180 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Kualitas Daging Sapi Peranakan Ongole Yang Berasal Dari Otot Longissimus Dorsi Dan Gastrocnemius

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    The research target was to know the characteristic of beef quality of Peranakan Ongole cattle with meat sample from Longissimus dorsi and Gastrocnemius. Data of tenderness and characteristic of chemical composition of beef using t-Student test. Result of research indicated that the musculus Longissimus dorsi is more tender than musculus Gastrocnemius. Fat content of musculus Longissimus dorsi was higher than that of musculus Gastrocnemius. On the other hand, water, crude protein and mineral content of musculus Longissimus dorsi was lower than those of musculus Gastrocnemius

    Species Authentication of Dog, Cat, and Tiger Using Cytochrome Î’ Gene

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    Adulteration of animal food products for economic reason has happened during the last decades. Species identification method development was needed to prevent falsification information. The objective of this research was to study species authentication (dog, cat, and tiger) to ensure animal origin in products using cyt β gene specific marker. DNA extraction and fragment amplification were conducted using phenol-chloroform and multiplex PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method, respectively. This research showed that fragment length of amplification for species tested (dog, cat, and tiger) were 523, 331, 319 bp, respectively. Species specificity was also indicated by high reverse primers homology percentage. Multiplex PCR technique succeed to amplify DNA fragment from species tested, but has a limitation to amplify total DNA composite of mix DNA

    Comparison Natural Spawning with Artificial Spawning in Gold Fish Oranda (Carassius Auratus)

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    The research on the Comparisson between natural spawning and artificial spawning in gold fish oranda (Carassius auratus) was conducted in February 2014 in the Fish Hatchery and Breeding Laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau. The research was to compare the result between natural spawning and artificial substrate with result artificial spawning using injection with ovaprim 0,5 ml/kg body weight females; 0,2 ml/kg body weight males in gold fish oranda (Carassius auratus). The container used in this study was 6 unit fiber size 100x60x50 cm2 The method used is an experimental method or direct observation and than process spawning one unit sampel don\u27t in simultaneously because different maturity level gold fish oranda.The results treatment showed that is natural spawning better than artificial spawning in terms of index ovisomatic 12,2 % (IOS); fertilized rate 86,8 % (FR), hatching rate 91,1 % (HR), survival rate of 10 days old fry 97,9 % (SR)

    Histomorphology and Physical Characteristics of Buffalo Meat at Different Sex and Age

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    The aim of this experiment was to evaluate histology and physical variables of buffalo meat at different sex and ages. Thirty head of buffaloes were used in this experiment. Muscle fiber diameter, fasciculus diameter, thickness of connective tissue, pH, water holding capacity, Warner-Bratzler shear force and cooking loss were measured in this experiment. Analysis of variance of randomized factorial design was used to analyse the data. The differences were analysed by Tukey test. The result showed that muscle fiber diameter was influenced by ages. The difference muscle fiber diameter among ages indicated that 8-12 mo and 1.5 yr old have smaller diameter compared to three year old (P<0.05), but there was no differences between two, three and four years old. The fasciculus diameter, thickness of connective tissue, tenderness, pH value, water holding capacity, and cooking lost indicated no significant found in all stage of age and sex of samples. Meat qualities of buffaloes were not affected by age (2-4 yr) and sex

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numered Heads Together (Nht) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Va SD Negeri 116 Pekanbaru

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    The problem underlying this study is the low learning results can be seen in the learning process, teachers do apperception, but not as much as possible, teachers convey meteri only with the lecture method alone causing boredom in students, less teachers guide students in doing the exercises. Noting the above conditions, the researchers apply to the type of cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together (NHT). NHT type cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes Elementary School class VB 116 Pekanbaru. Subjects in this study were students Elementary School VB 116 Pekanbaru academic year 2014/2015 the number of students 38 people. This study design using Action Research (PTK) done in two cycles, each cycle is done twice a meeting with one final replay. This research aims to improve the learning outcomes of mathematics in primary school students of class VB 116 Pekanbaru with the implementation of cooperative learning model with NHT. The results showed that the application of cooperative learning model NHT can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes Elementary School class VB 116 Pekanbaru. At the beginning of the data base score 60.26 (not completed) then the first cycle increased to 68.82 (not finished) and the second cycle increased to 90.00 (complete). Increased mastery learning hail from a base score to uh I adalah14,21% and an increase of the base score to UH II become 49.35%. The activities of teachers and students at the first meeting was 46.87% and 43.75% (or less), the second meeting increased to 59.38% and 56.25% (enough), the third meeting increased to 78.13% and 75.00 % (good) and the fourth meeting increased to 96.88% and 93.75% (very good). Based on the explanation of the above it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning model NHT can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes Elementary School class VB 116 Pekanbaru

    Induksi Triploid Ikan Selais (Kryptopterus Lympok) Menggunakan Kejutan Panas

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    A study was conducted to induced triploidy in fertilized egg of sheatfishlarvae , (Kryptopterus lympok) using heat shock. The eggs were exposed at 40OCfor shock duration of 1 , 3 , 5 and 0 minutes as a diploid control. Results showedthat the 5 minutes shock duration was the highest triploid induction and yield(91.7 and 62.9%). Erythrocyte analysis showed that the volume of triploid fishgroup was bigger that that of diploid one. The fertilization, hatching and survivalrate was lower in triploid groups, while SGR was higher compared to diploid fish

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi terhadap Hasil Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi di SMA

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    This research aims to know the effectiveness of utilization of information and communication technology in learning, student learning results on economic subjects in class X SMA Santo Frasiskus Asisi Pontianak. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental method. The sample in this study is a class X A as an experimental class numbered 44 students and class X C as the control classes of 33 students. The results of the data analysis by providing post-test performed on the second class average values ​​obtained post-test results of the experimental class 75.91 and the average value of the results of post-test control class 60.76. From the post-test results have shown that the average post-test results of the experimental class is higher than the control class, which means the use of information and communication technology can improve student learning outcomes. To measure the effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies in the learning economy using the calculation result obtained Effect Size of 0.802, categorized as high

    Feeding Strategies on Climbing Perch (Anabas Testudineus) Larvae Fed with Natural Food

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    A research was conducted from 3 Desember 2014 to 1 January 2015 at the Laboratory of Fish Hatchery and Breeding, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. This the growth and survival rate of Climbing Perch larvae (Anabas testudineus), fed on the natural food combinated such as Artemia naupli, water flea and Tubifex sp. The container used was 18 unit, 30x30x30 cm aquarium. The research method was experimental design with a completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments and three replications. The treatment were A1T3 (one week given the Artemia sp and three week of the Tubifex sp). A2T2 (two week given Artemia sp and two week of the Tubifex sp). A3T1 (three week given Artemia sp and one week of the Tubifex sp). WF1T3 (one week given water flea and the three week of the Tubifex sp). WF2T2 (two week given water flea and two week of the Tubifex sp). WF3T1 (three week given water flea and one week of the Tubifex sp).The results showed that the A1T3 with the absolute weight growth (1,4850g), weight daily growth (22,55%) and the absolute length growth (40,33mm). The best survival rate in the WF2T2 (63,33%). The average % water temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen 270C, 6 and 4.8 ppm respectively
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