1,362 research outputs found

    Canonical neural networks perform active inference

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    This work considers a class of canonical neural networks comprising rate coding models, wherein neural activity and plasticity minimise a common cost function-and plasticity is modulated with a certain delay. We show that such neural networks implicitly perform active inference and learning to minimise the risk associated with future outcomes. Mathematical analyses demonstrate that this biological optimisation can be cast as maximisation of model evidence, or equivalently minimisation of variational free energy, under the well-known form of a partially observed Markov decision process model. This equivalence indicates that the delayed modulation of Hebbian plasticity-accompanied with adaptation of firing thresholds-is a sufficient neuronal substrate to attain Bayes optimal inference and control. We corroborated this proposition using numerical analyses of maze tasks. This theory offers a universal characterisation of canonical neural networks in terms of Bayesian belief updating and provides insight into the neuronal mechanisms underlying planning and adaptive behavioural control

    Integration of geological and seismological data for the analysis of seismic hazard: A case study of Japan

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    Seismic hazard analyses are associated with large uncertainties when historical data are insufficient to define secular rates of seismicity. Such uncertainties may be decreased with geological data in areas where seismicity is shallow and produced by Quaternary faulting. To illustrate, we examine intraplate Japan. Large intraplate earthquakes in Japan characteristically produce surface ruptures along mappable Quaternary faults and show a systematic relation between seismic moment, M_0 and rupture length I (log M_0 = 23.5 + 1.94 × log I). It is observed that, within the bounds placed by geologically assessed slip rates, the mean regional moment release rate M_0 resulting from slip on mapped Quaternary faults is in accord with estimates of M_0 determined with the 400-yr record of seismicity. Recent work also shows that when the repeat time T of earthquakes on Quaternary faults in southwest Japan is assumed to equal M_0/M_0^g (where M_0 is estimated for rupture extended over the entire fault length and M_0^g is the geologically assessed moment release rate of each fault), the moment frequency distribution of earthquakes predicted from the geologic record is virtually identical to that seen with the 400-yr record of seismicity. These observations indicate that the geologic record of Quaternary fault offsets contains sufficient information to predict both the spatial and size distribution of intraplate earthquakes in Japan. A contour map of the average recurrence time of ground shaking of JMA intensity ≧V is thus computed using an empirical relation between seismic moment and the areal distribution of seismic intensity and assuming that the repeat time T of earthquakes on each Quaternary fault equals M_0/M_0^g. The map demonstrates how Quaternary fault data may be used to assess long-term seismic hazard in areas of active faulting where historical records of seismicity are relatively short or absent. Another shortcoming of conventional seismic hazard analysis is that hazard is not considered a function of the time since each fault in a region last ruptured. A simple procedure is used to demonstrate how the time-dependent nature of the earthquake cycle affects the evaluation of seismic hazard. The distribution of seismic shaking characteristic of large interplate earthquakes offshore of Japan is estimated from published isoseismal maps. The observed average repeat times of ruptures along specific segments of the plate boundaries then provide the basis to make probabilistic estimates of the next expected time of seismic shaking due to plate boundary earthquakes. When data are too few to document the average repeat times of rupture, the estimates of probability are calculated with data relating to the relative coseismic slip during past earthquakes and the rate of interseismic strain accumulation, interpreted within the framework of the time predictable model of earthquake occurrence. Results are displayed as maps of instantaneous seismic hazard: the probability that seismic shaking will occur conditional to knowledge of where in time each fault in a region presently resides with respect to the earthquake cycle

    The NASA Ames Research Center one- and two-dimensional stratospheric models. Part 2: The two-dimensional model

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    The two-dimensional model of stratospheric constituents is presented in detail. The derivation of pertinent transport parameters and the numerical solution of the species continuity equations, including a technique for treating the stiff differential equations that represent the chemical kinetic terms, and appropriate methods for simulating the diurnal variations of the solar zenith angle and species concentrations are discussed. Predicted distributions of tracer constituents (ozone, carbon 14, nitric acid) are compared with observed distributions

    Mineralogía, geoquímica y algunos aspectos genéticos de la mina El Diamante- Nariño (Colombia).

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    The Diamante mine is located in the southwestern part of Colombia on the west flank of the Occidental Andes Cordillera. The fluid associated with gold mineralization has a range of salinity between 1.7 to 5.8 wt % NaCl equivalent. Densities vary from 0.58 to 0.92 g/cc. Homogenization temperature averages range between 228-340°C. d34Spyrite values of –7.1 to –5.3‰ and d34SSS = -5.7‰ suggest a mixing of sulfur with sedimentary and magmatic origin. The d18O and dD values for the fluids are 7.6 to 9.6‰ and -74 to -83‰, respectively. The isotopic and fluid inclusion data of ore fluids suggest that the gold mineralization at the Diamante mine may have evolved from mixing of magmatic and meteoric fluids possibly related to intrusion of the nearby Piedrancha Granodiorite of late Miocene age. The gold deposition is attributed to destabilization of the bisulfide complex as a result of decrease of the sulfur activity, through sulfide deposition and/or H2S loss.La mina El Diamante, localizada en la parte Suroccidental de Colombia, se encuentra compuesta por venas cuarzosas enriquecidas en oro. Análisis de inclusiones fluidas, han permitido establecer que el fluido asociado con la mineralización tiene un rango que varía entre 1.7 a 5.8 NaCl equivalente en peso, con un rango de temperatura de homogeneización entre 228-340°C. Los valores de d34Spyrite obtenidos con Isótopos estables de - 7.1 a - 5.3‰ y el valor de d34SSS = -5.7‰ indican para el azufre un origen mixto: sedimentario y magmático. Los valores de d18O y dD de los fluidos fluctúan entre 7.6 a 9.6‰ y -74 a - 83‰ respectivamente. Los datos de isótopos e inclusiones fluidas sugieren que la mineralización aurífera de la mina El Diamante se desarrolló a partir de la mezcla de aguas meteóricas con aguas magmáticas, y posiblemente relacionada a la intrusión del Stock de Piedrancha de edad Mioceno Tardío. La deposición del oro es atribuida a la desestabilización del complejo bisulfuro, como resultado de la disminución de actividad del azufre a través de la deposición y/o perdida de H2S

    Mineralogía, geoquímica y algunos aspectos genéticos de la mina El Diamante- Nariño (Colombia).

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    The Diamante mine is located in the southwestern part of Colombia on the west flank of the Occidental Andes Cordillera. The fluid associated with gold mineralization has a range of salinity between 1.7 to 5.8 wt % NaCl equivalent. Densities vary from 0.58 to 0.92 g/cc. Homogenization temperature averages range between 228-340°C. d34Spyrite values of –7.1 to –5.3‰ and d34SSS = -5.7‰ suggest a mixing of sulfur with sedimentary and magmatic origin. The d18O and dD values for the fluids are 7.6 to 9.6‰ and -74 to -83‰, respectively. The isotopic and fluid inclusion data of ore fluids suggest that the gold mineralization at the Diamante mine may have evolved from mixing of magmatic and meteoric fluids possibly related to intrusion of the nearby Piedrancha Granodiorite of late Miocene age. The gold deposition is attributed to destabilization of the bisulfide complex as a result of decrease of the sulfur activity, through sulfide deposition and/or H2S loss.La mina El Diamante, localizada en la parte Suroccidental de Colombia, se encuentra compuesta por venas cuarzosas enriquecidas en oro. Análisis de inclusiones fluidas, han permitido establecer que el fluido asociado con la mineralización tiene un rango que varía entre 1.7 a 5.8 NaCl equivalente en peso, con un rango de temperatura de homogeneización entre 228-340°C. Los valores de d34Spyrite obtenidos con Isótopos estables de - 7.1 a - 5.3‰ y el valor de d34SSS = -5.7‰ indican para el azufre un origen mixto: sedimentario y magmático. Los valores de d18O y dD de los fluidos fluctúan entre 7.6 a 9.6‰ y -74 a - 83‰ respectivamente. Los datos de isótopos e inclusiones fluidas sugieren que la mineralización aurífera de la mina El Diamante se desarrolló a partir de la mezcla de aguas meteóricas con aguas magmáticas, y posiblemente relacionada a la intrusión del Stock de Piedrancha de edad Mioceno Tardío. La deposición del oro es atribuida a la desestabilización del complejo bisulfuro, como resultado de la disminución de actividad del azufre a través de la deposición y/o perdida de H2S

    Long-term QiGong practice is associated with improved self-perceived health and quality of life

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    In cross-sectional studies, we examined the long-term practice effects of QiGong exercise on perceived health and quality of life (QoL) in middle-aged (over 50 years) Japanese individuals. In Study 1, Japanese adults (n = 320) who practised QiGong responded to a questionnaire concerning the perceived benefits of QiGong practice and QoL. In Study 2, we collected data from QiGong participants who attended a QiGong conference (n = 799). Participants in Study 1 perceived that QiGong affords physical, psychological, and social benefits and QiGong duration in years correlated strongly with QoL. In Study 2, those who practised QiGong for 0–3 years vs. 13+ years reported a greater likelihood of perceived palpitation, insomnia, a lack of vigour, and attention deficit (odd ratios 1.56–2.60, all p  .05). QiGong is a multi-component form of physical activity, which – if practised for prolonged periods – affords motor, cognitive, social, and QoL benefits
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