554 research outputs found

    Effective Temperature in a Colloidal Glass

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    We study the Brownian motion of particles trapped by optical tweezers inside a colloidal glass (Laponite) during the sol-gel transition. We use two methods based on passive rheology to extract the effective temperature from the fluctuations of the Brownian particles. All of them give a temperature that, within experimental errors, is equal to the heat bath temperature. Several interesting features concerning the statistical properties and the long time correlations of the particles are observed during the transition.Comment: to be published in Philosophical Magazin

    Gastric perforation and pancreatitis manifesting after an inadvertent nissen fundoplication in a patient with superior mesenteric artery syndrome.

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    Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome is an uncommon but well-recognized clinical entity. It can lead to proximal small bowel obstruction and severe morbidity and mortality in lieu of late diagnosis and concomitant existing comorbidities. We report a 54-year-old female, with SMA syndrome which manifested itself after Nissen fundoplication along with two major complications. The diagnosis of SMA was established by clinical symptoms and radiological findings

    Symmetric photon-photon coupling by atoms with Zeeman-split sublevels

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    We propose a simple scheme for highly efficient nonlinear interaction between two weak optical fields. The scheme is based on the attainment of electromagnetically induced transparency simultaneously for both fields via transitions between magnetically split F=1 atomic sublevels, in the presence of two driving fields. Thereby, equal slow group velocities and symmetric cross-coupling of the weak fields over long distances are achieved. By simply tuning the fields, this scheme can either yield giant cross-phase modulation or ultrasensitive two-photon switching.Comment: Modified scheme, 4 pages, 1 figur

    Giant nonlinearity and entanglement of single photons in photonic bandgap structures

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    Giantly enhanced cross-phase modulation with suppressed spectral broadening is predicted between optically-induced dark-state polaritons whose propagation is strongly affected by photonic bandgaps of spatially periodic media with multilevel dopants. This mechanism is shown to be capable of fully entangling two single-photon pulses with high fidelity.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Estimate of the free energy difference in mechanical systems from work fluctuations: experiments and models

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    The work fluctuations of an oscillator in contact with a heat reservoir and driven out of equilibrium by an external force are studied experimentally. The oscillator dynamics is modeled by a Langevin equation. We find both experimentally and theoretically that, if the driving force does not change the equilibrium properties of the thermal fluctuations of this mechanical system, the free energy difference ΔF\Delta F between two equilibrium states can be exactly computed using the Jarzynski equality (JE) and the Crooks relation (CR) \cite{jarzynski1, crooks1, jarzynski2}, independently of the time scale and amplitude of the driving force. The applicability limits for the JE and CR at very large driving forces are discussed. Finally, when the work fluctuations are Gaussian, we propose an alternative empirical method to compute ΔF\Delta F which can be safely applied, even in cases where the JE and CR might not hold. The results of this paper are useful to compute ΔF\Delta F in complex systems such as the biological ones.Comment: submitted to Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and experimen

    Towards deterministic optical quantum computation with coherently driven atomic ensembles

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    Scalable and efficient quantum computation with photonic qubits requires (i) deterministic sources of single-photons, (ii) giant nonlinearities capable of entangling pairs of photons, and (iii) reliable single-photon detectors. In addition, an optical quantum computer would need a robust reversible photon storage devise. Here we discuss several related techniques, based on the coherent manipulation of atomic ensembles in the regime of electromagnetically induced transparency, that are capable of implementing all of the above prerequisites for deterministic optical quantum computation with single photons.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Bose-Einstein condensates in strong electric fields -- effective gauge potentials and rotating states

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    Magnetically-trapped atoms in Bose-Einstein condensates are spin polarized. Since the magnetic field is inhomogeneous, the atoms aquire Berry phases of the Aharonov-Bohm type during adiabatic motion. In the presence of an eletric field there is an additional Aharonov-Casher effect. Taking into account the limitations on the strength of the electric fields due to the polarizability of the atoms, we investigate the extent to which these effects can be used to induce rotation in a Bose-Einstein condensate.Comment: 5 pages, 2 ps figures, RevTe

    Attractively bound pairs of atoms in the Bose-Hubbard model and antiferromagnetism

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    We consider a periodic lattice loaded with pairs of bosonic atoms tightly bound to each other via strong attractive on-site interaction that exceeds the inter-site tunneling rate. An ensemble of such lattice-dimers is accurately described by an effective Hamiltonian of hard core bosons with strong nearest-neighbor repulsion which is equivalent to the XXZXXZ model with Ising-like anisotropy. We calculate the ground-state phase diagram for a one-dimensional system which exhibits incompressible phases, corresponding to an empty and a fully filled lattice (ferromagnetic phases) and a half-filled alternating density crystal (anti-ferromagnetic phase), separated from each other by compressible phases. In a finite lattice the compressible phases show characteristic oscillatory modulations on top of the anti-ferromagnetic density profile and in density-density correlations. We derive a kink model which provides simple quantitative explanation of these features. To describe the long-range correlations of the system we employ the Luttinger liquid theory with the relevant Luttinger parameter KK obtained exactly using the Bethe Ansatz solution. We calculate the density-density as well as first-order correlations and find excellent agreement with numerical results obtained with density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) methods. We also present a perturbative treatment of the system in higher dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
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