of the Accreting Neutron Star EXO 0748-676

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    Gravitationally redshifted absorption lines of Fe XXVI, Fe XXV, and O VIII were inferred recently in the X-ray spectrum of the bursting neutron star EXO 0748-676. We place an upper limit on the stellar magnetic field based on the iron lines. The oxygen absorption feature shows a multiple component profile that is consistent with Zeeman splitting in a magnetic field of ~(1-2)x10^9 gauss, and for which the corresponding Zeeman components of the iron lines are expected to be blended together. In other systems, a field strength >5x10^{10} gauss could induce a blueshift of the line centroids that would counteract gravitational redshift and complicate the derivation of constraints on the equation of state of the neutron star.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Magneto-optical Kerr effect in Eu1−xCaxB6Eu_{1-x}Ca_{x}B_{6}

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    We have measured the magneto-optical Kerr rotation of ferromagnetic Eu1−xCaxB6Eu_{1-x}Ca_{x}B_{6} with x=0.2 and 0.4, as well as of YbB6YbB_{6} serving as the non-magnetic reference material. As previously for EuB6EuB_{6}, we could identify a feature at 1 eVeV in the Kerr response which is related with electronic transitions involving the localized 4f electron states. The absence of this feature in the data for YbB6YbB_{6} confirms the relevance of the partially occupied 4f states in shaping the magneto-optical features of EuEu-based hexaborides. Disorder by CaCa-doping broadens the itinerant charge carrier contribution to the magneto-optical spectra

    CeRu4_4Sn6_6: a strongly correlated material with nontrivial topology

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    Topological insulators form a novel state of matter that provides new opportunities to create unique quantum phenomena. While the materials used so far are based on semiconductors, recent theoretical studies predict that also strongly correlated systems can show non-trivial topological properties, thereby allowing even the emergence of surface phenomena that are not possible with topological band insulators. From a practical point of view, it is also expected that strong correlations will reduce the disturbing impact of defects or impurities, and at the same increase the Fermi velocities of the topological surface states. The challenge is now to discover such correlated materials. Here, using advanced x-ray spectroscopies in combination with band structure calculations, we infer that CeRu4_4Sn6_6 is a strongly correlated material with non-trivial topology.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Scientific Report

    Singular charge fluctuations at a magnetic quantum critical point

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    Strange metal behavior is ubiquitous in correlated materials, ranging from cuprate superconductors to bilayer graphene, and may arise from physics beyond the quantum fluctuations of a Landau order parameter. In quantum-critical heavy-fermion antiferromagnets, such physics may be realized as critical Kondo entanglement of spin and charge and probed with optical conductivity. We present terahertz time-domain transmission spectroscopy on molecular beam epitaxy–grown thin films of YbRh2Si2, a model strange-metal compound. We observed frequency over temperature scaling of the optical conductivity as a hallmark of beyond-Landau quantum criticality. Our discovery suggests that critical charge fluctuations play a central role in the strange metal behavior, elucidating one of the long-standing mysteries of correlated quantum matter.Financial support for this work was provided by the European Research Council (ERC Advanced Grant 227378), the U.S. Army Research Office (ARO W911NF-14-1-0496), the Austrian Science Fund (FWF W1243, P29279-N27, and P29296-N27), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 824109 – EMP). X.L. and J.K. acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation (NSF MRSEC DMR-1720595) and the ARO (W911NF-17-1-0259). Q.S. acknowledges financial support from the NSF (DMR-1920740), the Robert A.Welch Foundation (C-1411), and the ARO (W911NF-14-1-0525), and hospitality of the University of California at Berkeley, the Aspen Center for Physics (NSF grant PHY-1607611), and the Los Alamos National Laboratory (via a Ulam Scholarship from the Center for Nonlinear Studies). This work has also been supported by an InterDisciplinary Excellence Award (IDEA) from Rice University (Q.S., E.R., J.K., S.P.)

    Flattening of Single-Particle Spectra in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems and the Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz Law

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    The renormalization of the Wiedemann-Franz (WF) ratio in strongly correlated electron systems is analyzed within the Landau quasiparticle picture. We demonstrate that the WF law is violated: (i) at the quantum critical point, where the effective mass diverges, and (ii) beyond a point of fermion condensation, where the single-particle spectrum ϵ(p)\epsilon(p) becomes flat. Results of the analysis are compared with available experimental data.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, added reference

    Characterization of anomalous Zeeman patterns in complex atomic spectra

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    The modeling of complex atomic spectra is a difficult task, due to the huge number of levels and lines involved. In the presence of a magnetic field, the computation becomes even more difficult. The anomalous Zeeman pattern is a superposition of many absorption or emission profiles with different Zeeman relative strengths, shifts, widths, asymmetries and sharpnesses. We propose a statistical approach to study the effect of a magnetic field on the broadening of spectral lines and transition arrays in atomic spectra. In this model, the sigma and pi profiles are described using the moments of the Zeeman components, which depend on quantum numbers and Land\'{e} factors. A graphical calculation of these moments, together with a statistical modeling of Zeeman profiles as expansions in terms of Hermite polynomials are presented. It is shown that the procedure is more efficient, in terms of convergence and validity range, than the Taylor-series expansion in powers of the magnetic field which was suggested in the past. Finally, a simple approximate method to estimate the contribution of a magnetic field to the width of transition arrays is proposed. It relies on our recently published recursive technique for the numbering of LS-terms of an arbitrary configuration.Comment: submitted to Physical Review
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