430 research outputs found

    Complex diffuse radio emission in the merging PLANCK ESZ cluster Abell 3411

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    We present VLA radio and Chandra X-ray observations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 3411. For the cluster, we find an overall temperature of 6.4 keV and an X-ray luminosity of 2.8 x 10^{44} erg s^{-1} between 0.5 and 2.0 keV. The Chandra observation reveals the cluster to be undergoing a merger event. The VLA observations show the presence of large-scale diffuse emission in the central region of the cluster, which we classify as a 0.9 Mpc size radio halo. In addition, a complex region of diffuse, polarized emission is found in the southeastern outskirts of the cluster, along the projected merger axis of the system. We classify this region of diffuse emission as a radio relic. The total extent of this radio relic is 1.9 Mpc. For the combined emission in the cluster region, we find a radio spectral index of -1.0 \pm 0.1 between 74 MHz and 1.4 GHz. The morphology of the radio relic is peculiar, as the relic is broken up into five fragments. This suggests that the shock responsible for the relic has been broken up due to interaction with a large-scale galaxy filament connected to the cluster or other substructures in the ICM. Alternatively, the complex morphology reflects the presence of electrons in fossil radio bubbles that are re-accelerated by a shock.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 8 pages, 5 figure

    Reaching thermal noise at ultra-low radio frequencies: the Toothbrush radio relic downstream of the shock front

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    Ultra-low frequency observations (<100 MHz) are particularly challenging because they are usually performed in a low signal-to-noise ratio regime due to the high sky temperature and because of ionospheric disturbances whose effects are inversely proportional to the observing frequency. Nonetheless, these observations are crucial to study the emission from low-energy populations of cosmic rays. We aim to obtain the first thermal-noise limited (~ 1.5 mJy/beam) deep continuum radio map using the LOFAR Low Band Antenna (LBA) system. Our demonstration observation targeted the galaxy cluster RX J0603.3+4214 (the "Toothbrush" cluster). We used the resulting ultra-low frequency (58 MHz) image to study cosmic-ray acceleration and evolution in the post shock region, as well as their relation with the presence of a radio halo. We describe the data reduction we have used to calibrate LOFAR LBA observations. The resulting image is combined with observations at higher frequencies (LOFAR 150 MHz and VLA 1500 MHz) to extract spectral information. We obtained the first thermal-noise limited image from an observation carried out with the LOFAR LBA system using all Dutch stations at a central frequency of 58 MHz. With 8 hours of data, we reached an rms noise of 1.3 mJy/beam at a resolution of 18" x 11". The procedure we have developed is an important step forward towards routine high-fidelity imaging with the LOFAR LBA. The analysis of the radio spectra shows that the radio relic extends to distances of 800 kpc downstream from the shock front, larger than what allowed by electron cooling time. Furthermore, the shock wave started accelerating electrons already at a projected distance of <300 kpc from the crossing point of the two clusters. These results can be explained if electrons are reaccelerated downstream by background turbulence possibly combined with projection effects.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, accepted A&

    A giant radio bridge connecting two galaxy clusters in Abell 1758

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    Collisions between galaxy clusters dissipate enormous amounts of energy in the intracluster medium (ICM) through turbulence and shocks. In the process, Mpc-scale diffuse synchrotron emission in form of radio haloes and relics can form. However, little is known about the very early phase of the collision. We used deep radio observations from 53 MHz to 1.5 GHz to study the pre-merging galaxy clusters A1758N and A1758S that are ∼2 Mpc apart. We confirm the presence of a giant bridge of radio emission connecting the two systems that was reported only tentatively in our earlier work. This is the second large-scale radio bridge observed to date in a cluster pair. The bridge is clearly visible in the LOFAR image at 144 MHz and tentatively detected at 53 MHz. Its mean radio emissivity is more than one order of magnitude lower than that of the radio haloes in A1758N and A1758S. Interestingly, the radio and X-ray emissions of the bridge are correlated. Our results indicate that non-thermal phenomena in the ICM can be generated also in the region of compressed gas in-between infalling systems

    Physical insights from the spectrum of the radio halo in MACS J0717.5+3745

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    We present new LOw-Frequency ARray observations of the massive merging galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745, located at a redshift of 0.5458. The cluster hosts the most powerful radio halo known to date. These new observations, in combination with published uGMRT (300-850 MHz) and VLA (1-6.5 GHz) data, reveal that the halo is more extended than previously thought, with a largest linear size of ∼2.2 Mpc, making it one of the largest known halos. The halo shows a steep spectrum (α144 MHz1.5 GHz ∼-1.4) and a steepening (α1.5 GHz5.5 GHz ∼-1.9) above 1.5 GHz. We find a strong scattering in spectral index maps on scales of 50-100 kpc. We suggest that such a strong scattering may be a consequence of the regime where inverse Compton dominates the energy losses of electrons. The spectral index becomes steeper and shows an increased curvature in the outermost regions of the halo. We combined the radio data with Chandra observations to investigate the connection between the thermal and nonthermal components of the intracluster medium (ICM). Despite a significant substructure in the halo emission, the radio brightness correlates strongly with the X-ray brightness at all observed frequencies. The radio-versus-X-ray brightness correlation slope steepens at a higher radio frequency (from b144? MHz? =? 0.67? ±? 0.05 to b3.0? GHz? =? 0.98? ±? 0.09) and the spectral index shows a significant anticorrelation with the X-ray brightness. Both pieces of evidence further support a spectral steepening in the external regions. The compelling evidence for a steep spectral index, the existence of a spectral break above 1.5 GHz, and the dependence of radio and X-ray surface brightness correlation on frequency are interpreted in the context of turbulent reacceleration models. Under this scenario, our results allowed us to constrain that the turbulent kinetic pressure of the ICM is up to 10%

    The coma cluster at low frequency array frequencies. I. Insights into particle acceleration mechanisms in the radio bridge

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    Radio synchrotron emission from the bridges of low-density gas connecting galaxy clusters and groups is a challenge for particle acceleration processes. In this work, we analyze the Coma radio bridge using new LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) observations at 144 MHz. LOFAR detects the bridge and its substructures with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution. We found that the radio emission peaks on the NGC 4839 group. Toward the halo, in front of the NGC 4839 group, the radio brightness decreases and streams of radio emission connect the NGC 4839 group to the radio relic. Using X-ray observations, we found that thermal and non-thermal plasma are moderately correlated with a sublinear scaling. We use archival radio data at 326 MHz to constrain the spectral index in the bridge, and quantify the distribution of particles and magnetic field at different frequencies. We found that the spectrum is steeper than −1.4 ± 0.2, and that the emission is clumpier at 326 MHz than at 144 MHz. Using cosmological simulations and a simplified approach to compute particle acceleration, we derive under which conditions turbulent acceleration of mildly relativistic electrons generate the radio emission in the bridge. Assuming that the initial energy ratio of the seed electrons is 3 · 10−4 with respect to the thermal gas, we are able to reproduce the observed luminosity. Our results suggest that the seed electrons released by radio galaxies in the bridge and the turbulence generated by the motion of gas and galaxies are essential to producing the radio emission

    Deep Low-frequency Radio Observations of A2256. I. the Filamentary Radio Relic

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    We present deep and high-fidelity images of the merging galaxy cluster A2256 at low frequencies using the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT) and LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR). This cluster hosts one of the most prominent known relics with a remarkably spectacular network of filamentary substructures. The new uGMRT (300-850 MHz) and LOFAR (120-169 MHz) observations, combined with the archival Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA; 1-4 GHz) data, allowed us to carry out the first spatially resolved spectral analysis of the exceptional relic emission down to 6″ resolution over a broad range of frequencies. Our new sensitive radio images confirm the presence of complex filaments of magnetized relativistic plasma also at low frequencies. We find that the integrated spectrum of the relic is consistent with a single power law, without any sign of spectral steepening, at least below 3 GHz. Unlike previous claims, the relic shows an integrated spectral index of -1.07 ± 0.02 between 144 MHz and 3 GHz, which is consistent with the (quasi)stationary shock approximation. The spatially resolved spectral analysis suggests that the relic surface very likely traces the complex shock front, with a broad distribution of Mach numbers propagating through a turbulent and dynamically active intracluster medium. Our results show that the northern part of the relic is seen edge-on and the southern part close to face-on. We suggest that the complex filaments are regions where higher Mach numbers dominate the (re)acceleration of electrons that are responsible for the observed radio emission

    Incidence of cancer in the area around Amsterdam Airport Schiphol in 1988–2003: a population-based ecological study

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    BACKGROUND: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is a major source of complaints about aircraft noise, safety risks and concerns about long term adverse health effects, including cancer. We investigated whether residents of the area around Schiphol are at higher risk of developing cancer than the general Dutch population. METHODS: In a population-based study using the regional cancer registry, we estimated the cancer incidence during 1988–2003 in residents of the area surrounding Schiphol. We defined a study area based on aircraft noise contours and 4-digit postal code areas, since historical data on ambient air pollution were not available and recent emission data did not differ from the background urban air quality. RESULTS: In residents of the study area 13 207 cancer cases were diagnosed, which was close to the expected number, using national incidence rates as a reference (standardized incidence ratio [SIR] 1.02). We found a statistically significantly increased incidence of hematological malignancies (SIR 1.12, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.05, 1.19), mainly due to high rates for non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR 1.22, 95% CI: 1.12, 1.33) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (SIR 1.34, 95% CI: 0.95, 1.83). The incidence of cancer of the respiratory system was statistically significantly decreased (SIR 0.94, 95% CI: 0.90, 0.99), due to the low rate in males (SIR 0.89). In the core zone of the study area, cancer incidence was slightly higher than in the remaining ring zone (rate ratio of the core zone compared to the ring zone 1.05, 95% CI 1.01, 1.10). This was caused by the higher incidence of cancer of the respiratory system, prostate and the female genital organs in the core zone in comparison to the ring zone. CONCLUSION: The overall cancer incidence in the Schiphol area was similar to the national incidence. The moderately increased risk of hematological malignancies could not be explained by higher levels of ambient air pollution in the Schiphol area. This observation warrants further research, for example in a study with focus on substances in urban ambient air pollution, as similar findings were observed in Greater Amsterdam

    Understanding the radio relic emission in the galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745: Spectral analysis

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    Radio relics are diffuse, extended synchrotron sources that originate from shock fronts generated during cluster mergers. The massive merging galaxy cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 hosts one of the more complex relics known to date. We present upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope band 3 (300-500 MHz) and band 4 (550-850 MHz) observations. These new observations, combined with published VLA and the new LOFAR HBA data, allow us to carry out a detailed, high spatial resolution spectral analysis of the relic over a broad range of frequencies. The integrated spectrum of the relic closely follows a power law between 144 MHz and 5.5 GHz with a mean spectral slope αâ€., =â€., -1.16†±â€ 0.03. Despite the complex morphology of this relic, its subregions and the other isolated filaments also follow power-law behaviors, and show similar spectral slopes. Assuming diffusive shock acceleration, we estimated a dominant Mach number of ∼3.7 for the shocks that make up the relic. A comparison with recent numerical simulations suggests that in the case of radio relics, the slopes of the integrated radio spectra are determined by the Mach number of the accelerating shock, with α nearly constant, namely between -1.13 and -1.17, for Mach numbers 3.5†-†4.0. The spectral shapes inferred from spatially resolved regions show curvature, we speculate that the relic is inclined along the line of sight. The locus of points in the simulated color-color plots changes significantly with the relic viewing angle. We conclude that projection effects and inhomogeneities in the shock Mach number dominate the observed spectral properties of the relic in this complex system. Based on the new observations we raise the possibility that the relic and a narrow-angle-tailed radio galaxy are two different structures projected along the same line of sight
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