1,711 research outputs found

    A preliminary determination of normal accelerations on racing airplanes

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    Rules and methods for insuring safe structural strength of racing airplanes used in the major air meets in this country have recently been considered. Acceleration records made in racing airplanes during actual air races were therefore considered desirable, and the NACA undertook the measurement of acceleration of loads on airplanes during all conditions of flight. Accelerations were measured on four airplanes at the Miami All-American Races in January 1934 and January 1935. The airplanes were representative of the fastest limited and unlimited displacement racing airplanes in current use in this country. Records during two races, or flights, on the race course were obtained with each airplane. The maximum normal acceleration recorded was 6.2g and the minimum was -1.2g

    Control temperature error analysis

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    The objectives of this report is to present the results of an analysis of the possible errors in temperature that might accrue depending upon which of several methods of determining temperature for control purposes is used

    Multiple and variable speed electrical generator systems for large wind turbines

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    A cost effective method to achieve increased wind turbine generator energy conversion and other operational benefits through variable speed operation is presented. Earlier studies of multiple and variable speed generators in wind turbines were extended for evaluation in the context of a specific large sized conceptual design. System design and simulation have defined the costs and performance benefits which can be expected from both two speed and variable speed configurations

    Maneuverability Investigation of the F6C-3 Airplane with Special Flight Instruments

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    This investigation was made for the purpose of obtaining information on the maneuverability of the F6C-3 airplane. It is the first of a series of similar investigations to be conducted on a number of military airplanes for the purpose of comparing the abilities of these airplanes to maneuver, and also to establish a fund of quantitative data which may be used in formulating standards of comparison for rating the maneuverability of any airplane. A large part of this initial investigation was necessarily devoted to the development and trial of methods suitable for use in subsequent investigations of this nature. Air speed, angular velocity, linear acceleration, and position of the control surfaces were measured by instruments in the airplane during loops, push-downs, pull-outs from dives, pull-ups from level flight, barrel rolls, and spins. The coordinates of flight paths were deduced from the data whenever possible, and were checked in some cases by the use of a camera obscura. The results are given in curves showing the variation of the measured quantities with respect to time, and maximum values are tabulated

    Maneuverability Investigation of an O3U-1 Observation Airplane

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    This report presents the results of maneuverability tests of an O3U-1 observation airplane. This investigation is the third in a series of similar investigations requested by the Bureau of Aeronautics (Navy) for the purpose of comparing the maneuverability of different airplane types and to provide quantitative data for use in establishing a criterion or method for rating the maneuverability of an airplane. The two former investigations were conducted with the fighter types designated F6C-3 and F6C-4 and have been reported previously. Measurement of the air speed, the angular velocity, the linear acceleration, and positions of the controls were made during abrupt single-control maneuvers with three stop positions for each control, during steady horizontal turns for the determination of minimum radius, and during 180 degree turns by various methods. Flight-path coordinates in two dimensions were determined for the 180 degree turns by means of a special camera obscura designed for the previous investigation of the F6C-4 airplane. All maneuvers were performed at an altitude of approximately 3,000 feet

    The drag characteristics of several airships determined by deceleration tests

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    This report presents the results of deceleration tests conducted for the purpose of determining the drag characteristics of six airships. The tests were made with airships of various shapes and sizes belonging to the Army, the Navy, and the Goodyear-Zeppelin Corporation. Drag coefficients for the following airships are shown: Army TC-6, TC-10, and TE-2; Navy Los Angeles and ZMC-2; Goodyear Puritan. The coefficients vary from about 0.045 for the small blunt airships to 0.023 for the relatively large slender Los Angeles. This variation may be due to a combination of effects, but the most important of these is probably the effect of length-diameter ratio

    Further measurements of normal accelerations on racing airplanes

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    The work of collecting acceleration data for racing airplanes during races, started in January 1934, has been continued by obtaining similar data in the airplanes winning first and second places in the 1935 Thompson Trophy Race. Records were taken in the Howard Racer "Mr. Mulligan" and in the Wittman D-12 Racer. The maximum positive accelerations were generally smaller than those recorded in other airplanes during earlier races; the maximum in the Howard Racer was 2.8 g, and one value of 4.25 g was obtained in the Wittman Racer. Minimum values were as low as -0.55 g in the Howard Racer and 0.3 g in the Wittman Racer

    Single electron-phonon interaction in a suspended quantum dot phonon cavity

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    An electron-phonon cavity consisting of a quantum dot embedded in a free-standing GaAs/AlGaAs membrane is characterized in Coulomb blockade measurements at low temperatures. We find a complete suppression of single electron tunneling around zero bias leading to the formation of an energy gap in the transport spectrum. The observed effect is induced by the excitation of a localized phonon mode confined in the cavity. This phonon blockade of transport is lifted at magnetic fields where higher electronic states with nonzero angular momentum are brought into resonance with the phonon energy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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