8,093 research outputs found

    Spin melting and refreezing driven by uniaxial compression on a dipolar hexagonal plate

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    We investigate freezing characteristics of a finite dipolar hexagonal plate by the Monte Carlo simulation. The hexagonal plate is cut out from a piled triangular lattice of three layers with FCC-like (ABCABC) stacking structure. In the present study an annealing simulation is performed for the dipolar plate uniaxially compressed in the direction of layer-piling. We find spin melting and refreezing driven by the uniaxial compression. Each of the melting and refreezing corresponds one-to-one with a change of the ground states induced by compression. The freezing temperatures of the ground-state orders differ significantly from each other, which gives rise to the spin melting and refreezing of the present interest. We argue that these phenomena are originated by a finite size effect combined with peculiar anisotropic nature of the dipole-dipole interaction.Comment: Proceedings of the Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM2006) conference. To appear in a special issue of J. Phys. Condens. Matte

    First Detection of A Sub-kpc Scale Molecular Outflow in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 3628

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    We successfully detected a molecular outflow with a scale of 370-450 pc in the central region of the starburst galaxy NGC 3628 through deep CO(1-0) observations by using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array (NMA). The mass of the outflowing molecular gas is ~2.8x10^7 M_sun, and the outflow velocity is ~90(+/-10) km s^{-1}. The expansion timescale of the outflow is 3.3-6.8 Myr, and the molecular gas mass flow rate is 4.1-8.5 M_sun yr^{-1}. It requires mechanical energy of (1.8-2.8)x10^{54} erg to create this sub-kpc scale molecular outflow. In order to understand the evolution of the molecular outflow, we compare the physical properties between the molecular outflow observed from our NMA CO(1-0) data and the plasma gas from the soft X-ray emission of the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) archival data. We found that the distribution between the molecular outflow and the strong plasma outflow seems to be in a similar region. In this region, the ram pressure and the thermal pressure of the plasma outflow are 10^{-(8-10)} dyne cm^{-2}, and the thermal pressure of molecular outflow is 10^{-(11-13)} dyne cm^{-2}. This implies the molecular outflow is still expanding outward. The molecular gas consumption timescale is estimated as 17-27 Myr, and the total starburst timescale is 20-34 Myr. The evolutionary parameter is 0.11-0.25, suggesting that the starburst activity in NGC 3628 is still in a young stage.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted by Ap

    Metal Abundances in the ICM as a Diagnostics of the Cluster History

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    Galaxy clusters with a dense cooling core exhibit a central increase in the metallicity of the intracluster medium. Recent XMM-Newton studies with detailed results on the relative abundances of several heavy elements show that the high central abundances are mostly due to the contribution from supernovae type Ia. The dominant source is the stellar population of the central cluster galaxy. With this identification of the origin of heavy elements and the observed rates of SN Ia in elliptical galaxies, the central abundance peak can be used as a diagnostic for the history of the cluster core region. We find for four nearby cooling core clusters that the enrichment times for the central peaks are larger than 6 - 10 Gyrs even for a higher SN Ia rate in the past. This points to an old age and a relatively quiet history of these cluster core regions. A detailed analysis of the element abundance ratios provides evidence that the SN Ia yields in the central cluster galaxies are more rich in intermediate mass elements, like Si and S, compared to the SN Ia models used to explain the heavy element enrichment in our Galaxy.Comment: Advances in Space Research in press (proceedings of the COSPAR 2004 Assembly, Paris), 9 pages, 5 figure

    Single crystal MgB2 with anisotropic superconducting properties

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    The discovery of superconductor in magnesium diboride MgB2 with high Tc (39 K) has raised some challenging issues; whether this new superconductor resembles a high temperature cuprate superconductor(HTS) or a low temperature metallic superconductor; which superconducting mechanism, a phonon- mediated BCS or a hole superconducting mechanism or other new exotic mechanism may account for this superconductivity; and how about its future for applications. In order to clarify the above questions, experiments using the single crystal sample are urgently required. Here we have first succeeded in obtaining the single crystal of this new MgB2 superconductivity, and performed its electrical resistance and magnetization measurements. Their experiments show that the electronic and magnetic properties depend on the crystallographic direction. Our results indicate that the single crystal MgB2 superconductor shows anisotropic superconducting properties and thus can provide scientific basis for the research of its superconducting mechanism and its applications.Comment: 7 pages pdf fil

    ALMA Observations of the Gravitational Lens SDP.9

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    We present long-baseline ALMA observations of the strong gravitational lens H-ATLAS J090740.0-004200 (SDP.9), which consists of an elliptical galaxy at zL=0.6129z_{\mathrm{L}}=0.6129 lensing a background submillimeter galaxy into two extended arcs. The data include Band 6 continuum observations, as well as CO JJ=6−-5 molecular line observations, from which we measure an updated source redshift of zS=1.5747z_{\mathrm{S}}=1.5747. The image morphology in the ALMA data is different from that of the HST data, indicating a spatial offset between the stellar, gas, and dust component of the source galaxy. We model the lens as an elliptical power law density profile with external shear using a combination of archival HST data and conjugate points identified in the ALMA data. Our best model has an Einstein radius of θE=0.66±0.01\theta_{\mathrm{E}}=0.66\pm0.01 and a slightly steeper than isothermal mass profile slope. We search for the central image of the lens, which can be used constrain the inner mass distribution of the lens galaxy including the central supermassive black hole, but do not detect it in the integrated CO image at a 3σ\sigma rms level of 0.0471 Jy km s−1^{-1}.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL; 6 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Staggered magnetism in LiV2_2O4_4 at low temperatures probed by the muon Knight shift

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    We report on the muon Knight shift measurement in single crystals of LiV2O4. Contrary to what is anticipated for the heavy-fermion state based on the Kondo mechanism, the presence of inhomogeneous local magnetic moments is demonstrated by the broad distribution of the Knight shift at temperatures well below the presumed "Kondo temperature" (T∗≃30T^*\simeq 30 K). Moreover, a significant fraction (≃10\simeq10 %) of the specimen gives rise to a second component which is virtually non-magnetic. These observations strongly suggest that the anomalous properties of LiV2O4 originates from frustration of local magnetic moments.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, sbmitted to J. Phys.: Cond. Mat
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