2,348 research outputs found

    Cellijnen en Salmonella

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    In human gastrointestinal disease caused by Salmonella, transepithelial migration of neutrophils follows the attachment of bacteria to epithelial tissue. This migration of neutrophils is stimulated by the release of chemokines, including interleukin-8 (Il -8), from the epithelial cells. We have developed an in vitro model system (human epithelial monolayers, among which Caco-2 cells grown on microtiter multiwell plates) for studying host-pathogen interactions. After infection with different pathogens we measured Il-8 production during time. Results showed that Il-8 release was time related and varied with the pathogen. Salmonella enteritidis (Se) did induce the highest response. Subsequently, three doses of this Se strain were used and the Il-8 response was measured at different time points. Caco-2 cells remained intact over a period of 24h, the production of Il-8 increased in time and was found to be Se dose-dependent. Other tested epithelial monolayers, such as HT29 colon cancer cells, gave similar results.Infectie met Salmonella kan gepaard gaan met de invasie van darmepitheelcellen. De aan de invasie voorafgaande aanhechting leidt reeds tot de transmigratie van witte bloedcellen (neutrofielen) vanuit de bloedbaan naar het epitheelweefsel. De migratie wordt gestimuleerd door de productie van chemokines, waaronder interleukine-8 (Il-8) door epitheelcellen. Wij hebben een in vitro model systeem ontwikkeld (humaan epitheelweefsel gekweekt in microtiterplaten) waarin gastheer - pathogeen interacties kunnen worden bestudeerd. Epitheelcellen zijn gedurende een uur blootgesteld aan verschillende pathogene micro-organismen, waarna de Il-8 response is gemeten. Als controle zijn meegenomen een Escherichia coli stam zonder LPS en een probiotische Lactobacillus. De resultaten laten zien dat de IL-8 productie per pathogeen varieert, waarbij Salmonella enteritidis de hoogste respons geeft. In vervolgexperimenten zijn drie concentraties S. enteritidis gebruikt, waarna de respons gedurende 24 uur is gemeten. De gebruikte cellijn bleek na 24 uur nog intact, de Il-8 productie correleerde met de doses, en nam toe in de tijd. Hieruit kan geconcludeerd worden dat het door ons ontwikkelde model gebruikt kan worden voor het bestuderen van factoren die van invloed zijn op dosis-respons relaties. De respons betreft dan prikkeling van het immuunsysteem ten gevolge van adhesie en invasie van darmepitheelcellen door salmonellae. Tenslotte wordt een benaderingwijze voorgesteld om resultaten van in vitro dosis-respons experimenten te vertalen naar de mens

    Public exhibit for demonstrating the quantum of electrical conductance

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    We present a new robust setup that explains and demonstrates the quantum of electrical conductance for a general audience and which is continuously available in a public space. The setup allows users to manually thin a gold wire of several atoms in diameter while monitoring its conductance in real time. During the experiment, a characteristic step-like conductance decrease due to rearrangements of atoms in the cross-section of the wire is observed. Just before the wire breaks, a contact consisting of a single atom with a characteristic conductance close to the quantum of conductance can be maintained up to several seconds. The setup is operated full-time, needs practically no maintenance and is used on different educational levels

    Direct observation of the barrier asymmetry in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    A photoconductance method has been used to study directly the barrier asymmetry in TaOx magnetic tunnel junctions. Due to optical electron-hole pair generation in the barrier itself and subsequent transport in the elec. field, the sign and magnitude of the barrier asymmetry can be detd. quite accurately. The reliability of the technique is demonstrated by the independence on the direction of illumination. The oxidn. time where the asymmetry becomes zero is found to coincide with a max. in the magnetoresistance ratio. This is argued to be due to the complete oxidn. of the barrier material, resulting in a sym. tunnel barrier. [on SciFinder (R)

    A practical framework for tracing sources of Salmonella in a pig slaughter plant

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    Salmonella causes around 30 000 cases of human illness per year in The Netherlands, of which an estimated 25% is caused by pork. Salmonella carrying pigs and resident flora on slaughter equipment are relevant sources of carcass contamination. Although recognized, these sources from which and the routes through which Salmonella is transmitted to the pig carcasses during slaughter are not well understood in a quantitative way

    Observation of band structure and density of states effects in Co-based magnetic tunnel junctions

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    Utilizing Co/Al2_2O3_3/Co magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with Co electrodes of different crystalline phases, a clear relationship between electrode structure and junction transport properties is presented. For junctions with one fcc(111) textured and one polycrystalline (poly-phase and poly-directional) Co electrode, a strong asymmetry is observed in the magnetotransport properties, while when both electrodes are polycrystalline the magnetotransport is essentially symmetric. These observations are successfully explained within a model based on ballistic tunneling between the calculated band structures (DOS) of fcc-Co and hcp-Co.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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