249 research outputs found

    Motion picture camera for optical pyrometry Patent

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    Filter arrangement for controlling light intensity in motion picture camera used in optical pyrometr

    Light intensity modulator controller Patent

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    Modulating and controlling intensity of light beam from high temperature source by servocontrolled rotating cylinder

    Nonadiabatic Electron Pumping: Maximal Current with Minimal Noise

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    The noise properties of pump currents through an open double quantum dot setup with non-adiabatic ac driving are investigated. Driving frequencies close to the internal resonances of the double dot-system mark the optimal working points at which the pump current assumes a maximum while its noise power possesses a remarkably low minimum. A rotating-wave approximation provides analytical expressions for the current and its noise power and allows to optimize the noise characteristics. The analytical results are compared to numerical results from a Floquet transport theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, replaced Fig. 1, added new inset in Fig. 2, extended paragraph on symmetry consideration

    Rotating filters permit wide range of optical pyrometry

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    Gear-driven dual filter disks of graduated density vary linearly with respect to rotation, allowing a wide range of photographic pyrometry. this technique is applicable in metallurgy, glass, plastics and refractory research, and crystallography
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