26 research outputs found

    Wireless sensor network based system for underground chemical plume tracking, A

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    A real-time subsurface chemical plume monitoring and tracking system is being developed that uses wireless-sensor networking to automatically extract data from underground chemical sensors. This system is aimed at tracking plumes caused by the release of toxic chemicals and biological agents into the environment as a result of accidental spills and improper disposal. Current practice involves manual collection of samples from monitoring wells followed by laboratory analysis, an expensive process taking days to weeks; such a delay reduces the effectiveness of mitigation techniques as well. Virtual Sensor Networks (VSN), a novel resource efficient approach for sensor networking being developed to track the migrating underground plumes, will be applicable to a broad class of problems. Laboratory based experiments and simulations are in progress to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach for large-scale plume tracking.This research is supported in part by Army Research Office and the National Science Foundation.1st place, ISTeC Student Research Poster Contest (April 7, 2008)

    Hydro-Meteorological Disaster Incidents and Associated Weather Systems in Sri Lanka

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    This paper presents a comprehensive seasonal analysis of disaster incidents with their associated weather systems happened in Sri Lanka since 1907 to 2019. Disaster incidents and weather records were collected from different reliable sources and analysed with the observed weather systems to understand the formation and development of the weather systems. According to the observations, frequent hydro-meteorological hazards experienced by the country are extreme winds, floods, and landslides. The seasonal analysis shows that majority of these hydro-meteorological disasters have occurred during the southwest monsoon, where the weather was mainly dominated by the monsoon winds entering from the southwest of Sri Lanka which creates torrential rainfall mainly in the wet zone of the country. The frequency of formation of depression and deep depression, from 1907 to 2019 shows that most of these are formed in the Bay of Bengal (BoB), North Indian Ocean, from October to January while having the highest frequency in November followed by December. The study will help to understand the possible damages, and thereby help the community to be prepared for such future hazards. The need for a central platform for generating timely impact-based warnings and helping the community to act was also identified. Further, the census block can be suggested as the smallest; Micro-Geographic Incident Response Unit (MG-IRU) to grant the decision-making power and connect the institution and community in the disaster risk management process.</p

    Differential kinetic profiles and metabolism of primaquine enantiomers by human hepatocytes

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical utility of primaquine (PQ), used as a racemic mixture of two enantiomers, is limited due to metabolism-linked hemolytic toxicity in individuals with genetic deficiency in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The current study investigated differential metabolism of PQ enantiomers in light of the suggestions that toxicity and efficacy might be largely enantioselective. METHODS: Stable isotope (13)C-labelled primaquine and its two enantiomers (+)-PQ, (−)-PQ were separately incubated with cryopreserved human hepatocytes. Time-tracked substrate depletion and metabolite production were monitored via UHPLC–MS/MS. RESULTS: The initial half-life of 217 and 65 min; elimination rate constants (λ) of 0.19 and 0.64 h(−1); intrinsic clearance (Cl(int)) of 2.55 and 8.49 (”L/min)/million cells, which when up-scaled yielded Cl(int) of 6.49 and 21.6 (mL/min)/kg body mass was obtained respectively for (+)- and (−)-PQ. The extrapolation of in vitro intrinsic clearance to in vivo human hepatic blood clearance, performed using the well-stirred liver model, showed that the rate of hepatic clearance of (+)-PQ was only 45 % that of (−)-PQ. Two major primary routes of metabolism were observed—oxidative deamination of the terminal amine and hydroxylations on the quinoline moiety of PQ. The major deaminated metabolite, carboxyprimaquine (CPQ) was preferentially generated from the (−)-PQ. Other deaminated metabolites including PQ terminal alcohol (m/z 261), a cyclized side chain derivative from the aldehyde (m/z 241), cyclized carboxylic acid derivative (m/z 257), a quinone-imine product of hydroxylated CPQ (m/z 289), CPQ glucuronide (m/z 451) and the glucuronide of PQ alcohol (m/z 437) were all preferentially generated from the (−)-PQ. The major quinoline oxidation product (m/z 274) was preferentially generated from (+)-PQ. In addition to the products of the two metabolic pathways, two other major metabolites were observed: a prominent glycosylated conjugate of PQ on the terminal amine (m/z 422), peaking by 30 min and preferentially generated by (+)-PQ; and the carbamoyl glucuronide of PQ (m/z 480) exclusively generated from (+)-PQ. CONCLUSION: Metabolism of PQ showed enantioselectivity. These findings may provide important information in establishing clinical differences in PQ enantiomers

    Scalable Preparation and Differential Pharmacologic and Toxicologic Profiles of Primaquine Enantiomers

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    Hematotoxicity in individuals genetically deficient in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity is the major limitation of primaquine (PQ), the only antimalarial drug in clinical use for treatment of relapsing Plasmodium vivax malaria. PQ is currently clinically used in its racemic form. A scalable procedure was developed to resolve racemic PQ, thus providing pure enantiomers for the first time for detailed preclinical evaluation and potentially for clinical use. These enantiomers were compared for antiparasitic activity using several mouse models and also for general and hematological toxicities in mice and dogs. (+)-(S)-PQ showed better suppressive and causal prophylactic activity than (−)-(R)-PQ in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. Similarly, (+)-(S)-PQ was a more potent suppressive agent than (−)-(R)-PQ in a mouse model of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. However, at higher doses, (+)-(S)-PQ also showed more systemic toxicity for mice. In beagle dogs, (+)-(S)-PQ caused more methemoglobinemia and was toxic at 5 mg/kg of body weight/day given orally for 3 days, while (−)-(R)-PQ was well tolerated. In a novel mouse model of hemolytic anemia associated with human G6PD deficiency, it was also demonstrated that (−)-(R)-PQ was less hemolytic than (+)-(S)-PQ for the G6PD-deficient human red cells engrafted in the NOD-SCID mice. All these data suggest that while (+)-(S)-PQ shows greater potency in terms of antiparasitic efficacy in rodents, it is also more hematotoxic than (−)-(R)-PQ in mice and dogs. Activity and toxicity differences of PQ enantiomers in different species can be attributed to their different pharmacokinetic and metabolic profiles. Taken together, these studies suggest that (−)-(R)-PQ may have a better safety margin than the racemate in human

    Comparative metabolism and tolerability of racemic primaquine and its enantiomers in human volunteers during 7-day administration

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    Primaquine (PQ) is an 8-aminoquinoline antimalarial, active against dormant Plasmodium vivax hypnozoites and P. falciparum mature gametocytes. PQ is currently used for P. vivax radical cure and prevention of malaria transmission. PQ is a racemic drug and since the metabolism and pharmacology of PQ’s enantiomers have been shown to be divergent, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the comparative tolerability and metabolism of PQ with respect to its two enantiomers in human volunteers in a 7 days’ treatment schedule. Fifteen subjects with normal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDn) completed four arms, receiving each of the treatments, once daily for 7 days, in a crossover fashion, with a 7–14 days washout period in between: R-(−) enantiomer (RPQ) 22.5 mg; S-(+) enantiomer (SPQ) 22.5 mg; racemic PQ (RSPQ) 45 mg, and placebo. Volunteers were monitored for any adverse events (AEs) during the study period. PQ and metabolites were quantified in plasma and red blood cells (RBCs) by UHPLC-UV-MS/MS. Plasma PQ was significantly higher in SPQ treatment group than for RPQ. Carboxy-primaquine, a major plasma metabolite, was much higher in the RPQ treated group than SPQ; primaquine carbamoyl glucuronide, another major plasma metabolite, was derived only from SPQ. The ortho-quinone metabolites were also detected and showed differences for the two enantiomers in a similar pattern to the parent drugs. Both enantiomers and racemic PQ were well tolerated in G6PDn subjects with the 7 days regimen; three subjects showed mild AEs which did not require any intervention or discontinuation of the drug. The most consistent changes in G6PDn subjects were a gradual increase in methemoglobin and bilirubin, but these were not clinically important. However, the bilirubin increase suggests mild progressive damage to a small fraction of red cells. PQ enantiomers were also individually administered to two G6PD deficient (G6PDd) subjects, one heterozygous female and one hemizygous male. These G6PDd subjects showed similar results with the two enantiomers, but the responses in the hemizygous male were more pronounced. These studies suggest that although the metabolism profiles of individual PQ enantiomers are markedly different, they did not show significant differences in the safety and tolerability in G6PDn subjects

    Biochar composites: Emerging trends, field successes, and sustainability implications

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    Formation primaquine-5,6-orthoquinone, the putative active and toxic metabolite of primaquine via direct oxidation in human erythrocytes

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    Abstract Background The activity and haemolytic toxicity associated with primaquine has been linked to its reactive metabolites. The reactive metabolites are thought to be primarily formed through the action of cytochrome P450-mediated pathways. Human erythrocytes generally are not considered a significant contributor to drug biotransformation. As erythrocytes are the target of primaquine toxicity, the ability of erythrocytes to mediate the formation of reactive oxidative primaquine metabolites in the absence of hepatic enzymes, was evaluated. Methods Primaquine and its enantiomers were incubated separately with human red blood cells and haemoglobin. Post-incubation analysis was performed with UPLC–MS/MS to identify products of biotransformation. Results The major metabolite detected was identified as primaquine-5,6-orthoquinone, reflecting the pathway yielding putative active and haematotoxic metabolites of primaquine, which was formed by oxidative demethylation of 5-hydroxyprimaquine. Incubation of primaquine with haemoglobin in a cell-free system yielded similar results. It appears that the observed biotransformation is due to non-enzymatic processes, perhaps due to reactive oxygen species (ROS) present in erythrocytes or in the haemoglobin incubates. Conclusion This study presents new evidence that primaquine-5,6-orthoquinone, the metabolite of primaquine reflecting the oxidative biotransformation pathway, is generated in erythrocytes, probably by non-enzymatic means, and may not require transport from the liver or other tissues

    Preparation of bone-implants by coating hydroxyapatite nanoparticles on self-formed titanium dioxide thin-layers on titanium metal surfaces

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    Preparation of hydroxyapatite coated custom-made metallic bone-implants is very important for the replacement of injured bones of the body. Furthermore, these bone-implants are more stable under the corrosive environment of the body and biocompatible than bone-implants made up of pure metals and metal alloys. Herein, we describe a novel, simple and low-cost technique to prepare biocompatible hydroxyapatite coated titanium metal (TiM) implants through growth of self-formed TiO2 thin-layer (SFTL) on TiM via a heat treatment process. SFTL acts as a surface binder of HA nanoparticles in order to produce HA coated implants. Colloidal HA nanorods prepared by a novel surfactant-assisted synthesis method, have been coated on SFTL via atomized spray pyrolysis (ASP) technique. The corrosion behavior of the bare and surface-modified TiM (SMTiM) in a simulated body fluid (SBF) medium is also studied. The highest corrosion rate is found to be for the bare TiM plate, but the corrosion rate has been reduced with the heat-treatment of TiM due to the formation of SFTL The lowest corrosion rate is recorded for the implant prepared by heat treatment of TiM at 700 degrees C. The HA-coating further assists in the passivation of the TiM in the SBF medium. Both SMTiM and HA coated SMTiM are noncytotoxic against osteoblast-like (HOS) cells and are in high-bioactivity. The overall production process of bone-implant described in this paper is in high economic value. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved