1,215 research outputs found

    An empirical model to describe rapidity density and transverse momentum distributions

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    The distribution of rapidity density and transverse momentum is formulated empirically and analytically. It describes the data quite well over the wide energy range of √s = 22.4 – 7000 GeV

    Aula laboratorial sobre microrganismos: a importância da experiência para a construção do conhecimento científico

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Novos métodos para aperfeiçoar o aprendizado nas escolas de ensino fundamental e médio são continuamente buscados e sugeridos por diferentes autores. Porém, não é tarefa fácil modificar o cotidiano atual das escolas e inserir vertentes inovadoras de ensino. É nesse contexto que a utilização de aulas práticas pode abrir um viés para exploração da construção do conhecimento científico, passando pela observação dos fatos e a formulação de hipóteses. O laboratório, sendo um ambiente de múltiplas possibilidades, favorece um desenvolvimento mais pleno dos educandos, uma vez que a utilização de aulas experimentais contribui diretamente para que progridam de maneira a compreender e apropriar-se de conceitos científicos. Nessa perspectiva, buscou-se explorar o ensino de Ciências através de experimentos em laboratório, conduzidos pelos próprios educandos e mediados pelos professores, para a construção de uma aprendizagem significativa por experimentaçã

    A utilização de modelos didáticos em aulas práticas sobre o sistema cardiovascular no ensino fundamental

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014Uma análise do formato atual das escolas brasileiras, públicas ou privadas, revela com nitidez que o modelo tradicional de ensino ainda é amplamente adotado, em detrimento de abordagens didático- pedagógicas alternativas, que possibilitam maior interação do sujeito com o objeto do conhecimento. A constatação de que, para muitos alunos, a exposição meramente teórica é insuficiente para o entendimento de conceitos complexos, como aqueles envolvidos nos processos fisiológicos, levou à opção por uma abordagem prática, em laboratório, adaptando e recriando um modelo que simulasse o funcionamento do sistema cardiovascular. O objetivo foi buscar a concretização e internalização dos conceitos, não logrados pela vertente exclusivamente teórica. Nesse contexto buscou-se trazer modelos que ultrapassassem a barreira do abstrato, levando a uma conformação visual e tátil de fácil compreensão para que os alunos pudessem conceber o funcionamento do sistema cardiovascula

    Possible role of Krüppel-like factor 5 in the remodeling of small airways and pulmonary vessels in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    BACKGROUND: Small airway remodeling is an important cause of the airflow limitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A large population of patients with COPD also have pulmonary hypertension. Krüppel-like factor 5 (KLF5) is a zinc-finger transcription factor that contributes to tissue remodeling in cardiovascular diseases. Here, we evaluate the possible involvement of KLF5 in the remodeling of small airways and pulmonary vessels in COPD. METHODS: Lung tissues were obtained from 23 control never-smokers, 17 control ex-smokers and 24 ex-smokers with COPD. The expression of KLF5 in the lung tissues was investigated by immunohistochemistry. We investigated whether oxidative/nitrosative stress, which is a major cause of the pathogenesis in COPD, could augment the production of KLF5. We examined the role of KLF5 in the stress-mediated tissue remodeling responses. We also investigated the susceptibility of KLF5 expression to nitrosative stress using bronchial fibroblasts isolated from the lung tissues. RESULTS: The expression of KLF5 was up-regulated in the small airways and pulmonary vessels of the COPD patients and it was mainly expressed in bronchial fibroblasts and cells of the pulmonary vessels. The extent of the KLF5 expression in the small airway of the COPD group had a significant correlation with the severity of the airflow limitation. Oxidative/nitrosative stress augmented the production of KLF5 in lung fibroblasts as well as the translocation of KLF5 into the nuclei. Silencing of KLF5 suppressed the stress-augmented differentiation into myofibroblasts, the release of collagens and metalloproteinases. Bronchial fibroblasts from the patients with COPD highly expressed KLF5 compared to those from the control subjects under basal condition and were more susceptible to the induction of KLF5 expression by nitrosative stress compared to those from the control subjects. CONCLUSION: We provide the first evidence that the expression of KLF5 is up-regulated in small airways and pulmonary vessels of patients with COPD and may be involved in the tissue remodeling of COPD

    Pembentukan Monolayer Azobenzen Disulfida dan Karakterisasinya

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    Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan studi kinetik adsorpsi pembentukan monolayer azobenzen disulfida pada substrat Au. Ada tiga jenis molekul azobenzen disulfida yang digunakan yaitu HAzC12SSC12, C6AzC12SSC18, dan CNAzC12SSC12. Pengkajian tersebut dilakukan dengan pengukuran kinetik adsorpsi monolayer azobenzen disulfida dan spektrum SPR dengan menggunakan spektroskopi surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan molekul C6AzC12SSC18 memiliki potensi yang lebih baik untuk membentuk self-assembled monolayer (SAMs), karena memiliki tahapan adsorpsi yang cepat dengan ketebalan yang optimal dan penyusunan molekul yang teratur


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    A systematic study of the hybrid experiment at Mt.Chacaltaya

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    In the hybrid experiment on Mt.Chacaltaya, we can observe three different components of airshowers, that is, air-shower size, burst-density and high energy families (a bundle of high energy particles). Burst-density in each block of hadron calorimeters are newly recalculated in simulations in oder to compare directly to the experimental data. Energy deposits in the scintillators of the hadron calorimeters are calculated using GEANT4 for every particle, incident upon the hadron calorimeter, in the air-showers simulated using CORSIKA, and are converted into burst-density, taking into consideration the exact structure of experimental hadron calorimeter. We study correlations among three observable components in the air-showers. Correlations between air-shower size and burst-density and those between air-shower size and accompanied family energy can be explained by model calculations by adjusting primary particle composition, the former correlation is in favor of proton-primaries but the latter iron-primaries. No model can describe well observed correlations between burst-density and family energy. That is, the observed family energy accompanied by the air-showers with larger burst-density is systematically smaller than that expected in the simulated events. Effects of a fluctuation in the cross-section of hadronic interactions are studied to settle the disagreement between experimental data and simulations
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