829 research outputs found

    Magnesium substitution in calcium and strontium fluoro-phospho-aluminosilicate glasses by multinuclear 19F, 31P, 27Al, and 29Si MAS-NMR spectroscopy

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    Department of Trade and Industry, UK, under the project number of TP/5/REG/6/I/H0669

    Structures and functions of carotenoids bound to reaction centers from purple photosynthetic bacteria

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    The photoprotective function of 15,15'-cis-carotenoids bound to the photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs) of purple bacteria has been studied using carotenoids reconstituted into carotenoidless RCs from Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain R26.1. The triplet-energy level of the carotenoid has been proposed to affect the quenching of the triplet state of special-pair bacteriochlorophyll (P). This was investigated using microsecond flash photolysis to detect the carotenoid triplets as a function of the number of conjugated double bonds, n. The carotenoid triplet signals were extracted by using singular-value decomposition (SVD) of the huge matrices data, and were confirmed for those having n = 8 to 11. This interpretation assumes that the reconstituted carotenoids occupy the same binding site in the RC. We have been able to confirm this assumption using X-ray crystallography to determine the structures of carotenoidless, wild-type carotenoid-containing, and 3,4-dihydro-spheroidene-reconstituted RCs. The X-ray study also emphasized the importance of the methoxy group of the carotenoids for binding to the RCs. Electroabsorption (Stark) spectroscopy was used to investigate the effect of the carotenoid on the electrostatic field around P. This electrostatic field changed by 10 % in the presence of the carotenoid

    Automated System for Direct Production of [N-13]Ammonia with a Circulating Water-Hydrogen Target

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Effects of ethyl-esterization, chain-lengths, unsaturation degrees, and hyperthermia on carcinostatic effect of omega-hydroxylated fatty acids

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    Aim: To evaluate promotive effect of hyperthermia on the carcinostatic activity of synthesized omega-hydroxy fatty acids (wHFAs) and their ethylesters agaist Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells. Methods: EAT cells were cultured with either wHFAs or their ethylester derivatives in a water bath at either 37 °C or 42 °C for 30 min, followed by incubation in a CO2 incubator for 20 or 72 h. Mitochondrial dehydrogenase-based WST-1 assay and trypan blue dye exclusion assay were then conducted after incubation. Morphological changes were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: Omega-HFA having a saturated 16-carbon straight-chain (wH16:0) was the most carcinostatic (at 37 °C – viability level: 60.0%; at 42 °C – 49.6% (WST-1)) among saturated and unsaturated wHFAs with 12, 15 or 16 carbon atoms, when administrated to EAT cells at 100 µM for 20 h. Carcinostatic activity was markedly enhanced by ethyl-esterization of saturated fatty acids, such as wH16:0 (at 37 °C – 42.3%; at 42 °C – 11.2% , ibid) and wH15:0 (at 37 °C – 74.6%; at 42 °C – 25.3% , ibid), and their unsaturated counterparts were extremely effective only in combination with hyperthermia. Prolongation of the incubation period to 72 h at the same concentration increased appreciably their carcinostatic effect (wH16:0 ethylesther: 1.3%; wH15:0 ethylesther: 8.0%). These values were also supported by dye exclusion assay. The carcinostatic activity enhanced more markedly by hyperthermia (1.2%; 2.1%, ibid). SEM shows that wH16:0 ethylester-exposed EAT cells underwent extensive injury, such as deformation of cell structure or disappearance of microvilli. Conclusions: wH16:0 ethylester possesses high carcinostatic activity in vitro in combination with hyperthermia and may be utilized as potent anticancer therapeutic agent.Цель: проанализировать усиливающий эффект гипертермии на канцеростатическую активность синтезированных омегагидроксилированных жирных кислот (HFAs) и их этиловых эфиров по отноению к клеткам асцитной опухоли рлиха (EAT). Методы: клетки EAT инкубировали с HFAs или их этилэфирными производными на водной ане при 37 ° или 42 ° в течение 30 мин с дальнейим культивированием в 2 инкубаторе на протяжении 20 или 72 ч, после чего анализировали жизнеспособность клеток методами анализа WST-1, основанного на активности митохондриальных дегидрогеназ, и по включению трипанового синего. Морфологические изменения клеток определяли с использованием сканирующей электронной микроскопии. Результаты: при культивации клеток EAT в присутствии 100 M соединений в течение 20 ч омега-HFA с насыщенной 16-углеродной прямой цепью (H16:0) проявляли наиболее выраженный канцеростатический эффект (при 37 ° уровень жизнеспосоности составил 60,0%; при 42 ° 49,6% (WST-1)) по сравнению с таковым насыщенных и ненасыщенных HFAs, содержащих 12, 15 или 16 атомов углерода. анцеростатическая активность значительно возрастала при этилэтерификации насыщенных жирных кислот, таких как H16:0 (при 37 ° 42,3%; при 42 ° 11,2%, ibid) и H15:0 (при 37 ° 74,6%; при 42 ° 25,3% , ibid), в то время как производные ненасыщенных кислот были высокоэффективны только в комбинации с гипертермией. Увеличение периода инкубации клеток до 72 ч при той же концентрации веществ приводило к значительному увеличению их канцеростатического действия (этиловый эфир H16:0 1,3%; этиловый эфир H15:0 ethylesther 8,0%), подтвержденного данными окраски трипановым синим. рименение гипертермии также усиливало канцеростатическое действие соединений (1,2%; 2,1%, ibid). Результаты исследования методом SEM показали, что клетки EAT, инкубированные с этиловым эфиром H16:0, разруаются с нарушением клеточной структуры и исчезновением микроволокон. Выводы: в комбинации с гипертермией этиловый эфир H16:0 про ет высокую канцеростатическую активность in vitro, что говорит о возможности применения соединения в терапии опухолевых заболеваний

    The cryoEM structure of cytochrome bd from C. glutamicum provides novel insights into structural properties of actinobacterial terminal oxidases

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    Cytochromes bd are essential for microaerobic respiration of many prokaryotes including a number of human pathogens. These enzymes catalyze the reduction of molecular oxygen to water using quinols as electron donors. Their importance for prokaryotic survival and the absence of eukaryotic homologs make these enzyme ideal targets for antimicrobial drugs. Here, we determined the cryoEM structure of the menaquinol-oxidizing cytochrome bd-type oxygen reductase of the facultative anaerobic Actinobacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum at a resolution of 2.7 Å. The obtained structure adopts the signature pseudosymmetrical heterodimeric architecture of canonical cytochrome bd oxidases formed by the core subunits CydA and CydB. No accessory subunits were identified for this cytochrome bd homolog. The two b-type hemes and the oxygen binding heme d are organized in a triangular geometry with a protein environment around these redox cofactors similar to that of the closely related cytochrome bd from M. tuberculosis. We identified oxygen and a proton conducting channels emerging from the membrane space and the cytoplasm, respectively. Compared to the prototypical enzyme homolog from the E. coli, the most apparent difference is found in the location and size of the proton channel entry site. In canonical cytochrome bd oxidases quinol oxidation occurs at the highly flexible periplasmic Q-loop located in the loop region between TMHs six and seven. An alternative quinol-binding site near heme b595 was previously identified for cytochrome bd from M. tuberculosis. We discuss the relevance of the two quinol oxidation sites in actinobacterial bd-type oxidases and highlight important differences that may explain functional and electrochemical differences between C. glutamicum and M. tuberculosis. This study expands our current understanding of the structural diversity of actinobacterial and proteobacterial cytochrome bd oxygen reductases and provides deeper insights into the unique structural and functional properties of various cytochrome bd variants from different phylae

    Structure and mechanism of human DNA polymerase η

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    The variant form of the human syndrome xeroderma pigmentosum (XPV) is caused by a deficiency in DNA polymerase eta (Pol eta), a DNA polymerase that enables replication through ultraviolet-induced pyrimidine dimers. Here we report high-resolution crystal structures of human Pol eta at four consecutive steps during DNA synthesis through cis-syn cyclobutane thymine dimers. Pol eta acts like a 'molecular splint' to stabilize damaged DNA in a normal B-form conformation. An enlarged active site accommodates the thymine dimer with excellent stereochemistry for two-metal ion catalysis. Two residues conserved among Pol eta orthologues form specific hydrogen bonds with the lesion and the incoming nucleotide to assist translesion synthesis. On the basis of the structures, eight Pol eta missense mutations causing XPV can be rationalized as undermining the molecular splint or perturbing the active-site alignment. The structures also provide an insight into the role of Pol eta in replicating through D loop and DNA fragile sites