3,188 research outputs found

    Interferometric Astrometry of the Low-mass Binary Gl 791.2 (= HU Del) Using Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor 3: Parallax and Component Masses

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    With fourteen epochs of fringe tracking data spanning 1.7y from Fine Guidance Sensor 3 we have obtained a parallax (pi_abs=113.1 +- 0.3 mas) and perturbation orbit for Gl 791.2A. Contemporaneous fringe scanning observations yield only three clear detections of the secondary on both interferometer axes. They provide a mean component magnitude difference, Delta V = 3.27 +- 0.10. The period (P = 1.4731 yr) from the perturbation orbit and the semi-major axis (a = 0.963 +- 0.007 AU) from the measured component separations with our parallax provide a total system mass M_A + M_B = 0.412 +- 0.009 M_sun. Component masses are M_A=0.286 +- 0.006 M_sun and M_B = 0.126 +- 0.003 M_sun. Gl 791.2A and B are placed in a sparsely populated region of the lower main sequence mass-luminosity relation where they help define the relation because the masses have been determined to high accuracy, with errors of only 2%.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. The paper is to appear in August 2000 A

    A Spitzer/IRAC Search for Substellar Companions of the Debris Disk Star epsilon Eridani

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    We have used the InfraRed Array Camera (IRAC) onboard the Spitzer Space telescope to search for low mass companions of the nearby debris disk star epsilon Eridani. The star was observed in two epochs 39 days apart, with different focal plane rotation to allow the subtraction of the instrumental Point Spread Function, achieving a maximum sensitivity of 0.01 MJy/sr at 3.6 and 4.5 um, and 0.05 MJy/sr at 5.8 and 8.0 um. This sensitivity is not sufficient to directly detect scattered or thermal radiation from the epsilon Eridani debris disk. It is however sufficient to allow the detection of Jovian planets with mass as low as 1 MJ in the IRAC 4.5 um band. In this band, we detected over 460 sources within the 5.70 arcmin field of view of our images. To test if any of these sources could be a low mass companion to epsilon Eridani, we have compared their colors and magnitudes with models and photometry of low mass objects. Of the sources detected in at least two IRAC bands, none fall into the range of mid-IR color and luminosity expected for cool, 1 Gyr substellar and planetary mass companions of epsilon Eridani, as determined by both models and observations of field M, L and T dwarf. We identify three new sources which have detections at 4.5 um only, the lower limit placed on their [3.6]-[4.5] color consistent with models of planetary mass objects. Their nature cannot be established with the currently available data and a new observation at a later epoch will be needed to measure their proper motion, in order to determine if they are physically associated to epsilon Eridani.Comment: 36 pages, to be published on The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 647, August 200

    Detectability of dissipative motion in quantum vacuum via superradiance

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    We propose an experiment for generating and detecting vacuum-induced dissipative motion. A high frequency mechanical resonator driven in resonance is expected to dissipate energy in quantum vacuum via photon emission. The photons are stored in a high quality electromagnetic cavity and detected through their interaction with ultracold alkali-metal atoms prepared in an inverted population of hyperfine states. Superradiant amplification of the generated photons results in a detectable radio-frequency signal temporally distinguishable from the expected background.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Rethinking clinical trials of transcranial direct current stimulation: Participant and assessor blinding is inadequate at intensities of 2mA

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    Copyright @ 2012 The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and 85 reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The article was made available through the Brunel University Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: Many double-blind clinical trials of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) use stimulus intensities of 2 mA despite the fact that blinding has not been formally validated under these conditions. The aim of this study was to test the assumption that sham 2 mA tDCS achieves effective blinding. Methods: A randomised double blind crossover trial. 100 tDCS-naĂŻve healthy volunteers were incorrectly advised that they there were taking part in a trial of tDCS on word memory. Participants attended for two separate sessions. In each session, they completed a word memory task, then received active or sham tDCS (order randomised) at 2 mA stimulation intensity for 20 minutes and then repeated the word memory task. They then judged whether they believed they had received active stimulation and rated their confidence in that judgement. The blinded assessor noted when red marks were observed at the electrode sites post-stimulation. Results: tDCS at 2 mA was not effectively blinded. That is, participants correctly judged the stimulation condition greater than would be expected to by chance at both the first session (kappa level of agreement (Îş) 0.28, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.09 to 0.47 p = 0.005) and the second session (Îş = 0.77, 95%CI 0.64 to 0.90), p = <0.001) indicating inadequate participant blinding. Redness at the reference electrode site was noticeable following active stimulation more than sham stimulation (session one, Îş = 0.512, 95%CI 0.363 to 0.66, p<0.001; session two, Îş = 0.677, 95%CI 0.534 to 0.82) indicating inadequate assessor blinding. Conclusions: Our results suggest that blinding in studies using tDCS at intensities of 2 mA is inadequate. Positive results from such studies should be interpreted with caution.GLM is supported by the National Health & Medical Research Council of Australia ID 571090

    Recent data from radiofrequency denervation trials further emphasise that treating nociception is not the same as treating pain

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    Chronic low back pain is a condition that current health care provision is failing and we suggest that recent evidence from the interventional pain medicine field points to what these failings are. Radiofrequency denervation is performed on the presumption that denervation of a peripheral structure will eradicate or significantly reduce pain and improve function. The results of six moderately sized and well conducted clinical trials that demonstrate no efficacy and no real-world effectiveness for denervation procedures are a stark illustration of how flawed this approach is. We suggest that these results represent a line-in-the-sand for back pain research and management. This is a clear signal to finally abandon research agendas and management paradigms that focus primarily on nociception and instead, truly embrace the biopsychosocial model of pain

    Collective states in highly symmetric atomic configurations, and single-photon traps

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    Abbreviated Abstract: We study correlated states in a circular and linear-chain configuration of identical two-level atoms containing the energy of a single quasi-resonant photon in the form of a collective excitation, where the collective behaviour is mediated by exchange of transverse photons between the atoms. For a circular configuration of atoms the effective Hamiltonian on the radiationless subspace of the system can be diagonalized analytically. In this case, the radiationless energy eigenstates carry a ZN\mathbb{Z}_N quantum number p=0,1,...,Np=0,1, ..., N which is analogous to the angular momentum quantum number l=0,1,...l= 0, 1, ..., carried by particles propagating in a central potential, such as a hydrogen-like system. Just as the hydrogen s-states are the only electronic wave functions which can occupy the central region of the Coulomb potential, the quasi-particle corresponding to a collective excitation of the circular atomic sample can occupy the central atom only for vanishing ZN\mathbb{Z}_N quantum number pp. For large numbers of atoms in a maximally subradiant state, a critical interatomic distance of λ/2\lambda/2 emerges both in the linear-chain and the circular configuration of atoms. The spontaneous decay rate of the linear configuration exhibits a jump-like "critical" behaviour for next-neighbour distances close to a half-wavelength. Furthermore, both the linear-chain and the circular configuration exhibit exponential photon trapping once the next-neighbour distance becomes less than a half-wavelength, with the suppression of spontaneous decay being particularly pronounced in the circular system. In this way, circular configurations containing sufficiently many atoms may be natural candidates for {\it single-photon traps}.Comment: Invited contribution to "Xth International Conference on Quantum Optics ICQO 2004" in Minsk, Belarus. To be published in Optics and Spectroscop

    Oscillations in Quantum Entanglement During Rescattering

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    We study the time evolution of quantum entanglement between an electron and its parent ion during the rescattering due to a strong few-cycle laser pulse. Based on a simple one-dimensional model, we compute the Neumann entropy during the process for several values of the carrier-envelope phase. The local maxima of the oscillations in the Neumann entropy coincide with the zero crossings of the electric field of the laser pulse. We employ the Wigner function to qualitatively explain the quantum dynamics of rescattering in the phase space.Comment: 2 page

    HST Fine Guidance Sensor Astrometric Parallaxes for Three Dwarf Novae: SS Aurigae, SS Cygni, and U Geminorum

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    We report astrometric parallaxes for three well known dwarf novae obtained using the Fine Guidance Sensors on the Hubble Space Telescope. We found a parallax for SS Aurigae of Pi = 5.00 +/- 0.64 mas, for SS Cygni we found Pi = 6.02 +/- 0.46 mas, and for U Geminorum we obtained Pi = 10.37 +/- 0.50 mas. These represent the first true trigonometric parallaxes of any dwarf novae. We briefly compare these results with previous distance estimates. This program demonstrates that with a very modest amount of HST observing time, the Fine Guidance Sensors can deliver parallaxes of unrivaled precision.Comment: 15 pages, 2 Table
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