2,530 research outputs found

    Azimuthal correlation between the (pl,pXb)(\vec{p}_l,\vec{p}_{X_b}) and (pl,Pt)(\vec{p}_l,\vec{P}_t) planes in the semileptonic rest frame decay of a polarized top quark: An O(αs)O(\alpha_s) effect

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    The azimuthal correlation between the planes formed by the vectors (p,pXb)(\vec{p}_\ell,\vec{p}_{X_b}) and (p,Pt)(\vec{p}_\ell,\vec{P}_t) in the semileptonic rest frame decay of a polarized top quark t()Xb+l++νt(\uparrow) \to X_b + l^+ + \nu_\ell belongs to a class of polarization observables involving the top quark which vanish at the Born term level in the standard model. We determine the next--to--leading order QCD corrections to the afore-mentioned azimuthal correlation and compare the result to the corresponding contribution of a non--standard--model right--chiral quark current.Comment: latex, 12 pages with 2 figures in the text, typos removed,comment and references added, replaced with published versio

    Island size distributions in submonolayer growth: successful prediction by mean field theory with coverage dependent capture numbers

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    We show that mean-field rate equations for submonolayer growth can successfully predict island size distributions in the pre-coalescence regime if the full dependence of capture numbers on both the island size and the coverage is taken into account. This is demonstrated by extensive Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for a growth kinetics with hit and stick aggregation. A detailed analysis of the capture numbers reveals a nonlinear dependence on the island size for small islands. This nonlinearity turns out to be crucial for the successful prediction of the island size distribution and renders an analytical treatment based on a continuum limit of the mean-field rate equations difficult.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figue

    Quark and Pole Models of Nonleptonic Decays of Charmed Baryons

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    Quark and pole models of nonleptonic decays of charmed baryons are analysed from the point of view of their symmetry properties. The symmetry structure of the parity conserving amplitudes that corresponds to the contribution of the ground-state intermediate baryons is shown to differ from the one hitherto employed in the symmetry approach. It is pointed out that the "subtraction" of sea quark effects in hyperon decays leads to an estimate of WW-exchange contributions in charmed baryon decays that is significantly smaller than naively expected on the basis of SU(4)SU(4). An SU(2)WSU(2)_{W} constraint questioning the reliability of the factorization technique is exhibited. Finally, a successful fit to the available data is presented.Comment: 25 pages, LATEX, 1643/PH IFJ Krako

    Two-body Cabibbo-suppressed Decays of Charmed Baryons into Vector Mesons and into Photons

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    The heavy quark effective theory and the factorization approximation are used to treat the Cabibbo-suppressed decays of charmed baryons to vector mesons, ΛCpρ0,pω\Lambda_C\rightarrow p{\rho^0}, p\omega, ΞC+,0Σ+,0ϕ,Σ+,0ρ0,Σ+,0ω\Xi_C^{+,0}\rightarrow\Sigma^{+,0}\phi, \Sigma^{+,0}{\rho^0}, \Sigma^{+,0}\omega and ΞC0Λϕ,Λρ,Λω\Xi_C^{0}\rightarrow\Lambda\phi, \Lambda\rho, \Lambda\omega. The input from two recent experimental results on ΛC\Lambda_C decays allows the estimation of the branching ratios for these modes, which turn out to be between 10410^{-4} and 10310^{-3}. The long distance contribution of these transitions via vector meson dominance to the radiative weak processes ΛCpγ\Lambda_C\rightarrow p\gamma, ΞCΣγ\Xi_C\rightarrow\Sigma\gamma and ΞC0Λγ\Xi_C^0\rightarrow\Lambda\gamma leads to quite small branching ratios, 10610910^{-6}-10^{-9}; the larger value holds if a sum rule between the coupling constants of the vector mesons is broken.Comment: 11 pages, latex, no figure

    Helicity Analysis of Semileptonic Hyperon Decays Including Lepton Mass Effects

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    Using the helicity method we derive complete formulas for the joint angular decay distributions occurring in semileptonic hyperon decays including lepton mass and polarization effects. Compared to the traditional covariant calculation the helicity method allows one to organize the calculation of the angular decay distributions in a very compact and efficient way. In the helicity method the angular analysis is of cascade type, i.e. each decay in the decay chain is analyzed in the respective rest system of that particle. Such an approach is ideally suited as input for a Monte Carlo event generation program. As a specific example we take the decay Ξ0Σ++l+νˉl\Xi^0 \to \Sigma^+ + l^- + \bar{\nu}_l (l=e,μl^-=e^-, \mu^-) followed by the nonleptonic decay Σ+p+π0\Sigma^+ \to p + \pi^0 for which we show a few examples of decay distributions which are generated from a Monte Carlo program based on the formulas presented in this paper. All the results of this paper are also applicable to the semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of ground state charm and bottom baryons, and to the decays of the top quark.Comment: Published version. 40 pages, 11 figures included in the text. Typos corrected, comments added, references added and update

    Diagnostik bei Glomerulonephritis: Rationaler Abklärungsgang

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    Zusammenfassung: Glomerulonephritiden sind eine wichtige und häufige Ursache der fortgeschrittenen Niereninsuffizienz. Hinsichtlich Therapierbarkeit und Prognose sind eine frühzeitige Abklärung und Diagnosestellung von entscheidender Bedeutsamkeit. Die wichtigsten klinischen Zeichen der Glomerulonephritis per se sind arterielle Hypertonie, Ödeme, Proteinurie, Hämaturie und Niereninsuffizienz. Dazu kommen Symptome allfälliger Systemerkrankungen. Der Abklärungsgang umfasst Erhebung der Anamnese, klinische Untersuchung, Laboruntersuchungen im Blut und Urin, bildgebende Verfahren wie Sonographie und Magnetresonanzuntersuchung und in den meisten Fällen die perkutane Nierenbiopsie. Bei der Diagnostik ist es besonders wichtig, eine behandelbare Ursache - wie Medikamentennebenwirkung, Infekt, Tumor oder entzündliche Systemerkrankung - zu erkennen. Glomerulonephritiden können einerseits aufgrund ihrer klinischen Präsentation und andererseits basierend auf den histologischen Veränderungen genauer klassifiziert werde

    Exclusive semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of the Bc meson

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    We study exclusive nonleptonic and semileptonic decays of the Bc-meson within a relativistic constituent quark model previously developed by us. For the nonleptonic decays we use the factorizing approximation. We update our model parameters by using new experimental data for the mass and the lifetime of the Bc meson and the leptonic decay constants of the D-meson. We calculate the branching ratios for a large set of exclusive nonleptonic and semileptonic decays of the BcB_c meson and compare our results with the results of other studies. As a guide for further experimental exploration we provide explicit formulas for the full angular decay distributions in the cascade decays Bc^- => J/psi(=> l^+l^-) + rho^-(=> pi^- pi^0) and Bc^- => J/psi(=> l^+l^-) + W^-(off-shell)(=> l^- + nubar).Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Consequence of reputation in an open-ended Naming Game

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    We study a modified version of the Naming Game, a recently introduced model which describes how shared vocabulary can emerge spontaneously in a population without any central control. In particular, we introduce a new mechanism that allows a continuous interchange with the external inventory of words. A novel playing strategy, influenced by the hierarchical structure that individuals' reputation defines in the community, is implemented. We analyze how these features influence the convergence times, the cognitive efforts of the agents and the scaling behavior in memory and time.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure