895 research outputs found

    Drag and inertia coefficients for horizontally submerged rectangular cylinders in waves and currents

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    The results of an experimental investigation carried out to measure combined wave and current loads on horizontally submerged square and rectangular cylinders are reported in this paper. The wave and current induced forces on a section of the cylinders with breadth-depth (aspect) ratios equal to 1, 0.5, and 0.75 are measured in a wave tank. The maximum value of Keulegan-Carpenter (KC) number obtained in waves alone is about 5 and Reynolds (Re) number ranged from 6.3976103 to 1.186105. The drag (CD) and inertia (CM) coefficients for each cylinder are evaluated using measured sectional wave forces and particle kinematics calculated from linear wave theory. The values of CD and CM obtained for waves alone have already been reported (Venugopal, V., Varyani, K. S., and Barltrop, N. D. P. Wave force coefficients for horizontally submerged rectangular cylinders. Ocean Engineering, 2006, 33, 11-12, 1669-1704) and the coefficients derived in combined waves and currents are presented here. The results indicate that both drag and inertia coefficients are strongly affected by the presenceof the current and show different trends for different cylinders. The values of the vertical component inertia coefficients (CMY) in waves and currents are generally smaller than the inertia coefficients obtained in waves alone, irrespective of the current's magnitude and direction. The results also illustrate the effect of a cylinder's aspect ratio on force coefficients. This study will be useful in the design of offshore structures whose columns and caissons are rectangular sections

    DRSP : Dimension Reduction For Similarity Matching And Pruning Of Time Series Data Streams

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    Similarity matching and join of time series data streams has gained a lot of relevance in today's world that has large streaming data. This process finds wide scale application in the areas of location tracking, sensor networks, object positioning and monitoring to name a few. However, as the size of the data stream increases, the cost involved to retain all the data in order to aid the process of similarity matching also increases. We develop a novel framework to addresses the following objectives. Firstly, Dimension reduction is performed in the preprocessing stage, where large stream data is segmented and reduced into a compact representation such that it retains all the crucial information by a technique called Multi-level Segment Means (MSM). This reduces the space complexity associated with the storage of large time-series data streams. Secondly, it incorporates effective Similarity Matching technique to analyze if the new data objects are symmetric to the existing data stream. And finally, the Pruning Technique that filters out the pseudo data object pairs and join only the relevant pairs. The computational cost for MSM is O(l*ni) and the cost for pruning is O(DRF*wsize*d), where DRF is the Dimension Reduction Factor. We have performed exhaustive experimental trials to show that the proposed framework is both efficient and competent in comparison with earlier works.Comment: 20 pages,8 figures, 6 Table

    What factors influence UK medical students' choice of foundation school?

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    Background: We aimed to identify the factors influencing UK medical student applicants’ choice of foundation school. We also explored the factors that doctors currently approaching the end of their 2-year program believe should be considered. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during the 2013–2014 academic year. An online questionnaire was distributed to 2092 final-year medical students from nine UK medical schools and 84 foundation year-2 (FY2) doctors from eight foundation schools. Participants were asked to rank their top 3 from a list of 12 factors that could potentially influence choice of foundation school on a 5-point Likert scale. Collated categorical data from the two groups were compared using a chi-square test with Yates correction. Results: Geographic location was overwhelmingly the most important factor for medical students and FY2 doctors with 97.2% and 98.8% in agreement, respectively. Social relationships played a pivotal role for medical student applicants. Clinical specialties within the rotations were of less importance to medical students, in comparison to location and social relationships. In contrast, FY2 doctors placed a significantly greater importance on the specialties undertaken in their 2-year training program, when compared to medical students (chi-square; p=0.0001). Conclusion: UK medical schools should make their foundation program applicants aware of the importance of choosing rotations based on specialties that will be undertaken. Individual foundation schools could provide a more favorable linked application system and greater choice and flexibility of specialties within their 2-year program, potentially making their institution more attractive to future applicants

    DRFSD: Directed Restricted Flooding For Secure Data-Aggregation In Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Secured Data Transmission is a major issue in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper we have proposed Directed Restricted Flooding Protocol (DRFSD) in WSNs. This protocol is better than H-SPREAD (Hybrid Security Protocol for REliable dAta Delivery). In DRFSD, alternate multipaths are selected based on the sensor node, that are placed at 180? direction with the Base Station (BS). This scheme is ef?cient in sending the Data Packets to the Base Station in shorter duration than the H-SPREAD. Simulation Results show that our algorithm approach performs well with respect to latency in comparison with earlier algorithm

    SALR: Secure adaptive load-balancing routing in service oriented wireless sensor networks

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    Congestion control and secure data transfer are the major factors that enhance the efficiency of Service Oriented Wireless Sensor Networks. It is desirable to modify the routing and security schemes adaptively in order to respond effectively to the rapidly changing Network State. Adding more complexities to the routing and security schemes increases the end-to-end delay which is not acceptable in Service Oriented WSNs which are mostly in real time. We propose an algorithm Secure Adaptive Load-Balancing Routing (SALR) protocol, in which the routing decision is taken at every hop considering the unforeseen changes in the network. Multipath selection based on Node Strength is done at every hop to decide the most secure and least congested route. The system predicts the best route rather than running the congestion detection and security schemes repeatedly. Simulation results show that security and latency performance is better than reported protocols

    Search for TeV γ\gamma -rays from H1426+428 during 2004-07 with the TACTIC telescope

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    The BL Lac object H1426+428 (z0.129z\equiv 0.129) is an established source of TeV γ\gamma-rays and detections of these photons from this object also have important implications for estimating the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) in addition to the understanding of the particle acceleration and γ\gamma-ray production mechanisms in the AGN jets. We have observed this source for about 244h in 2004, 2006 and 2007 with the TACTIC γ\gamma-ray telescope located at Mt. Abu, India. Detailed analysis of these data do not indicate the presence of any statistically significant TeV γ\gamma-ray signal from the source direction. Accordingly, we have placed an upper limit of 1.18×1012\leq1.18\times10^{-12} photonsphotons cm2cm^{-2} s1s^{-1} on the integrated γ\gamma-ray flux at 3σ\sigma significance level.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures accepted for publication in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physic

    Precision medicine for suicidality: from universality to subtypes and personalization

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    Suicide remains a clear, present and increasing public health problem, despite being a potentially preventable tragedy. Its incidence is particularly high in people with overt or un(der)diagnosed psychiatric disorders. Objective and precise identification of individuals at risk, ways of monitoring response to treatments and novel preventive therapeutics need to be discovered, employed and widely deployed. We sought to investigate whether blood gene expression biomarkers for suicide (that is, a ‘liquid biopsy’ approach) can be identified that are more universal in nature, working across psychiatric diagnoses and genders, using larger cohorts than in previous studies. Such markers may reflect and/or be a proxy for the core biology of suicide. We were successful in this endeavor, using a comprehensive stepwise approach, leading to a wealth of findings. Steps 1, 2 and 3 were discovery, prioritization and validation for tracking suicidality, resulting in a Top Dozen list of candidate biomarkers comprising the top biomarkers from each step, as well as a larger list of 148 candidate biomarkers that survived Bonferroni correction in the validation step. Step 4 was testing the Top Dozen list and Bonferroni biomarker list for predictive ability for suicidal ideation (SI) and for future hospitalizations for suicidality in independent cohorts, leading to the identification of completely novel predictive biomarkers (such as CLN5 and AK2), as well as reinforcement of ours and others previous findings in the field (such as SLC4A4 and SKA2). Additionally, we examined whether subtypes of suicidality can be identified based on mental state at the time of high SI and identified four potential subtypes: high anxiety, low mood, combined and non-affective (psychotic). Such subtypes may delineate groups of individuals that are more homogenous in terms of suicidality biology and behavior. We also studied a more personalized approach, by psychiatric diagnosis and gender, with a focus on bipolar males, the highest risk group. Such a personalized approach may be more sensitive to gender differences and to the impact of psychiatric co-morbidities and medications. We compared testing the universal biomarkers in everybody versus testing by subtypes versus personalized by gender and diagnosis, and show that the subtype and personalized approaches permit enhanced precision of predictions for different universal biomarkers. In particular, LHFP appears to be a strong predictor for suicidality in males with depression. We also directly examined whether biomarkers discovered using male bipolars only are better predictors in a male bipolar independent cohort than universal biomarkers and show evidence for a possible advantage of personalization. We identified completely novel biomarkers (such as SPTBN1 and C7orf73), and reinforced previously known biomarkers (such as PTEN and SAT1). For diagnostic ability testing purposes, we also examined as predictors phenotypic measures as apps (for suicide risk (CFI-S, Convergent Functional Information for Suicidality) and for anxiety and mood (SASS, Simplified Affective State Scale)) by themselves, as well as in combination with the top biomarkers (the combination being our a priori primary endpoint), to provide context and enhance precision of predictions. We obtained area under the curves of 90% for SI and 77% for future hospitalizations in independent cohorts. Step 5 was to look for mechanistic understanding, starting with examining evidence for the Top Dozen and Bonferroni biomarkers for involvement in other psychiatric and non-psychiatric disorders, as a mechanism for biological predisposition and vulnerability. The biomarkers we identified also provide a window towards understanding the biology of suicide, implicating biological pathways related to neurogenesis, programmed cell death and insulin signaling from the universal biomarkers, as well as mTOR signaling from the male bipolar biomarkers. In particular, HTR2A increase coupled with ARRB1 and GSK3B decreases in expression in suicidality may provide a synergistic mechanistical corrective target, as do SLC4A4 increase coupled with AHCYL1 and AHCYL2 decrease. Step 6 was to move beyond diagnostics and mechanistical risk assessment, towards providing a foundation for personalized therapeutics. Items scored positive in the CFI-S and subtypes identified by SASS in different individuals provide targets for personalized (psycho)therapy. Some individual biomarkers are targets of existing drugs used to treat mood disorders and suicidality (lithium, clozapine and omega-3 fatty acids), providing a means toward pharmacogenomics stratification of patients and monitoring of response to treatment. Such biomarkers merit evaluation in clinical trials. Bioinformatics drug repurposing analyses with the gene expression biosignatures of the Top Dozen and Bonferroni-validated universal biomarkers identified novel potential therapeutics for suicidality, such as ebselen (a lithium mimetic), piracetam (a nootropic), chlorogenic acid (a polyphenol) and metformin (an antidiabetic and possible longevity promoting drug). Finally, based on the totality of our data and of the evidence in the field to date, a convergent functional evidence score prioritizing biomarkers that have all around evidence (track suicidality, predict it, are reflective of biological predisposition and are potential drug targets) brought to the fore APOE and IL6 from among the universal biomarkers, suggesting an inflammatory/accelerated aging component that may be a targetable common denominator

    SU(3) and Nonet Breaking Effects in KLγγK_L \to \gamma \gamma Induced by sd+2gluons \to d + 2{gluon} due to Anomaly

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    In this paper we study the effects of sd+2gluons\to d + 2{gluon} on KLγγK_L \to \gamma\gamma in the Standard Model. We find that this interaction can induce new sizeable SU(3) and U(3) nonet breaking effects in KLη,ηK_L - \eta, \eta' transitions and therefore in KLγγK_L\to \gamma\gamma due to large matrix elements of from QCD anomaly. These new effects play an important role in explaining the observed value. We also study the effects of this interaction on the contribution to ΔmKLKS\Delta m_{K_L-K_S}.Comment: RevTex, 12 Pages, no figures. Version to be published in PR