2,168 research outputs found

    Long-Distance Quantum Communication with Neutral Atoms

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    The architecture proposed by Duan, Lukin, Cirac, and Zoller (DLCZ) for long-distance quantum communication with atomic ensembles is analyzed. Its fidelity and throughput in entanglement distribution, entanglement swapping, and quantum teleportation is derived within a framework that accounts for multiple excitations in the ensembles as well as loss and asymmetries in the channel. The DLCZ performance metrics that are obtained are compared to the corresponding results for the trapped-atom quantum communication architecture that has been proposed by a team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Northwestern University (MIT/NU). Both systems are found to be capable of high-fidelity entanglement distribution. However, the DLCZ scheme only provides conditional teleportation and repeater operation, whereas the MIT/NU architecture affords full Bell-state measurements on its trapped atoms. Moreover, it is shown that achieving unity conditional fidelity in DLCZ teleportation and repeater operation requires ideal photon-number resolving detectors. The maximum conditional fidelities for DLCZ teleportation and repeater operation that can be realized with non-resolving detectors are 1/2 and 2/3, respectively.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Nonlinear global stability analysis of compressor stall phenomena

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    Compressor stall phenomena are analyzed from the point of view of nonlinear control theory, based on bifurcation-catastrophe techniques. This new approach appears promising and offers insight into such well-known compressor instability problems as surge and rotating stall and suggests strategies for recovery. Three interlocking dynamic nonlinear state space models are developed. It is shown that the problem of rotating stall can be viewed as an induced bifurcation of solution of the unstalled model. Hysteresis effects are shown to exist in the stall/recovery process. Surge cycles are observed for some critical parameter values. The oscillatory behavior is seen to be due to development of limit cycles, generated by Hopf bifurcation of solutions. More specifically, it is observed that at certain critical values of parameters, a family of stable limit cycles with growning and then diminishing amplitudes is generated, then giving rise to an unstable family of limit cycles. This unstable family in turn bifurcates into other unstable families. To further illustrate the utility of the methodology, some partial computation of domains is carried out, and parameter sensitivity analysis is performed

    A non-adiabatic approach to entanglement distribution over long distances

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    Entanglement distribution between trapped-atom quantum memories, viz. single atoms in optical cavities, is addressed. In most scenarios, the rate of entanglement distribution depends on the efficiency with which the state of traveling single photons can be transferred to trapped atoms. This loading efficiency is analytically studied for two-level, VV-level, Λ\Lambda-level, and double-Λ\Lambda-level atomic configurations by means of a system-reservoir approach. An off-resonant non-adiabatic approach to loading Λ\Lambda-level trapped-atom memories is proposed, and the ensuing trade-offs between the atom-light coupling rate and input photon bandwidth for achieving a high loading probability are identified. The non-adiabatic approach allows a broad class of optical sources to be used, and in some cases it provides a higher system throughput than what can be achieved by adiabatic loading mechanisms. The analysis is extended to the case of two double-Λ\Lambda trapped-atom memories illuminated by a polarization-entangled biphoton.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Observation of large-scale multi-agent based simulations

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    The computational cost of large-scale multi-agent based simulations (MABS) can be extremely important, especially if simulations have to be monitored for validation purposes. In this paper, two methods, based on self-observation and statistical survey theory, are introduced in order to optimize the computation of observations in MABS. An empirical comparison of the computational cost of these methods is performed on a toy problem

    A Model for Privacy Compromisation Value

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    AbstractPrivacy concerns exist whenever sensitive data relating to people is collected. Finding a way to preserve and guarantee an individual's privacy has always been of high importance. Some may decide not to reveal their data to protect their privacy. It has become impossible to take advantage of many essential customized services without disclosing any identifying or sensitive data. The challenge is that each data item may have a different value for different individuals. These values can be defined by applying weights that describe the importance of data items for individuals if that particular private data item is exposed. We propose a generic framework to capture these weights from data providers, which can be considered as a mediator to quantify privacy compromisation. This framework also helps us to identify what portion of a targeted population is vulnerable to compromise their privacy in return for receiving certain incentives. Conversely, the model could assist researchers to offer appropriate incentives to a targeted population to facilitate collecting useful data

    Alternative schemes for measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution

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    Practical schemes for measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution using phase and path or time encoding are presented. In addition to immunity to existing loopholes in detection systems, our setup employs simple encoding and decoding modules without relying on polarization maintenance or optical switches. Moreover, by employing a modified sifting technique to handle the dead-time limitations in single-photon detectors, our scheme can be run with only two single-photon detectors. With a phase-postselection technique, a decoy-state variant of our scheme is also proposed, whose key generation rate scales linearly with the channel transmittance.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Improvements on “Secure multi-party quantum summation based on quantum Fourier transform”

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    Recently, a quantum multi-party summation protocol based on the quantum Fourier transform has been proposed (Yang et al. in Quantum Inf Process 17:129, 2018). The protocol claims to be secure against both outside and participant attacks. However, a closer look reveals that the player in charge of generating the required multi-partite entangled states can launch two kinds of attacks to learn about other parties’ private integer strings without being caught. In this paper, we present these attacks and propose countermeasures to make the protocol secure again. The improved protocol not only can resist these attacks but also remove the need for the quantum Fourier transform and encoding quantum operations by participants
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