243 research outputs found

    Das "Kommentariat" : Rolle und Status einer Öffentlichkeitselite

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    Im Mittelpunkt des WZB-Papers stehen die „Meinungsmacher“ der ĂŒberregionalen QualitĂ€tszeitungen in der Bundesrepublik. Die Kommentare dieser „Leitmedien“ wer-den im politischen System intensiv wahrgenommen. Die ThemenprĂ€ferenzen und Mei-nungen der Kommentatoren dienen als Hinweise auf allgemeine Stimmungen in der Bevölkerung und auf die Durchsetzbarkeit konkreter Entscheidungen. Auch in öffent-lichkeitstheoretischer Perspektive stellen Kommentatoren einen besonders herausgeho-benen „Sprecher“-Typus dar. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Sprechern, die um Medienauf-merksamkeit konkurrieren, besitzen Kommentatoren ein entscheidendes Privileg: sie produzieren nicht nur Themen und Meinungen; sie können selber dafĂŒr sorgen, dass ihre Äußerungen tatsĂ€chlich öffentlich werden. Angesichts der öffentlichkeitstheoreti-schen und politischen Bedeutung der Kommentatoren ĂŒberrascht, dass das „Kommenta-riat“ in der bisherigen Forschung eine merkwĂŒrdig unbeschriebene GrĂ¶ĂŸe geblieben ist. Auf der Basis einer schriftlichen Befragung und persönlicher GesprĂ€che mit Kommen-tatoren der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, der SĂŒddeutschen Zeitung, der Frankfurter Rundschau, der Welt und der tageszeitung gibt diese Studie einen Einblick in die wich-tigsten Charakteristika dieser Sprechergruppe. Wer sind also die Meinungsmacher der deutschen QualitĂ€tspresse? Wie viele Journalisten umfasst diese Öffentlichkeitselite und welche sozio-kulturellen Profile kennzeichnen sie? Wie sehen die Zugangschancen aus? Handelt es sich um einen vergleichsweise offenen Kreis von Journalisten, die von Zeit zu Zeit kommentieren, oder um eine abgeschlossene Gruppe von Vordenkern der Nati-on, die dauerhaft und fast ausschließlich mit der Meinungsproduktion betraut ist? Was sind die Kriterien fĂŒr den Zugang zu dieser Öffentlichkeitselite und wie unterscheiden sich die Zeitungen in Hinblick auf die Zugangschancen? Und fĂŒhrt die Auswahl der Kommentatoren zu Themenspezialisierungen oder Meinungsoligopolen innerhalb und möglicherweise auch zwischen den Zeitungen?The WZB-paper focuses on the “opinion makers” of the national quality newspapers in Germany. The press commentaries are closely observed by the political system. The issues and opinions brought up in the opinion section serve as indicators for the general sentiment of the public and the popularity of certain policies. From a theoretical point of view, commentators are regarded as a very special type of actor in the public sphere. In contrast to other actors in public communication who have to compete for media atten-tion, they enjoy a significant privilege: Not only do they produce messages for public debate, they also decide which messages are eventually publicized. Considering their public and political influence it is rather surprising that neither sociology nor communi-cation research has investigated this group of communicators. This paper presents re-sults of a survey and in-depths-interviews with commentators of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Welt and tageszeitung and thus provides an insight into the characteristics of this group. Who are the “opinion makers” in the leading national quality newspapers? How many journalists belong to this elite of actors in the public sphere and what are their socio-cultural profiles? To what degree and how is access to the opinion section restricted? Do commentators form a closed circle of national masterminds permanently producing opinions or do they rep-resent a rather open group of journalists who among other articles also write commen-taries from time to time? What are the recruitment criteria for commentators and in which ways do the national broadsheets under study differ in terms of access gain? And finally: Does the selection of commentators lead to issue specialization or even opinion monopolies within and across the newspapers

    Hard and soft news: A review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings

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    Over 30 years, a large body of research on what is often called ‘hard’ and ‘soft news’ has accumulated in communication studies. However, there is no consensus about what hard and soft news exactly is, or how it should be defined or measured. Moreover, the concept has not been clearly differentiated from or systematically related to concepts addressing very similar phenomena – tabloidization and ‘infotainment’. Consequently, the results of various studies are hard to compare and different scientific discourses on related issues remain unconnected. Against this backdrop, this article offers a conceptual analysis of the concept based on studies in English and other languages. We identify key dimensions of the concept and make suggestions for a standardized definition and multi-dimensional measurement of harder and softer news. In doing so, we propose to distinguish thematic, focus and style features as basic dimensions that – in their combination – make up harder and softer types of news

    TogoDoc Server/Client System: Smart Recommendation and Efficient Management of Life Science Literature

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    In this paper, we describe a server/client literature management system specialized for the life science domain, the TogoDoc system (Togo, pronounced Toe-Go, is a romanization of a Japanese word for integration). The server and the client program cooperate closely over the Internet to provide life scientists with an effective literature recommendation service and efficient literature management. The content-based and personalized literature recommendation helps researchers to isolate interesting papers from the “tsunami” of literature, in which, on average, more than one biomedical paper is added to MEDLINE every minute. Because researchers these days need to cover updates of much wider topics to generate hypotheses using massive datasets obtained from public databases or omics experiments, the importance of having an effective literature recommendation service is rising. The automatic recommendation is based on the content of personal literature libraries of electronic PDF papers. The client program automatically analyzes these files, which are sometimes deeply buried in storage disks of researchers' personal computers. Just saving PDF papers to the designated folders makes the client program automatically analyze and retrieve metadata, rename file names, synchronize the data to the server, and receive the recommendation lists of newly published papers, thus accomplishing effortless literature management. In addition, the tag suggestion and associative search functions are provided for easy classification of and access to past papers (researchers who read many papers sometimes only vaguely remember or completely forget what they read in the past). The TogoDoc system is available for both Windows and Mac OS X and is free. The TogoDoc Client software is available at http://tdc.cb.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp/, and the TogoDoc server is available at https://docman.dbcls.jp/pubmed_recom

    MAGE I Transcription Factors Regulate KAP1 and KRAB Domain Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Mediated Gene Repression

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    Class I MAGE proteins (MAGE I) are normally expressed only in developing germ cells but are aberrantly expressed in many cancers. They have been shown to promote tumor survival, aggressive growth, and chemoresistance but the underlying mechanisms and MAGE I functions have not been fully elucidated. KRAB domain zinc finger transcription factors (KZNFs) are the largest group of vertebrate transcription factors and regulate neoplastic transformation, tumor suppression, cellular proliferation, and apoptosis. KZNFs bind the KAP1 protein and direct KAP1 to specific DNA sequences where it suppresses gene expression by inducing localized heterochromatin characterized by histone 3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3me3K9). Discovery that MAGE I proteins also bind to KAP1 prompted us to investigate whether MAGE I can affect KZNF and KAP1 mediated gene regulation. We found that expression of MAGE I proteins, MAGE-A3 or MAGE-C2, relieved repression of a reporter gene by ZNF382, a KZNF with tumor suppressor activity. ChIP of MAGE I (-) HEK293T cells showed KAP1 and H3me3K9 are normally bound to the ID1 gene, a target of ZNF382, but that binding is greatly reduced in the presence of MAGE I proteins. MAGE I expression relieved KAP1 mediated ID1 repression, causing increased expression of ID1 mRNA and ID1 chromatin relaxation characterized by loss of H3me3K9. MAGE I binding to KAP1 also induced ZNF382 poly-ubiquitination and degradation, consistent with loss of ZNF382 leading to decreased KAP1 binding to ID1. In contrast, MAGE I expression caused increased KAP1 binding to Ki67, another KAP1 target gene, with increased H3me3K9 and decreased Ki67 mRNA expression. Since KZNFs are required to direct KAP1 to specific genes, these results show that MAGE I proteins can differentially regulate members of the KZNF family and KAP1 mediated gene repression

    Dichotomy in the NRT Gene Families of Dicots and Grass Species

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    A large proportion of the nitrate (NO3−) acquired by plants from soil is actively transported via members of the NRT families of NO3− transporters. In Arabidopsis, the NRT1 family has eight functionally characterised members and predominantly comprises low-affinity transporters; the NRT2 family contains seven members which appear to be high-affinity transporters; and there are two NRT3 (NAR2) family members which are known to participate in high-affinity transport. A modified reciprocal best hit (RBH) approach was used to identify putative orthologues of the Arabidopsis NRT genes in the four fully sequenced grass genomes (maize, rice, sorghum, Brachypodium). We also included the poplar genome in our analysis to establish whether differences between Arabidopsis and the grasses may be generally applicable to monocots and dicots. Our analysis reveals fundamental differences between Arabidopsis and the grass species in the gene number and family structure of all three families of NRT transporters. All grass species possessed additional NRT1.1 orthologues and appear to lack NRT1.6/NRT1.7 orthologues. There is significant separation in the NRT2 phylogenetic tree between NRT2 genes from dicots and grass species. This indicates that determination of function of NRT2 genes in grass species will not be possible in cereals based simply on sequence homology to functionally characterised Arabidopsis NRT2 genes and that proper functional analysis will be required. Arabidopsis has a unique NRT3.2 gene which may be a fusion of the NRT3.1 and NRT3.2 genes present in all other species examined here. This work provides a framework for future analysis of NO3− transporters and NO3− transport in grass crop species

    Exome Sequencing Reveals Comprehensive Genomic Alterations across Eight Cancer Cell Lines

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    It is well established that genomic alterations play an essential role in oncogenesis, disease progression, and response of tumors to therapeutic intervention. The advances of next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) provide unprecedented capabilities to scan genomes for changes such as mutations, deletions, and alterations of chromosomal copy number. However, the cost of full-genome sequencing still prevents the routine application of NGS in many areas. Capturing and sequencing the coding exons of genes (the “exome”) can be a cost-effective approach for identifying changes that result in alteration of protein sequences. We applied an exome-sequencing technology (Roche Nimblegen capture paired with 454 sequencing) to identify sequence variation and mutations in eight commonly used cancer cell lines from a variety of tissue origins (A2780, A549, Colo205, GTL16, NCI-H661, MDA-MB468, PC3, and RD). We showed that this technology can accurately identify sequence variation, providing ∌95% concordance with Affymetrix SNP Array 6.0 performed on the same cell lines. Furthermore, we detected 19 of the 21 mutations reported in Sanger COSMIC database for these cell lines. We identified an average of 2,779 potential novel sequence variations/mutations per cell line, of which 1,904 were non-synonymous. Many non-synonymous changes were identified in kinases and known cancer-related genes. In addition we confirmed that the read-depth of exome sequence data can be used to estimate high-level gene amplifications and identify homologous deletions. In summary, we demonstrate that exome sequencing can be a reliable and cost-effective way for identifying alterations in cancer genomes, and we have generated a comprehensive catalogue of genomic alterations in coding regions of eight cancer cell lines. These findings could provide important insights into cancer pathways and mechanisms of resistance to anti-cancer therapies
