20 research outputs found

    A simple proof of Kotake-Narasimhan theorem in some classes of ultradifferentiable functions

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    [EN] We give a simple proof of a general theorem of Kotake-Narasimhan for elliptic operators in the setting of ultradifferentiable functions in the sense of Braun, Meise and Taylor. We follow the ideas of Komatsu. Based on an example of Metivier, we also show that the ellipticity is a necessary condition for the theorem to be true.C. Boiti and D. Jornet were partially supported by the INdAM-GNAMPA Projects 2014 and 2015. D. Jornet was partially supported by MINECO, Project MTM2013-43540-PBoiti, C.; Jornet Casanova, D. (2017). A simple proof of Kotake-Narasimhan theorem in some classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications. 8(2):297-317. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11868-016-0163-yS29731782Boiti, C., Jornet, D.: The problem of iterates in some classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Oper. Theory Adv. Appl. Birkhauser Basel 245, 21–33 (2015)Boiti, C., Jornet, D.: A characterization of the wave front set defined by the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients. arXiv:1412.4954Boiti, C., Jornet, D., Juan-Huguet, J.: Wave front set with respect to the iterates of an operator with constant coefficients. Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2014, 1–17 Article ID 438716 (2014). doi: 10.1155/2014/438716Bolley, P., Camus, J., Mattera, C.: Analyticité microlocale et itérés d’operateurs hypoelliptiques. Séminaire Goulaouic-Schwartz, 1978–1979, Exp No. 13, École Polytech, PalaiseauBonet, J., Meise, R., Melikhov, S.N.: A comparison of two different ways of define classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 14, 425–444 (2007)Braun, R.W., Meise, R., Taylor, B.A.: Ultradifferentiable functions and Fourier analysis. Result. Math. 17, 206–237 (1990)Fernández, C., Galbis, A.: Superposition in classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Publ. Res. I Math. Sci. 42(2), 399–419 (2006)Jornet Casanova, D.: Operadores Pseudodiferenciales en Clases no Casianalíticas de Tipo Beurling. Universitat Politècnica de València (2004). doi: 10.4995/Thesis/10251/54953Juan-Huguet, J.: Iterates and hypoellipticity of partial differential operators on non-quasianalytic classes. Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory 68, 263–286 (2010)Juan-Huguet, J.: A Paley–Wiener type theorem for generalized non-quasianalytic classes. Stud. Math. 208(1), 31–46 (2012)Komatsu, H.: A characterization of real analytic functions. Proc. Jpn Acad. 36, 90–93 (1960)Komatsu, H.: On interior regularities of the solutions of principally elliptic systems of linear partial differential equations. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. 1, 9, 141–164 (1961)Komatsu, H.: A proof of Kotaké and Narasimhan’s theorem. Proc. Jpn Acad. 38(9), 615–618 (1962)Kotake, T., Narasimhan, M.S.: Regularity theorems for fractional powers of a linear elliptic operator. Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 90, 449–471 (1962)Kumano-Go, H.: Pseudo-Differential Operators. The MIT Press, Cambridge, London (1982)Langenbruch, M.: P-Funktionale und Randwerte zu hypoelliptischen Differentialoperatoren. Math. Ann. 239(1), 55–74 (1979)Langenbruch, M.: Fortsetzung von Randwerten zu hypoelliptischen Differentialoperatoren und partielle Differentialgleichungen. J. Reine Angew. Math. 311/312, 57–79 (1979)Langenbruch, M.: On the functional dimension of solution spaces of hypoelliptic partial differential operators. Math. Ann. 272, 217–229 (1985)Langenbruch, M.: Bases in solution sheaves of systems of partial differential equations. J. Reine Angew. Math. 373, 1–36 (1987)Lions, J.L., Magenes, E.: Problèmes aux limites non homogènes et applications, vol. 3. Dunod, Paris (1970)Métivier, G.: Propriété des itérés et ellipticité. Commun. Part. Differ. Eq. 3(9), 827–876 (1978)Nelson, E.: Analytic vectors. Ann. Math. 70, 572–615 (1959)Newberger, E., Zielezny, Z.: The growth of hypoelliptic polynomials and Gevrey classes. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 39(3), 547–552 (1973)Oldrich, J.: Sulla regolarità delle soluzioni delle equazioni lineari ellittiche nelle classi di Beurling. (Italian) Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. (4) 2, 183–195 (1969)Petzsche, H.-J., Vogt, D.: Almost analytic extension of ultradifferentiable functions and the boundary values of holomorphic functions. Math. Ann. 267(1), 17–35 (1984

    Nuclearity of rapidly decreasing ultradifferentiable functions and time-frequency analysis

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    [EN] We use techniques from time-frequency analysis to show that the space S(omega )of rapidly decreasing omega-ultradifferentiable functions is nuclear for every weight function omega(t) = o(t) as t tends to infinity. Moreover, we prove that, for a sequence (M-p)(p) satisfying the classical condition (M1) of Komatsu, the space of Beurling type S-(M)p when defined with L-2 norms is nuclear exactly when condition (M2)' of Komatsu holds.We thank the reviewer very much for the careful reading of our manuscript and the comments to improve the paper. The first three authors were partially supported by the Project FFABR 2017 (MIUR), and by the Projects FIR 2018 and FAR 2018 (University of Ferrara). The first and third authors are members of the Gruppo Nazionale per l'Analisi Matematica, la Probabilita e le loro Applicazioni (GNAMPA) of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM). The research of the second author was partially supported by the project MTM2016-76647-P and the grant BEST/2019/172 from Generalitat Valenciana. The fourth author is supported by FWF-project J 3948-N35.Boiti, C.; Jornet Casanova, D.; Oliaro, A.; Schindl, G. (2021). Nuclearity of rapidly decreasing ultradifferentiable functions and time-frequency analysis. Collectanea mathematica. 72(2):423-442. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13348-020-00296-0S423442722Asensio, V., Jornet, D.: Global pseudodifferential operators of infinite order in classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113(4), 3477–3512 (2019)Aubry, J.-M.: Ultrarapidly decreasing ultradifferentiable functions, Wigner distributions and density matrices. J. London Math. Soc. 2(78), 392–406 (2008)Björck, G.: Linear partial differential operators and generalized distributions. Ark. Mat. 6(21), 351–407 (1966)Boiti, C., Jornet, D., Oliaro, A.: Regularity of partial differential operators in ultradifferentiable spaces and Wigner type transforms. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 446, 920–944 (2017)Boiti, C., Jornet, D., Oliaro, A.: The Gabor wave front set in spaces of ultradifferentiable functions. Monatsh. Math. 188(2), 199–246 (2019)Boiti, C., Jornet, D., Oliaro, A.: About the nuclearity of S(Mp)\cal{S}_{(M_{p})} and Sω\cal{S}_{\omega }. In: Boggiatto, P., et al. (eds.) Advances in Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, pp. 121–129. Birkhäuser, Cham (2020)Boiti, C., Jornet, D., Oliaro, A.: Real Paley-Wiener theorems in spaces of ultradifferentiable functions. J. Funct. Anal. 278(4), 108348 (2020)Bonet, J., Meise, R., Melikhov, S.N.: A comparison of two different ways to define classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 14(3), 425–444 (2007)Braun, R.W., Meise, R., Taylor, B.A.: Ultradifferentiable functions and Fourier analysis. Result. Math. 17, 206–237 (1990)Fernández, C., Galbis, A., Jornet, D.: Pseudodifferential operators on non-quasianalytic classes of Beurling type. Studia Math. 167(2), 99–131 (2005)Fernández, C., Galbis, A., Jornet, D.: Pseudodifferential operators of Beurling type and the wave front set. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340(2), 1153–1170 (2008)Franken, U.: Weight functions for classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Results Math. 25, 50–53 (1994)Gröchenig, K.: Foundations of Time-Frequency Analysis. Birkhäuser, Boston (2001)Gröchenig, K., Leinert, M.: Wiener’s Lemma for twisted convolution and Gabor frames. J. Am. Math. Soc. 17(1), 1–18 (2004)Gröchenig, K., Zimmermann, G.: Spaces of Test Functions via the STFT. J. Funct. Spaces Appl. 2(1), 25–53 (2004)Heinrich, T., Meise, R.: A support theorem for quasianalytic functionals. Math. Nachr. 280(4), 364–387 (2007)Hörmander, L.: Notions of Convexity. Progress in Mathematics, vol. 127. Birkhäuser, Boston (1994)Janssen, A.J.E.M.: Duality and Biorthogonality for Weyl-Heisenberg Frames. J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 1(4), 403–436 (1995)Komatsu, H.: Ultradistributions I. Structure theorems and a characterization. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect IA Math. 20, 25–105 (1973)Langenbruch, M.: Hermite functions and weighted spaces of generalized functions. Manuscripta Math. 119(3), 269–285 (2006)Meise, R., Vogt, D.: Introduction to Functional Analysis. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1997)Petzsche, H.J.: Die nuklearität der ultradistributionsräume und der satz vom kern I. Manuscripta Math. 24, 133–171 (1978)Pietsch, A.: Nuclear Locally Convex Spaces. Springer, Berlin (1972)Pilipović, S., Prangoski, B., Vindas, J.: On quasianalytic classes of Gelfand-Shilov type. Parametrix and convolution. J. Math. Pures Appl. 116, 174–210 (2018)Rodino, L.: Linear Partial Differential Operators in Gevrey Spaces. World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc, River Edge, NJ (1993)Rodino, L., Wahlberg, P.: The Gabor wave front set. Monatsh. Math. 173, 625–655 (2014)Schmets, J., Valdivia, M.: Analytic extension of ultradifferentiable Whitney jets. Collect. Math. 50(1), 73–94 (1999

    Global regularity in ultradifferentiable classes

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    Se estudia la w-regularidad de soluciones de ciertos operadores que son globalmente hipoelípticos en el toro N-dimensional. Se aplican estos resultados para probar la w-regularidad global de ciertas clases de sublaplacianos. En este sentido, se extiende trabajo previo en el contexto de la clases analíticas y de Gevrey. Se dan varios ejemplos de w-hipoelipticidad local y global.The research of the authors was partially supported by MEC and FEDER Project MTM2010-15200.Albanese, AA.; Jornet Casanova, D. (2014). Global regularity in ultradifferentiable classes. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 193(2):369-387. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10231-012-0279-5S3693871932Albanese A.A., Jornet D., Oliaro A.: Quasianalytic wave front sets for solutions of linear partial differential operators. Integr. Equ. Oper. 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