1,007 research outputs found

    Ciklički i makrociklički organski spojevi - pregledni rad posvećen Lavoslavu Ružički

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    Ružička opened the field of cyclic molecules such as cyclic terpenes and cyclic ketones with up to 17 ring atoms. This work until now was extended in many directions such as cyclic paraffins, crown ethers and cryptands and cyclic ester amides. Cyclic molecules are formed upon electron transfer and intramolecular association of polymers with two active ends and they are synthesized by directed cyclization of bifunctional macromolecules. In the course of step growth polymerization and ring opening polymerization, ring chain equilibria may be established; the larger the monomer unit the easier is the separation of pure oligomers such as the heptamer of cyclododecene with 84 carbon atoms in the ring. Still many questions remain open, in particular whether there are macrocyclic catenanes in commercial polycondensates.Ružička je otvorio polje cikličkih organskih molekula kao što su ciklički terpeni i ketoni s do 17 atoma u prstenu. U međuvremenu se proučavanje područja proširilo u brojnim smjerovima kao što su ciklički parafini, krunasti eteri i kriptandi te ciklički esterski amidi. Cikličke molekule nastaju prijenosom elektrona i intramolekulskim asocijacijama polimera s dvije aktivne krajnje skupine, a sintetiziraju se izravnom ciklizacijom difunkcionalnih makromolekula. Tijekom stupnjevitih reakcija polimerizacije i polimerizacija otvaranjem prstena može doći do uspostave ravnoteže prsten - lanac pri čemu, što je veća monomerna jedinica tim je lakše odvajanje oligomera kao što je heptamer ciklododekana s 84 ugljikova atoma u prstenu. Ipak, brojna pitanja ostaju otvorena kao što su postojanje makrocikličkih katenana u komercijalnim polikondenzatima

    Ciklički i makrociklički organski spojevi - pregledni rad posvećen Lavoslavu Ružički

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    Ružička opened the field of cyclic molecules such as cyclic terpenes and cyclic ketones with up to 17 ring atoms. This work until now was extended in many directions such as cyclic paraffins, crown ethers and cryptands and cyclic ester amides. Cyclic molecules are formed upon electron transfer and intramolecular association of polymers with two active ends and they are synthesized by directed cyclization of bifunctional macromolecules. In the course of step growth polymerization and ring opening polymerization, ring chain equilibria may be established; the larger the monomer unit the easier is the separation of pure oligomers such as the heptamer of cyclododecene with 84 carbon atoms in the ring. Still many questions remain open, in particular whether there are macrocyclic catenanes in commercial polycondensates.Ružička je otvorio polje cikličkih organskih molekula kao što su ciklički terpeni i ketoni s do 17 atoma u prstenu. U međuvremenu se proučavanje područja proširilo u brojnim smjerovima kao što su ciklički parafini, krunasti eteri i kriptandi te ciklički esterski amidi. Cikličke molekule nastaju prijenosom elektrona i intramolekulskim asocijacijama polimera s dvije aktivne krajnje skupine, a sintetiziraju se izravnom ciklizacijom difunkcionalnih makromolekula. Tijekom stupnjevitih reakcija polimerizacije i polimerizacija otvaranjem prstena može doći do uspostave ravnoteže prsten - lanac pri čemu, što je veća monomerna jedinica tim je lakše odvajanje oligomera kao što je heptamer ciklododekana s 84 ugljikova atoma u prstenu. Ipak, brojna pitanja ostaju otvorena kao što su postojanje makrocikličkih katenana u komercijalnim polikondenzatima

    CKM Matrix: Status and New Developments

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    An analysis of the CKM matrix parameters within the {\it R}fit approach is presented using updated input values with special emphasis on the recent sin2β\sin{2\beta} measurements from BABAR and Belle. The QCD Factorisation Approach describing Bππ,KπB \to \pi\pi,K\pi decays has been implemented in the software package CKMfitter. Fits using branching ratios and CP asymmetries are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 postscript figures, contribution to the proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Heavy Flavour Physics, September 2001, Pasadena, US

    Авария на японской АЭС "Фукусима"

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    В данной статье приведено краткое описание АЭС Фукусима. Рассматривается крупнейшее землетрясение в Японии 2011 года и авария на АЭС Фукусима. Представлена хроника событий аварии, ее ликвидация, а также проанализированы последствия данной аварии. This article provides a brief description of the Fukushima nuclear power plant. It is considered the largest earthquake in Japan 2011 and the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Presentation of the chronicle of events of the accident, its elimination, as well as analyzed the consequences of the accident

    Удалённое управление прибором измерения параметров электрохимической защиты нефтегазотрубопроводов с применением мобильных устройств

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    The following article presents the implementation of the control measuring device using a mobile device via Bluetooth. It explains the structure of this software. This article can be of interest for software engineers who develop mobile applications for control devices via Bluetooth

    Система автоматического регулирования температуры теплоносителя теплосети котельной №4 ООО «Газпром Трансгаз Томск»

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 112 с., рис.12, табл.29, 19 источников, прил.6. Объектом исследования является система теплоснабжения комплекса зданий Управления АиСТ ООО ?Газпром Трансгаз Томск? в г. Томске. Цель работы – разработка САР температуры теплоносителя теплосети для системы теплоснабжения. В процессе выполнения работы проводился анализ объекта регулирования, разработка функциональной, структурной, и принципиальной электрической схемы САР температуры теплоносителя, расчет оптимальных параметров настройки регулятора, выбор технических средств автоматизации для данного объекта. В ходе проведенных исследований произведена разработка системы автоматического регулирования температуры теплоносителя на базе современных технических средств автоматизации.Final qualifying work contains 112 pages., pictures12, 29 tables, 19 sources, applications 6. The object of research is the system of heat supply of the complex motor and special transport management of buildings LLC "Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk" in Tomsk. Objective - Development of automatic control system coolant temperature heating system for the heating system. In carrying out the work, an analysis of the object of regulation, the development of functional, structural, and electrical schematic diagram of the system of automatic control of the flow temperature, the calculation of the optimal controller settings, the choice of means of automation of the object

    Проект установки каталитического превращения синтез-газа в метанол

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    В данном дипломном проекте разработана установка каталитического превращения синтез-газа в метанол. При выполнении данной работы основываюсь на производство метанола из природного газа. Мощность проектируемой установки 815000 т/год, с выходом основного вещества 99,95 % в метаноле-ректификате. Изложены теоретические основы получения метанола. Приведены расчеты материального и теплового балансов. Выполнены механические и технологические расчеты, разработана схема контрольно-измерительных приборов и автоматизации. Разработан разделы: «Финансовый менеджмент, ресурсоэффективность и ресурсосбережение» и «Социальная ответственность».The methanol synthesis reactor, catalyst, synthesis gas, column, plate, raw methanol, temperature, pressure. In this thesis project developed a catalytic conversion of synthesis gas to methanol. When performing this work are based on the production of methanol from natural gas. The projected capacity of the installation 815000 tons/year, with the release of the basic substance 99.95 % of the methanol-rectified. The theoretical basis for the production of methanol. The calculations of material and heat balance. Performed mechanical and process calculations, developed a scheme of instrumentation and automation. Developed sections: Financial management, resource efficiency and resource conservation" and "Social responsibility"

    Servicio SURAD, 2011 primer año de funcionamiento

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    1 copia .pdf del póster original, presentado en tamaño din A0 en las 4as Jornadas de Análisis de la Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC (Madrid. 26-27 abril, 2012). Más información de las Jornadas en: http://jornadas.urici.csic.es/IVjornadas/El servicio SURAD presenta los resultados del 2011, su primer año de actividad. SURAD es el servicio de localización y suministro de documentos científicos para la comunidad investigadora del CSIC, que atiende aquellas solicitudes que no pueden gestionar en primera instancia sus bibliotecas. SURAD se gestiona a través de la Unidad de Recursos de la Información Científica para la Investigación y integrado dentro del Plan 100% Digital del CSIC. Su objetivo es dar un servicio de acceso al documento a la comunidad científica del CSIC que carece de servicio de biblioteca presencial en su centro/instituto y actuar como servicio de último recurso de obtención de documentos para las bibliotecas de la Red, proporcionando los documentos que éstas no puedan obtener.Peer reviewe

    Rational approximations in Analytic QCD

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    We consider the ``modified Minimal Analytic'' (mMA) coupling that involves an infrared cut to the standard MA coupling. The mMA coupling is a Stieltjes function and, as a consequence, the paradiagonal Pade approximants converge to the coupling in the entire Q2Q^2-plane except on the time-like semiaxis below the cut. The equivalence between the narrow width approximation of the discontinuity function of the coupling, on the one hand, and this Pade (rational) approximation of the coupling, on the other hand, is shown. We approximate the analytic analogs of the higher powers of mMA coupling by rational functions in such a way that the singularity region is respected by the approximants.Several comparisons, for real and complex arguments Q2Q^2, between the exact and approximate expressions are made and the speed of convergence is discussed. Motivated by the success of these approximants, an improvement of the mMA coupling is suggested, and possible uses in the reproduction of experimental data are discussed.Comment: 12 pages,9 figures (6 double figures); figs.6-8 corrected due to a programming error; analysis extended to two IR cutoffs; Introduction rewritten; to appear in J.Phys.