329 research outputs found

    Locality-aware parallel block-sparse matrix-matrix multiplication using the Chunks and Tasks programming model

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    We present a method for parallel block-sparse matrix-matrix multiplication on distributed memory clusters. By using a quadtree matrix representation, data locality is exploited without prior information about the matrix sparsity pattern. A distributed quadtree matrix representation is straightforward to implement due to our recent development of the Chunks and Tasks programming model [Parallel Comput. 40, 328 (2014)]. The quadtree representation combined with the Chunks and Tasks model leads to favorable weak and strong scaling of the communication cost with the number of processes, as shown both theoretically and in numerical experiments. Matrices are represented by sparse quadtrees of chunk objects. The leaves in the hierarchy are block-sparse submatrices. Sparsity is dynamically detected by the matrix library and may occur at any level in the hierarchy and/or within the submatrix leaves. In case graphics processing units (GPUs) are available, both CPUs and GPUs are used for leaf-level multiplication work, thus making use of the full computing capacity of each node. The performance is evaluated for matrices with different sparsity structures, including examples from electronic structure calculations. Compared to methods that do not exploit data locality, our locality-aware approach reduces communication significantly, achieving essentially constant communication per node in weak scaling tests.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure

    Canonical density matrix perturbation theory

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    Density matrix perturbation theory [Niklasson and Challacombe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 193001 (2004)] is generalized to canonical (NVT) free energy ensembles in tight-binding, Hartree-Fock or Kohn-Sham density functional theory. The canonical density matrix perturbation theory can be used to calculate temperature dependent response properties from the coupled perturbed self-consistent field equations as in density functional perturbation theory. The method is well suited to take advantage of sparse matrix algebra to achieve linear scaling complexity in the computational cost as a function of system size for sufficiently large non-metallic materials and metals at high temperatures.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Relativistic diffusion processes and random walk models

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    The nonrelativistic standard model for a continuous, one-parameter diffusion process in position space is the Wiener process. As well-known, the Gaussian transition probability density function (PDF) of this process is in conflict with special relativity, as it permits particles to propagate faster than the speed of light. A frequently considered alternative is provided by the telegraph equation, whose solutions avoid superluminal propagation speeds but suffer from singular (non-continuous) diffusion fronts on the light cone, which are unlikely to exist for massive particles. It is therefore advisable to explore other alternatives as well. In this paper, a generalized Wiener process is proposed that is continuous, avoids superluminal propagation, and reduces to the standard Wiener process in the non-relativistic limit. The corresponding relativistic diffusion propagator is obtained directly from the nonrelativistic Wiener propagator, by rewriting the latter in terms of an integral over actions. The resulting relativistic process is non-Markovian, in accordance with the known fact that nontrivial continuous, relativistic Markov processes in position space cannot exist. Hence, the proposed process defines a consistent relativistic diffusion model for massive particles and provides a viable alternative to the solutions of the telegraph equation.Comment: v3: final, shortened version to appear in Phys. Rev.
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