10,109 research outputs found

    Multipartite entanglement in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) pigment-protein complex

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    We investigate multipartite states in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) pigment-protein complex of the green sulfur bacteria using a Lorentzian spectral density of the phonon reservoir fitted with typical parameter estimates of the species, P. aestuarii. The evolution of the entanglement measure of the excitonic W qubit states is evaluated in the picosecond time range, showing increased revivals in the non-Markovian regime. Similar trends are observed in the evolution dynamics of the Meyer-Wallach measure of the N-exciton multipartite state, with results showing that multipartite entanglement can last from 0.5 to 1 ps, between the Bchls of the FMO complex. The teleportation and quantum information splitting fidelities associated with the GHZ and W_A resource states of the excitonic qubit channels of the FMO complex show that revivals in fidelities increase with the degree of non-Markovian strength of the decoherent environment. Results indicate that quantum information processing tasks involving teleportation followed by the decodification process involving W_A states of the FMO complex, may play a critical role during coherent oscillations at physiological temperatures.Comment: 16 pages, new figs, typo

    Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer Observations of the X-ray Pulsar EXO 1722-363 - a Candidate Eclipsing Supergiant System

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    Observations made of the X-ray pulsar EXO 1722-363 using the Proportional Counter Array and All Sky Monitor on board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer reveal the orbital period of this system to be 9.741 +/- 0.004 d from periodic changes in the source flux. The detection of eclipses, together with the values of the pulse and orbital periods, suggest that this source consists of a neutron star accreting from the stellar wind of an early spectral type supergiant companion. Pulse timing measurements were also obtained but do not strongly constrain the system parameters. The X-ray spectra can be well fitted with a model consisting of a power law with a high energy cutoff and, for some spectra, a blackbody component with a temperature of approximately 0.85 keV.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 27 pages including 10 figure

    Collective Light Emission of a Finite Size Atomic Chain

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    Radiative properties of collective electronic states in a one dimensional atomic chain are investigated. Radiative corrections are included with emphasize put on the effect of the chain size through the dependence on both the number of atoms and the lattice constant. The damping rates of collective states are calculated in considering radiative effects for different values of the lattice constant relative to the atomic transition wave length. Especially the symmetric state damping rate as a function of the number of the atoms is derived. The emission pattern off a finite linear chain is also presented. The results can be adopted for any chain of active material, e.g., a chain of semiconductor quantum dots or organic molecules on a linear matrix.Comment: 10 pages, 20 figure

    Static versus dynamic fluctuations in the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model

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    The extended Hubbard Hamiltonian is a widely accepted model for uncovering the effects of strong correlations on the phase diagram of low-dimensional systems, and a variety of theoretical techniques have been applied to it. In this paper the world-line quantum Monte Carlo method is used to study spin, charge, and bond order correlations of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model in the presence of coupling to the lattice. A static alternating lattice distortion (the ionic Hubbard model) leads to enhanced charge density wave correlations at the expense of antiferromagnetic order. When the lattice degrees of freedom are dynamic (the Hubbard-Holstein model), we show that a similar effect occurs even though the charge asymmetry must arise spontaneously. Although the evolution of the total energy with lattice coupling is smooth, the individual components exhibit sharp crossovers at the phase boundaries. Finally, we observe a tendency for bond order in the region between the charge and spin density wave phases.Comment: Corrected typos. (10 pages, 9 figures

    Time-restricted feeding of pigs: social and feeding behavior

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    Twenty finishing pigs were used to evaluate effects of time-restricted feeding on social interactions and feeding patterns of pigs at feeding time. Correlation analysis for pairs of traits, involving feeding activities, social interactions, and rate of gain indicate that more aggressive pigs went first to the feeder, fed more frequently, and gained faster. Although on continuous artificial lighting, timed-fed pigs displayed more feeding and aggressive behavior during day light hours.; Swine Day, Manhattan, KS, November 15, 198

    Thermal noise of folding mirrors

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    Current gravitational wave detectors rely on the use of Michelson interferometers. One crucial limitation of their sensitivity is the thermal noise of their optical components. Thus, for example fluctuational deformations of the mirror surface are probed by a laser beam being reflected from the mirrors at normal incidence. Thermal noise models are well evolved for that case but mainly restricted to single reflections. In this work we present the effect of two consecutive reflections under a non-normal incidence onto mirror thermal noise. This situation is inherent to detectors using a geometrical folding scheme such as GEO\,600. We revise in detail the conventional direct noise analysis scheme to the situation of non-normal incidence allowing for a modified weighting funtion of mirror fluctuations. An application of these results to the GEO\,600 folding mirror for Brownian, thermoelastic and thermorefractive noise yields an increase of displacement noise amplitude by 20\% for most noise processes. The amplitude of thermoelastic substrate noise is increased by a factor 4 due to the modified weighting function. Thus the consideration of the correct weighting scheme can drastically alter the noise predictions and demands special care in any thermal noise design process

    High-Velocity Features of Calcium and Silicon in the Spectra of Type Ia Supernovae

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    "High-velocity features" (HVFs) are spectral features in Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) that have minima indicating significantly higher (by greater than about 6000 km/s) velocities than typical "photospheric-velocity features" (PVFs). The PVFs are absorption features with minima indicating typical photospheric (i.e., bulk ejecta) velocities (usually ~9000-15,000 km/s near B-band maximum brightness). In this work we undertake the most in-depth study of HVFs ever performed. The dataset used herein consists of 445 low-resolution optical and near-infrared (NIR) spectra (at epochs up to 5 d past maximum brightness) of 210 low-redshift SNe Ia that follow the "Phillips relation." A series of Gaussian functions is fit to the data in order to characterise possible HVFs of Ca II H&K, Si II {\lambda}6355, and the Ca II NIR triplet. The temporal evolution of the velocities and strengths of the PVFs and HVFs of these three spectral features is investigated, as are possible correlations with other SN Ia observables. We find that while HVFs of Ca II are regularly observed (except in underluminous SNe Ia, where they are never found), HVFs of Si II {\lambda}6355 are significantly rarer, and they tend to exist at the earliest epochs and mostly in objects with large photospheric velocities. It is also shown that stronger HVFs of Si II {\lambda}6355 are found in objects that lack C II absorption at early times and that have red ultraviolet/optical colours near maximum brightness. These results lead to a self-consistent connection between the presence and strength of HVFs of Si II {\lambda}6355 and many other mutually correlated SN~Ia observables, including photospheric velocity.Comment: 48 pages (22 of which are tables), 15 figures, 5 tables, re-submitted to MNRAS (after first referee report

    Nonlocal field correlations and dynamical Casimir-Polder forces between one excited- and two ground-state atoms

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    The problem of nonlocality in the dynamical three-body Casimir-Polder interaction between an initially excited and two ground-state atoms is considered. It is shown that the nonlocal spatial correlations of the field emitted by the excited atom during the initial part of its spontaneous decay may become manifest in the three-body interaction. The observability of this new phenomenon is discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, sub. to Phys. Rev.

    Chandra observations of the accretion-driven millisecond X-ray pulsars XTE J0929-314 and XTE J1751-305 in quiescence

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    (Abridge) We observed the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars XTE J0929-314 and XTE J1751-305 in their quiescent states using Chandra. From XTE J0929-314 we detected 22 photons (0.3-8 keV) in 24.4 ksec, resulting in a count rate of 9 x 10^{-4} c/s. The small number of photons detected did not allow for a detailed spectral analysis, but we can demonstrate that the spectrum is harder than simple thermal emission which is what is usually presumed to arise from a cooling neutron star that has been heated during the outbursts. Assuming a power-law model for the spectrum, we obtain a power-law index of ~1.8 and an unabsorbed flux of 6 x 10^{-15} ergs/s/cm^2 (0.5-10 keV), resulting in a luminosity of 7 x 10^{31} (d/10 kpc)^2 ergs/s, with d in kpc. No thermal component could be detected; such a component contributed at most 30% to the 0.5-10 keV flux. Variability in the count rate of XTE J0929-314 was observed at the 95% confidence level. We did not conclusively detect XTE J1751-305 in our 43 ksec observation, with 0.5-10 keV flux upper limits between 0.2 and 2.7 x 10^{-14} ergs/s/cm^2 depending on assumed spectral shape, resulting in luminosity upper limits of 0.2 - 2 x 10^{32} (d/8 kpc)^2 ergs/s. We compare our results with those obtained for other neutron-star X-ray transients in their quiescent state. Using simple accretion disk physics in combination with our measured quiescent luminosity of XTE J0929-314 and the luminosity upper limits of XTE J1751-305, and the known spin frequency of the neutron stars, we could constrain the magnetic field of the neutron stars in XTE J0929-314 and XTE J1751-305 to be less than 3 x 10^9 (d/10 kpc) and 3 - 7 x 10^8 (d/8 kpc) Gauss (depending on assumed spectral shape of the quiescent spectrum), respectively.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 29 September 2004. Added spectral variability search for the data of XTE J0929-314 and added the non-detection with Chandra of XTE J1751-30

    Controlled spontaneous emission

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    The problem of spontaneous emission is studied by a direct computer simulation of the dynamics of a combined system: atom + radiation field. The parameters of the discrete finite model, including up to 20k field oscillators, have been optimized by a comparison with the exact solution for the case when the oscillators have equidistant frequencies and equal coupling constants. Simulation of the effect of multi-pulse sequence of phase kicks and emission by a pair of atoms shows that both the frequency and the linewidth of the emitted spectrum could be controlled.Comment: 25 pages including 11 figure
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