63 research outputs found

    Geomagnetically Induced Currents and Harmonic Distortion: High time Resolution Case Studies

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    High time resolution (1‐5 s) magnetometer, geomagnetically induced current (GIC), and mains harmonic distortion data from the Halfway Bush substation in Dunedin, New Zealand are analyzed. A recently developed technique using VLF radio wave data provides high resolution measurements of mains harmonic distortion levels. Three case studies are investigated, each involving high rates of change of local geomagnetic field, but with different timescales of magnetospheric driver mechanisms, and different substation transformer configurations. Two cases of enhanced GIC during substorm events are analyzed, and one case of a storm sudden commencement. Time delays between magnetic field fluctuations and induced transformer currents are found to be ~100 s for substorm events, but only ~20 s for the storm sudden commencement containing higher frequency variations. Boxcar averaging of the magnetic field fluctuations using running windows of ± 2 minutes leads to spectral power profiles similar to those of GIC profiles, with reduced power at frequencies >0.003 Hz (periods 5 minutes). This low frequency component of the magnetic field power spectrum appears necessary for mains harmonic distortion to occur

    Long term geomagnetically induced current observations from New Zealand: peak current estimates for extreme geomagnetic storms

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    Geomagnetically Induced Current (GIC) observations made in New Zealand over 14 years show induction effects associated with a rapidly varying horizontal magnetic field (dBH/dt) during geomagnetic storms. This study analyses the GIC observations in order to estimate the impact of extreme storms as a hazard to the power system in New Zealand. Analysis is undertaken of GIC in transformer number six in Islington, Christchurch (ISL M6), which had the highest observed currents during the 6 November 2001 storm. Using previously published values of 3000 nT/min as a representation of an extreme storm with 100 year return period, induced currents of ~455 A were estimated for Islington (with the 95% confidence interval range being ~155-605 A). For 200 year return periods using 5000 nT/min, current estimates reach ~755 A (confidence interval range 155-910 A). GIC measurements from the much shorter dataset collected at transformer number 4 in Halfway Bush, Dunedin, (HWB T4), found induced currents to be consistently a factor of three higher than at Islington, suggesting equivalent extreme storm effects of ~460-1815 A (100 year return) and ~460-2720 A (200 year return). An estimate was undertaken of likely failure levels for single phase transformers, such as HWB T4 when it failed during the 6 November 2001 geomagnetic storm, identifying that induced currents of ~100 A can put such transformer types at risk of damage. Detailed modeling of the New Zealand power system is therefore required put this regional analysis into a global context

    Long-lasting geomagnetically induced currents and harmonic distortion observed in New Zealand during the 07-08 September 2017 Disturbed Period

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    Several periods of Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GIC) were detected in the Halfway Bush substation in Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand, as a result of intense geomagnetic storm activity during 06 to 09 September 2017. Unprecedented data coverage from a unique combination of instrumentation is analyzed, i.e., measurements of GIC on the single phase bank transformer T4 located within the substation, nearby magnetic field perturbation measurements, very low frequency (VLF) wideband measurements detecting the presence of power system harmonics, and high‐voltage harmonic distortion measurements. Two solar wind shocks occurred within 25 hours, generating four distinct periods of GIC. Two of the GIC events were associated with the arrival of the shocks themselves. These generated large but short‐lived GIC effects that resulted in no observable harmonic generation. Nearby and more distant magnetometers showed good agreement in measuring these global‐scale magnetic field perturbations. However, two subsequent longer‐lasting GIC periods, up to 30 minutes in duration, generated harmonics detected by the VLF receiver systems, when GIC levels continuously exceeded 15 A in T4. Nearby and more distant magnetometers showed differences in their measurements of the magnetic field perturbations at these times, suggesting the influence of small‐scale ionospheric current structures close to Dunedin. VLF receiver systems picked up harmonics from the substation, up to the 30th harmonic, consistent with observed high‐voltage increases in even harmonic distortion, along with small decreases in odd harmonic distortion

    Long-term geomagnetically induced current observations in New Zealand: Earth return corrections and geomagnetic field driver

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    Transpower New Zealand Limited has measured DC currents in transformer neutrals in the New Zealand electrical network at multiple South Island locations. Near-continuous archived DC current data exist since 2001, starting with 12 different substations and expanding from 2009 to include 17 substations. From 2001 to 2015 up to 58 individual transformers were simultaneously monitored. Primarily, the measurements were intended to monitor the impact of the high-voltage DC system linking the North and South Islands when it is operating in “Earth return” mode. However, after correcting for Earth return operation, as described here, the New Zealand measurements provide an unusually long and spatially detailed set of geomagnetically induced current (GIC) measurements. We examine the peak GIC magnitudes observed from these observations during two large geomagnetic storms on 6 November 2001 and 2 October 2013. Currents of ~30–50 A are observed, depending on the measurement location. There are large spatial variations in the GIC observations over comparatively small distances, which likely depend upon network layout and ground conductivity. We then go on to examine the GIC in transformers throughout the South Island during more than 151 h of geomagnetic storm conditions. We compare the GIC to the various magnitude and rate of change components of the magnetic field. Our results show that there is a strong correlation between the magnitude of the GIC and the rate of change of the horizontal magnetic field (H′). This correlation is particularly clear for transformers that show large GIC current during magnetic storms

    Geomagnetically induced currents during the 07-08 September 2017 disturbed period: a global perspective

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    Measurements from six longitudinally separated magnetic observatories, all located close to the 53⁰ mid-latitude contour, are analysed. We focus on the large geomagnetic 16 disturbance that occurred during 7 and 8 September 2017. Combined with available geomagnetically induced current (GIC) data from two substations, each located near to a 18 magnetic observatory, we investigate the magnetospheric drivers of the largest events. We analyse solar wind parameters combined with auroral electrojet indices to investigate the driving mechanisms. Six magnetic field disturbance events were observed at mid-latitudes with dH/dt >60 nT/min. Co-located GIC measurements identified transformer currents >15 A during three of the events. The initial event was caused by a solar wind pressure pulse causing largest effects on the dayside, consistent with the rapid compression of the dayside geomagnetic field. Four of the events were caused by substorms. Variations in the Magnetic Local Time of the maximum effect of each substorm-driven event were apparent with magnetic midnight, morning-side, and dusk-side events all occurring. The six events 27 occurred over a period of almost 24 hours, during which the solar wind remained elevated at >700 km s -1, indicating an extended time scale for potential GIC problems in electrical power networks following a sudden storm commencement. This work demonstrates the challenge of understanding the causes of ground-level magnetic field changes (and hence GIC magnitudes) for the global power industry. It also demonstrates the importance of 32 magnetic local time and differing inner magnetospheric processes when considering the global hazard posed by GIC to power grids

    [(18)F] fluoromisonidazole and [(18)F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in response evaluation after chemo-/radiotherapy of non-small-cell lung cancer: a feasibility study

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    BACKGROUND: Experimental and clinical evidence suggest that hypoxia in solid tumours reduces their sensitivity to conventional treatment modalities modulating response to ionizing radiation or chemotherapeutic agents. The aim of the present study was to show the feasibility of determining radiotherapeutically relevant hypoxia and early tumour response by ([(18)F] Fluoromisonidazole (FMISO) and [(18)F]-2-fluoro-2'-deoxyglucose (FDG) PET. METHODS: Eight patients with non-small-cell lung cancer underwent PET scans. Tumour tissue oxygenation was measured with FMISO PET, whereas tumour glucose metabolism was measured with FDG PET. All PET studies were carried out with an ECAT EXACT 922/47(® )scanner with an axial field of view of 16.2 cm. FMISO PET consisted of one static scan of the relevant region, performed 180 min after intravenous administration of the tracer. The acquisition and reconstruction parameters were as follows: 30 min emission scanning and 4 min transmission scanning with 68-Ge/68-Ga rod sources. The patients were treated with chemotherapy, consisting of 2 cycles of gemcitabine (1200 mg/m(2)) and vinorelbine (30 mg/m(2)) followed by concurrent radio- (2.0 Gy/d; total dose 66.0 Gy) and chemotherapy with gemcitabine (300–500 mg/m(2)) every two weeks. FMISO PET and FDG PET were performed in all patients 3 days before and 14 days after finishing chemotherapy. RESULTS: FMISO PET allowed for the qualitative and quantitative definition of hypoxic sub-areas which may correspond to a localization of local recurrences. In addition, changes in FMISO and FDG PET measure the early response to therapy, and in this way, may predict freedom from disease, as well as overall survival. CONCLUSION: These preliminary results warrant validation in larger trials. If confirmed, several novel treatment strategies may be considered, including the early use of PET to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected therapy

    Space Weather: A Global Hazard from Space to New Zealand's Technological Infrastructure

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    From a distance, we perceive the Sun as an unchanging source of light. While this is functionally true on a day-to-day human level, at a scientific level, the Sun has many complexities. It interacts with and 'forces' the Earth’s system in multiple ways