383 research outputs found

    The effect of resin toughness and modulus on compressive failure modes of quasi-isotropic graphite/epoxy laminates

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    Compressive failure mechanisms in quasi-isotropic graphite/epoxy laminates were characterized for both unnotched and notched specimens and also following damage by impact. Two types of fibers (Thornel 300 and 700) and four resin systems (Narmco 5208, American Cyanamid BP907, and Union Carbide 4901/MDA and 4901/mPDA) were studied. For all material combinations, failure of unnotched specimens was initiated by kinking of fibers in the 0-degree plies. A major difference was observed, however, in the mode of failure propagation after the 0-degree ply failure. The strength of quasi-isotropic laminates in general increased with increasing resin tensile modulus. The laminates made with Thornel 700 fibers exhibited slightly lower compressive strengths than did the laminates made with Thornel 300 fibers. The notch sensitivity as measured by the hole strength was lowest for the BP907 resin and highest for the 5208 resin. For the materials studied, however, the type of fiber had no effect on the notch sensitivity

    Compression failure mechanisms of composite structures

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    An experimental and analytical study was conducted to delineate the compression failure mechanisms of composite structures. The present report summarizes further results on kink band formation in unidirectional composites. In order to assess the compressive strengths and failure modes of fibers them selves, a fiber bundle was embedded in epoxy casting and tested in compression. A total of six different fibers were used together with two resins of different stiffnesses. The failure of highly anisotropic fibers such as Kevlar 49 and P-75 graphite was due to kinking of fibrils. However, the remaining fibers--T300 and T700 graphite, E-glass, and alumina--failed by localized microbuckling. Compressive strengths of the latter group of fibers were not fully utilized in their respective composite. In addition, acoustic emission monitoring revealed that fiber-matrix debonding did not occur gradually but suddenly at final failure. The kink band formation in unidirectional composites under compression was studied analytically and through microscopy. The material combinations selected include seven graphite/epoxy composites, two graphite/thermoplastic resin composites, one Kevlar 49/epoxy composite and one S-glass/epoxy composite

    Testing a practical indicator for changing soil organic matter

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    Long-term changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) resulting from management change are documented for many experimental situations, and corresponding trends in the field have been observed by national survey. Since these changes are relevant to atmospheric carbon balance a practical measure to confirm the impact of recent management decisions at any location, without resorting to repeated sampling, is highly attractive but none has previously been tested. This study assessed intra-aggregate C to fulfil the role, based on a temporary deviation from its predictable contribution to total SOC under stable management. A total of 166 surface soil samples (0-15 cm) were analyzed for intra-aggregate C using an established physical fractionation protocol or compatible scaled-up procedure. Soils were arable (or ley-arable) managed by conventional or minimum-tillage, or permanent grassland, and assigned 'stable' or 'changing' status on the basis of a verbal account of management history. Log-normal populations of intra-aggregate C were compared for soils of stable and changing status using F-tests. Intra-aggregate C shows promise as an indicator of changing SOC in arable soils up to 30% clay content, particularly soils < 20% clay. A larger dataset is required to establish its utility in grassland soils. It is not certain that intra-aggregate C is capable of confirming direction of change or trajectory (endpoint), and functions to indicate change, rather than confirm stable status. Supplementary information on the history of soil use and management is therefore essential in the interpretation of such measurements

    Pyrolysis final temperature effects on biochar stability.

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    Pyrolysis technology can be used for producing biochar and bio-oil simultaneously, as an effective and sustainable mean to produce renewable bioenergy and a carbon rich soil amendment that can be used for carbon sequestration and agronomic benefits. However, pyrolysis products yields and biochar stability are strongly affected by the feedstock and pyrolysis variables, especially the final temperature. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of pyrolysis final temperature on biochar stability after thermochemical oxidation. For this experiment, two species of hardwood and two species of softwood with particle size between 0.5 and 2.0 mm were pyrolized at five different final temperatures (350, 400, 450, 500 and 550°C) for 60 min at an muffle furnace with limited supply of O2. Thermochemical oxidation was performed for the solid products (biochar). As pyrolysis final temperature increased, biochar stability increased as well, indicating that these materials would be more resistant to degradation when applied into soil

    Biochar stable fraction quantification by thermochemical oxidation and assessement by 13C-NMR spectrocopy.

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    Although biochar is often regarded lized into carbon dioxide. However, it is unclear how much of this material is rapidly oxidized, that is, how much remain in the soil for NQPIGTRGTKQFU'&#401;QTVUJCXGDGGPWPFGTVCMGP to develop methodologies to quantify the stable fraction present in biochar, quickly, easily reproducible, and that somehow represents TGCN?GNFEQPFKVKQPU6JGTGHQTGVJGCKOQHVJKU UVWF[YCUVQGXCNWCVGVJGG&#401;GEVQHFK&#401;GTGPV R[TQN[UKU?PCNVGORGTCVWTGUQPVJGUVCDKNKV[QH biochar produced from Eucalyptus dunnii wood by analyzing biochar samples before and after a thermo-chemical oxidation using 13 C NMR spec- troscopy. Stable-C fraction increased as higher R[TQN[UKU?PCNVGORGTCVWTGYCU6JGTOQEJGOical oxidation was responsible for removing labile structures still present as well as aromatic structures less resistant to degradation. Thermo-chemical oxidation was also responsible for the functionalization of biochars, being this ef- HGEVOKNFGTCUJKIJGTR[TQN[UKU?PCNVGORGTCVWTG was. The balance between C storage (Stable-C HTCEVKQPCPFCITQPQOKEDGPG?VU HWPEVKQPCNK\Ction) of biochar should be carefully evaluated, as its characteristics can vary depending on the conditions by which it was produced

    Certain subclasses of multivalent functions defined by new multiplier transformations

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    In the present paper the new multiplier transformations \mathrm{{\mathcal{J}% }}_{p}^{\delta }(\lambda ,\mu ,l) (\delta ,l\geq 0,\;\lambda \geq \mu \geq 0;\;p\in \mathrm{% }%\mathbb{N} )} of multivalent functions is defined. Making use of the operator Jpδ(λ,μ,l),\mathrm{% {\mathcal{J}}}_{p}^{\delta }(\lambda ,\mu ,l), two new subclasses Pλ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\mathcal{% P}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) and P~λ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\widetilde{\mathcal{P}}% _{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p)\textbf{\ }of multivalent analytic functions are introduced and investigated in the open unit disk. Some interesting relations and characteristics such as inclusion relationships, neighborhoods, partial sums, some applications of fractional calculus and quasi-convolution properties of functions belonging to each of these subclasses Pλ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\mathcal{P}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) and P~λ,μ,lδ(A,B;σ,p)\widetilde{\mathcal{P}}_{\lambda ,\mu ,l}^{\delta }(A,B;\sigma ,p) are investigated. Relevant connections of the definitions and results presented in this paper with those obtained in several earlier works on the subject are also pointed out

    Effects of Protein Deficiency on Perinatal and Postnatal Health Outcomes

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    There are a variety of environmental insults that can occur during pregnancy which cause low birth weight and poor fetal health outcomes. One such insult is maternal malnutrition, which can be further narrowed down to a low protein diet during gestation. Studies show that perinatal protein deficiencies can impair proper organ growth and development, leading to long-term metabolic dysfunction. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that underlie how this deficiency leads to adverse developmental outcomes is essential for establishing better therapeuticstrategies that may alleviate or prevent diseases in later life. This chapter reviews how perinatal protein restriction in humans and animals leads to metabolic disease, and it identifies the mechanisms that have been elucidated, to date. These include alterations in transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms, as well as indirect means such as endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and oxidative stress. Furthermore, nutritional and pharmaceutical interventions are highlighted to illustrate that the plasticity of the underdeveloped organs during perinatal life can be exploited to prevent onset of long-term metabolic disease

    Maternal Undernutrition and Long-term Effects on Hepatic Function

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    Undernutrition in utero, regardless of the source, can impair proper liver development leading to long-term metabolic dysfunction. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying how nutritional deficits during perinatal life lead to permanent alterations in hepatic gene expression will provide better therapeutic strategies to alleviate the undernourished liver in postnatal life. This chapter addresses the different experimental models of undernutrition in utero, and highlights the direct and indirect mechanisms involved leading to metabolic diseases in the liver. These include hypoxia, oxidative stress, epigenetic alterations, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In addition, promising perinatal nutritional and pharmaceutical interventions are highlighted which illustrate how the placidity of the developing liver can be exploited to prevent the onset of long-term metabolic disease

    Formulation, characterisation and stabilisation of buccal films for paediatric drug delivery of omeprazole

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    This study aimed to develop films for potential delivery of omeprazole (OME) via the buccal mucosa of paediatric patients. Films were prepared using hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), methylcellulose (MC), sodium alginate (SA), carrageenan (CA) and metolose (MET) with polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) as plasticiser, OME (model drug) and L-arg (stabiliser). Gels (1% w/w) were prepared at 40°C using water and ethanol with PEG 400 (0–1% w/w) and dried in an oven (40°C). Optimised formulations containing OME and L-arg (1:1, 1:2 and 1:3) were prepared to investigate the stabilisation of the drug. Tensile properties (Texture analysis, TA), physical form (differential scanning calorimetry, DSC; X-ray diffraction, XRD; thermogravimetric analysis, TGA) and surface topography (scanning electron microscopy, SEM) were investigated. Based on the TA results, SA and MET films were chosen for OME loading and stabilisation studies as they showed a good balance between flexibility and toughness. Plasticised MET films were uniform and smooth whilst unplasticised films demonstrated rough lumpy surfaces. SA films prepared from aqueous gels showed some lumps on the surface, whereas SA films prepared from ethanolic gels were smooth and uniform. Drug-loaded gels showed that OME was unstable and therefore required addition of L-arg. The DSC and XRD suggested molecular dispersion of drug within the polymeric matrix. Plasticised (0.5% w/w PEG 400) MET films prepared from ethanolic (20% v/v) gels and containing OME: L-arg 1:2 showed the most ideal characteristics (transparency, ease of peeling and flexibility) and was selected for further investigation