153 research outputs found

    Extended Kramers-Moyal analysis applied to optical trapping

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    The Kramers-Moyal analysis is a well established approach to analyze stochastic time series from complex systems. If the sampling interval of a measured time series is too low, systematic errors occur in the analysis results. These errors are labeled as finite time effects in the literature. In the present article, we present some new insights about these effects and discuss the limitations of a previously published method to estimate Kramers-Moyal coefficients at the presence of finite time effects. To increase the reliability of this method and to avoid misinterpretations, we extend it by the computation of error estimates for estimated parameters using a Monte Carlo error propagation technique. Finally, the extended method is applied to a data set of an optical trapping experiment yielding estimations of the forces acting on a Brownian particle trapped by optical tweezers. We find an increased Markov-Einstein time scale of the order of the relaxation time of the process which can be traced back to memory effects caused by the interaction of the particle and the fluid. Above the Markov-Einstein time scale, the process can be very well described by the classical overdamped Markov model for Brownian motion.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figure

    Combined electrical transport and capacitance spectroscopy of a MoS2−LiNbO3{\mathrm{MoS_2-LiNbO_3}} field effect transistor

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    We have measured both the current-voltage (ISDI_\mathrm{SD}-VGSV_\mathrm{GS}) and capacitance-voltage (CC-VGSV_\mathrm{GS}) characteristics of a MoS2−LiNbO3\mathrm{MoS_2-LiNbO_3} field effect transistor. From the measured capacitance we calculate the electron surface density and show that its gate voltage dependence follows the theoretical prediction resulting from the two-dimensional free electron model. This model allows us to fit the measured ISDI_\mathrm{SD}-VGSV_\mathrm{GS} characteristics over the \emph{entire range} of VGSV_\mathrm{GS}. Combining this experimental result with the measured current-voltage characteristics, we determine the field effect mobility as a function of gate voltage. We show that for our device this improved combined approach yields significantly smaller values (more than a factor of 4) of the electron mobility than the conventional analysis of the current-voltage characteristics only.Comment: to appear in Applied Physics Letter

    Stereotactic MRI-guided radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer (SMILE): a prospective, multicentric phase-II-trial

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    BACKGROUND Normofractionated radiation regimes for definitive prostate cancer treatment usually extend over 7-8 weeks. Recently, moderate hypofractionation with doses per fraction between 2.2 and 4 Gy has been shown to be safe and feasible with oncologic non-inferiority compared to normofractionation. Radiobiologic considerations lead to the assumption that prostate cancer might benefit in particular from hypofractionation in terms of tumor control and toxicity. First data related to ultrahypofractionation demonstrate that the overall treatment time can be reduced to 5-7 fractions with single doses > 6 Gy safely, even with simultaneous focal boosting of macroscopic tumor(s). With MR-guided linear accelerators (MR-linacs) entering clinical routine, invasive fiducial implantations become unnecessary. The aim of the multicentric SMILE study is to evaluate the use of MRI-guided stereotactic radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer in 5 fractions regarding safety and feasibility. METHODS The study is designed as a prospective, one-armed, two-stage, multi-center phase-II-trial with 68 patients planned. Low- and intermediate-risk localized prostate cancer patients will be eligible for the study as well as early high-risk patients (cT3a and/or Gleason Score ≤ 8 and/or PSA ≤ 20 ng/ml) according to d'Amico. All patients will receive definitive MRI-guided stereotactic radiation therapy with a total dose of 37.5 Gy in 5 fractions (single dose 7.5 Gy) on alternating days. A focal simultaneous integrated boost to MRI-defined tumor(s) up to 40 Gy can optionally be applied. The primary composite endpoint includes the assessment of urogenital or gastrointestinal toxicity ≥ grade 2 or treatment-related discontinuation of therapy. The use of MRI-guided radiotherapy enables online plan adaptation and intrafractional gating to ensure optimal target volume coverage and protection of organs at risk. DISCUSSION With moderate hypofractionation being the standard in definitive radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer at many institutions, ultrahypofractionation could be the next step towards reducing treatment time without compromising oncologic outcomes and toxicities. MRI-guided radiotherapy could qualify as an advantageous tool as no invasive procedures have to precede in therapeutic workflows. Furthermore, MRI guidance combined with gating and plan adaptation might be essential in order to increase treatment effectivity and reduce toxicity at the same time

    Anisotropic thermally activated diffusion in percolation systems

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    We present a study of static and frequency-dependent diffusion with anisotropic thermally activated transition rates in a two-dimensional bond percolation system. The approach accounts for temperature effects on diffusion coefficients in disordered anisotropic systems. Static diffusion shows an Arrhenius behavior for low temperatures with an activation energy given by the highest energy barrier of the system. From the frequency-dependent diffusion coefficients we calculate a characteristic frequency ωc∼1/tc\omega_{c}\sim 1/t_{c}, related to the time tct_c needed to overcome a characteristic barrier. We find that ωc\omega_c follows an Arrhenius behavior with different activation energies in each direction.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of Nonspreading Wave Packets in an Imaginary Potential

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    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a method to prepare a nonspreading atomic wave packet. Our technique relies on a spatially modulated absorption constantly chiseling away from an initially broad de Broglie wave. The resulting contraction is balanced by dispersion due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. This quantum evolution results in the formation of a nonspreading wave packet of Gaussian form with a spatially quadratic phase. Experimentally, we confirm these predictions by observing the evolution of the momentum distribution. Moreover, by employing interferometric techniques, we measure the predicted quadratic phase across the wave packet. Nonspreading wave packets of this kind also exist in two space dimensions and we can control their amplitude and phase using optical elements.Comment: 4 figure

    How does cloud-radiative heating over the North Atlantic change with grid spacing, convective parameterization, and microphysics scheme in ICON version 2.1.00?

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    Cloud-radiative heating (CRH) within the atmosphere and its changes with warming affect the large-scale atmospheric winds in a myriad of ways, such that reliable predictions and projections of circulation require reliable calculations of CRH. In order to assess the sensitivities of upper-tropospheric midlatitude CRH to model settings, we perform a series of simulations with the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic Model (ICON) over the North Atlantic using six different grid spacings, parameterized and explicit convection, and one- versus two-moment cloud microphysics. While sensitivity to grid spacing is limited, CRH profiles change dramatically with microphysics and convection schemes. These dependencies are interpreted via decomposition into cloud classes and examination of cloud properties and cloud-controlling factors within these different classes. We trace the model dependencies back to differences in the mass mixing ratios and number concentrations of cloud ice and snow, as well as vertical velocities. Which frozen species are radiatively active and the broadening of the vertical velocity distribution with explicit convection turn out to be crucial factors in altering the modeled CRH profiles.</p
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