3,819 research outputs found

    The Power of General Relativity

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    We study the cosmological and weak-field properties of theories of gravity derived by extending general relativity by means of a Lagrangian proportional to R1+δR^{1+\delta}. This scale-free extension reduces to general relativity when δ0\delta \to 0. In order to constrain generalisations of general relativity of this power class we analyse the behaviour of the perfect-fluid Friedmann universes and isolate the physically relevant models of zero curvature. A stable matter-dominated period of evolution requires δ>0\delta >0 or δ<1/4\delta <-1/4. The stable attractors of the evolution are found. By considering the synthesis of light elements (helium-4, deuterium and lithium-7) we obtain the bound 0.017<δ<0.0012.-0.017<\delta <0.0012. We evaluate the effect on the power spectrum of clustering via the shift in the epoch of matter-radiation equality. The horizon size at matter--radiation equality will be shifted by 1\sim 1% for a value of δ0.0005.\delta \sim 0.0005. We study the stable extensions of the Schwarzschild solution in these theories and calculate the timelike and null geodesics. No significant bounds arise from null geodesic effects but the perihelion precession observations lead to the strong bound δ=2.7±4.5×1019\delta =2.7\pm 4.5\times 10^{-19} assuming that Mercury follows a timelike geodesic. The combination of these observational constraints leads to the overall bound 0δ<7.2×10190\leq \delta <7.2\times 10^{-19} on theories of this type.Comment: 26 pages and 5 figures. Published versio

    Research in interactive scene analysis

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    Cooperative (man-machine) scene analysis techniques were developed whereby humans can provide a computer with guidance when completely automated processing is infeasible. An interactive approach promises significant near-term payoffs in analyzing various types of high volume satellite imagery, as well as vehicle-based imagery used in robot planetary exploration. This report summarizes the work accomplished over the duration of the project and describes in detail three major accomplishments: (1) the interactive design of texture classifiers; (2) a new approach for integrating the segmentation and interpretation phases of scene analysis; and (3) the application of interactive scene analysis techniques to cartography

    Cosmology in three dimensions: steps towards the general solution

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    We use covariant and first-order formalism techniques to study the properties of general relativistic cosmology in three dimensions. The covariant approach provides an irreducible decomposition of the relativistic equations, which allows for a mathematically compact and physically transparent description of the 3-dimensional spacetimes. Using this information we review the features of homogeneous and isotropic 3-d cosmologies, provide a number of new solutions and study gauge invariant perturbations around them. The first-order formalism is then used to provide a detailed study of the most general 3-d spacetimes containing perfect-fluid matter. Assuming the material content to be dust with comoving spatial 2-velocities, we find the general solution of the Einstein equations with non-zero (and zero) cosmological constant and generalise known solutions of Kriele and the 3-d counterparts of the Szekeres solutions. In the case of a non-comoving dust fluid we find the general solution in the case of one non-zero fluid velocity component. We consider the asymptotic behaviour of the families of 3-d cosmologies with rotation and shear and analyse their singular structure. We also provide the general solution for cosmologies with one spacelike Killing vector, find solutions for cosmologies containing scalar fields and identify all the PP-wave 2+1 spacetimes.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figure

    Cosmological dynamics of exponential gravity

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    We present a detailed investigation of the cosmological dynamics based on exp(R/Λ)\exp (-R/{\Lambda}) gravity. We apply the dynamical system approach to both the vacuum and matter cases and obtain exact solutions and their stability in the finite and asymptotic regimes. The results show that cosmic histories exist which admit a double de-Sitter phase which could be useful for describing the early and the late-time accelerating universe.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX, 3 figure

    Covariant and locally Lorentz-invariant varying speed of light theories

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    We propose definitions for covariance and local Lorentz invariance applicable when the speed of light cc is allowed to vary. They have the merit of retaining only those aspects of the usual definitions which are invariant under unit transformations, and which can therefore legitimately represent the outcome of an experiment. We then discuss some possibilities for invariant actions governing the dynamics of such theories. We consider first the classical action for matter fields and the effects of a changing cc upon quantization. We discover a peculiar form of quantum particle creation due to a varying cc. We then study actions governing the dynamics of gravitation and the speed of light. We find the free, empty-space, no-gravity solution, to be interpreted as the counterpart of Minkowksi space-time, and highlight its similarities with Fock-Lorentz space-time. We also find flat-space string-type solutions, in which near the string core cc is much higher. We label them fast-tracks and compare them with gravitational wormholes. We finally discuss general features of cosmological and black hole solutions, and digress on the meaning of singularities in these theories.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    Structure and stability of the Lukash plane-wave spacetime

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    We study the vacuum, plane-wave Bianchi VIIhVII{}_{h} spacetimes described by the Lukash metric. Combining covariant with orthonormal frame techniques, we describe these models in terms of their irreducible kinematical and geometrical quantities. This covariant description is used to study analytically the response of the Lukash spacetime to linear perturbations. We find that the stability of the vacuum solution depends crucially on the background shear anisotropy. The stronger the deviation from the Hubble expansion, the more likely the overall linear instability of the model. Our analysis addresses rotational, shear and Weyl curvature perturbations and identifies conditions sufficient for the linear growth of these distortions.Comment: Revised version, references added. To appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    On the Possibility of Anisotropic Curvature in Cosmology

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    In addition to shear and vorticity a homogeneous background may also exhibit anisotropic curvature. Here a class of spacetimes is shown to exist where the anisotropy is solely of the latter type, and the shear-free condition is supported by a canonical, massless 2-form field. Such spacetimes possess a preferred direction in the sky and at the same time a CMB which is isotropic at the background level. A distortion of the luminosity distances is derived and used to test the model against the CMB and supernovae (using the Union catalog), and it is concluded that the latter exhibit a higher-than-expected dependence on angular position. It is shown that future surveys could detect a possible preferred direction by observing ~ 20 / (\Omega_{k0}^2) supernovae over the whole sky.Comment: Extended SNe analysis and corrected some CMB results. Text also extended and references added. 8 pages, 5 figure

    Deed, property transfer, H.W. Barrow to S.W. Paulett, 1906

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