2,379 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of geometries and 1H-chemical shifts of cycloarenes

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    The geometries of the cycloarenes 1–6 with 9–12 annelated benzene rings are determined by means of a π-SCF force-field approach. 1H-chemical shifts are calculated by taking into account ring current and local anisotropic contributions. The importance of annulenoid resonance structures is discussed

    Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds of the Main Group Metals

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    The photoproperties of main group metal complexes with the electron configurations s2 (e.g. T l + , Sb3 + , Te4 + ) and s° (e.g. T l 3 + , Pb4 + ) were studied on the basis of a general concept which relates characteristic excited states to typical photophysical and photochemical processes. The photochemistry is dominated by metalcentered sp (s2) and ligand to metal charge transfer (s°) excited states which are capable of inducing inter- and intramolecular redox reactions

    Spectrophotometric studies of the photolysis of diazido-bis(phosphine)-metal(II) complexes

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    The photolysis of mixed ligand complexes of the type MLn(N3)2 (M=Ni, Pd, Pt; L = phosphane and diphosphane ligands, respectively; n = 1, 2) was monitored by electronic spectroscopy in absorption, emission and excitation. Initial quantum yields of these complexes were measured in CH2Cl2 and EtOH in dependence on the irradiation wavelength. Photochemically formed MOIn fragments of Pd and Pt are distinguished by an intensive emission detected at 77 K. No emission was observed with respect to the appropriate NiO fragments. An initial emission at 615 nm detected by irradiating Pd(PPh3)2(N3)2 at 77 K is explained by assuming a photochemical cis/trans isomerization Quenching experiments have been performed by using Ru(bpy)3Cl2, Os(bpy)3Cl2, Re(CO)3(phen)Cl and Cr(bpy)3(ClO4)3 as sensitizers and the mixed-ligand complexes under discussion as quenchers

    Controlling the dynamics of an open many-body quantum system with localized dissipation

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    We experimentally investigate the action of a localized dissipative potential on a macroscopic matter wave, which we implement by shining an electron beam on an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). We measure the losses induced by the dissipative potential as a function of the dissipation strength observing a paradoxical behavior when the strength of the dissipation exceeds a critical limit: for an increase of the dissipation rate the number of atoms lost from the BEC becomes lower. We repeat the experiment for different parameters of the electron beam and we compare our results with a simple theoretical model, finding excellent agreement. By monitoring the dynamics induced by the dissipative defect we identify the mechanisms which are responsible for the observed paradoxical behavior. We finally demonstrate the link between our dissipative dynamics and the measurement of the density distribution of the BEC allowing for a generalized definition of the Zeno effect. Due to the high degree of control on every parameter, our system is a promising candidate for the engineering of fully governable open quantum systems

    A Catalog of Candidate Intermediate-luminosity X-ray Objects

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    ROSAT, and now Chandra, X-ray images allow studies of extranuclear X-ray point sources in galaxies other than our own. X-ray observations of normal galaxies with ROSAT and Chandra have revealed that off-nuclear, compact, Intermediate-luminosity (Lx[2-10 keV] >= 1e39 erg/s) X-ray Objects (IXOs, a.k.a. ULXs [Ultraluminous X-ray sources]) are quite common. Here we present a catalog and finding charts for 87 IXOs in 54 galaxies, derived from all of the ROSAT HRI imaging data for galaxies with cz <= 5000 km/s from the Third Reference Catalog of Bright Galaxies (RC3). We have defined the cutoff Lx for IXOs so that it is well above the Eddington luminosity of a 1.4 Msun black hole (10^38.3 erg/s), so as not to confuse IXOs with ``normal'' black hole X-ray binaries. This catalog is intended to provide a baseline for follow-up work with Chandra and XMM, and with space- and ground-based survey work at wavelengths other than X-ray. We demonstrate that elliptical galaxies with IXOs have a larger number of IXOs per galaxy than non-elliptical galaxies with IXOs, and note that they are not likely to be merely high-mass X-ray binaries with beamed X-ray emission, as may be the case for IXOs in starburst galaxies. Approximately half of the IXOs with multiple observations show X-ray variability, and many (19) of the IXOs have faint optical counterparts in DSS optical B-band images. Follow-up observations of these objects should be helpful in identifying their nature.Comment: 29 pages, ApJS, accepted (catalog v2.0) (full resolution version of paper and future releases of catalog at http://www.xassist.org/ixocat_hri

    Ultracold Atoms as a Target: Absolute Scattering Cross-Section Measurements

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    We report on a new experimental platform for the measurement of absolute scattering cross-sections. The target atoms are trapped in an optical dipole trap and are exposed to an incident particle beam. The exponential decay of the atom number directly yields the absolute total scattering cross-section. The technique can be applied to any atomic or molecular species that can be prepared in an optical dipole trap and provides a large variety of possible scattering scenarios

    F-106B airplane active control landing gear drop test performance

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    Aircraft dynamic loads and vibrations resulting from landing impact and from runway and taxiway unevenness are recognized as significant factors in causing fatigue damage, dynamic stress on the airframe, crew and passenger discomfort, and reduction of the pilot's ability to control the aircraft during ground operations. One potential method for improving operational characteristics of aircraft on the ground is the application of active control technology to the landing gears to reduce ground loads applied to the airframe. An experimental investigation was conducted on series-hydraulic active control nose gear. The experiments involved testing the gear in both passive and active control modes. Results of this investigation show that a series-hydraulic active control gear is feasible and that such a gear is effective in reducing the loads transmitted by the gear to the airframe during ground operations
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