247 research outputs found

    Analysis of SQL Injection Attacks on Website Service

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    Among the various types of software vulnerabilities, command injection is the most common type of threat in web applications. In command injection, SQL injection type of attacks areextremely prevalent, and ranked as the second most common form of attack on web. SQL injection attacks involve the construction of application\u27s input data that will result in the execution of Malicious SQL statements. Most of the SQL injection detection techniques involve the code to be written along with the actual scripting code. These techniques do not detect errors in SQL statements. Hence, this paper proposes a mechanism to identify invalid SQL statements, to analyze the query for invalid non SQL key words, and to customize the captured errors. This mechanism is different from others by means of separation of the main scripting code and SQL injection code

    Distribution of variation over populations

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    Understanding the significance of the distribution of genetic or phenotypic variation over populations is one of the central concerns of population genetic and ecological research. The import of the research decisively depends on the measures that are applied to assess the amount of variation residing within and between populations. Common approaches can be classified under two perspectives: differentiation and apportionment. While the former focuses on differences (distances) in trait distribution between populations, the latter considers the division of the overall trait variation among populations. Particularly when multiple populations are studied, the apportionment perspective is usually given preference (via FST/GST indices), even though the other perspective is also relevant. The differences between the two perspectives as well as their joint conceptual basis can be exposed by referring them to the association between trait states and population affiliations. It is demonstrated that the two directions, association of population affiliation with trait state and of trait state with population affiliation, reflect the differentiation and the apportionment perspective, respectively. When combining both perspectives and applying the suggested measure of association, new and efficient methods of analysis result, as is outlined for population genetic processes. In conclusion, the association approach to an analysis of the distribution of trait variation over populations resolves problems that are frequently encountered with the apportionment perspective and its commonly applied measures in both population genetics and ecology, suggesting new and more comprehensive methods of analysis that include patterns of differentiation and apportionment

    Model-based analysis of latent factors

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    The detection of community or population structure through analysis of explicit cause–effect modeling of given observations has received considerable attention. The complexity of the task is mirrored by the large number of existing approaches and methods, the applicability of which heavily depends on the design of efficient algorithms of data analysis. It is occasionally even difficult to disentangle concepts and algorithms. To add more clarity to this situation, the present paper focuses on elaborating the system analytic framework that probably encompasses most of the common concepts and approaches by classifying them as model-based analyses of latent factors. Problems concerning the efficiency of algorithms are not of primary concern here. In essence, the framework suggests an input–output model system in which the inputs are provided as latent model parameters and the output is specified by the observations. There are two types of model involved, one of which organizes the inputs by assigning combinations of potentially interacting factor levels to each observed object, while the other specifies the mechanisms by which these combinations are processed to yield the observations. It is demonstrated briefly how some of the most popular methods (Structure, BAPS, Geneland) fit into the framework and how they differ conceptually from each other. Attention is drawn to the need to formulate and assess qualification criteria by which the validity of the model can be judged. One probably indispensable criterion concerns the cause–effect character of the model-based approach and suggests that measures of association between assignments of factor levels and observations be considered together with maximization of their likelihoods (or posterior probabilities). In particular the likelihood criterion is difficult to realize with commonly used estimates based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. Generally applicable MCMC-based alternatives that allow for approximate employment of the primary qualification criterion and the implied model validation including further descriptors of model characteristics are suggested.</p

    The Analysis of Association Between Traits When Differences Between Trait States Matter

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    Because of their elementary significance in almost all fields of science, measures of association between two variables or traits are abundant and multiform. One aspect of association that is of considerable interest, especially in population genetics and ecology, seems to be widely ignored. This aspect concerns association between complex traits that show variable and arbitrarily defined state differences. Among such traits are genetic characters controlled by many and potentially polyploid loci, species characteristics, and environmental variables, all of which may be mutually and asymmetrically associated. A concept of directed association of one trait with another is developed here that relies solely on difference measures between the states of a trait. Associations are considered at three levels: between individual states of two variables, between an individual state of one variable and the totality of the other variable, and between two variables. Relations to known concepts of association are identified. In particular, measures at the latter two levels turn out to be interpretable as measures of differentiation. Examples are given for areas of application (search for functional relationships, distribution of variation over populations, genomic associations, spatiogenetic structure)

    Perancangan Buku Kartun Opini Yang Diadaptasi Dari Lagu Bertema Kritik Sosial Politik Di Indonesia

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    Kartun Opini adalah Jenis kartun yang memiliki unsur – unsur pendapat dari individu atau kelompok yang didasari kondisi di suatu lingkungan masyarakat.Salah satu fungsi yang dimiliki kartun adalah untuk menyindir atau bisa disamakan dengan untuk mengkritik.Kritik merupakan sebuah hasil dari pertimbangan atau pesan yang disampaikan dengan menggunakan kata – kata tajam atau pedas terhadap suatu situasi yang sedang terjadi.Oleh karena itu dengan adanya perancangan ini diharapkan pemikiran kritis dapat berkembang ke arah yang benar.Dengan metode pustaka, dokumentasi, internet, dan kualitatif maka dirancangalah sebuah buku kartun opini yang mengajarkan pesan dan makna dari sebuah kritik

    Measuring differentiation among populations at different levels of genetic integration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most genetic studies of population differentiation are based on gene-pool frequencies. Population differences for gene associations that show up as deviations from Hardy-Weinberg proportions (homologous association) or gametic disequilibria (non-homologous association) are disregarded. Thus little is known about patterns of population differentiation at higher levels of genetic integration nor the causal forces.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To fill this gap, a conceptual approach to the description and analysis of patterns of genetic differentiation at arbitrary levels of genetic integration (single or multiple loci, varying degrees of ploidy) is introduced. Measurement of differentiation is based on the measure Δ of genetic distance between populations, which is in turn based on an elementary genic difference between individuals at any given level of genetic integration. It is proven that Δ does not decrease when the level of genetic integration is increased, with equality if the gene associations at the higher level follow the same function in both populations (e.g. equal inbreeding coefficients, no association between loci). The pattern of differentiation is described using the matrix of pairwise genetic distances Δ and the differentiation snail based on the symmetric population differentiation Δ<sub><it>SD</it></sub>. A measure of covariation compares patterns between levels. To show the significance of the observed differentiation among possible gene associations, a special permutation analysis is proposed. Applying this approach to published genetic data on oak, the differentiation is found to increase considerably from lower to higher levels of integration, revealing variation in the forms of gene association among populations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This new approach to the analysis of genetic differentiation among populations demonstrates that the consideration of gene associations within populations adds a new quality to studies on population differentiation that is overlooked when viewing only gene-pools.</p

    Sistem Identifikasi Penyakit Autis Anak Berbasis Web

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    — Progress can be aligned with Computer Technology in Medical Science, which is the diagnosis made programs that mimic human intelligence, which is able to adopt the process and the human way of thinking, one is the identification of various penyakit.Autis kegunaaanya is one disease that is quite difficult to diagnosis because it deals with behavior of songs, and have many kemiripian with Centering Attention Disorders (Hyperactivity) disorder and Conduct (GTL). Autism is a mental disorder that is quite difficult to identify, for it is by using a web-based identification system that can help parents to identify autism in children as early as possible so that parents are not wrong in handling. In Autism Identification System has the ability to identify autism for children aged less than 8 months to 5 years, which can help parents to make an early diagnosis. Additionally Psychiatrists can use this system to make it easier to quickly identify autism. Kata Kunci—Sistem Identifikasi Autis Pada Anak, Autis, Siste

    Aplikasi Pendeteksi Jauh Dekat Posisi Suatu Objek Dengan Menggunakan Kinect for Windows

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    The growth of technology are used on every aspect of human lifes. One that rapidly growing is technology on video games. Virtual reality is on that raise the intereset of game developer to improve the quality of gameplay. By using virtual reality, user can interact directly with the game world this will give the user feeling of reality. One of the technology that used in virtual reality is kinect. On that aspect this research about the depth sensor of kinect device is chosen. Depth sensor will be used to get an input of user motion to make a different result based on the depth movement. This research is meant to create an application that can give a different output on virtual reality game based on depth input that kinect catch from user motion.Kinect is used as the game controller in the result of this virtual reality game research. Kinect device will used to control the game character, user only need to move their body parts tomove the character this kind of controller will led to a feeling of reality experienced by user. Therefore to increase that feel, the depth movement that user do will be calculated using physics to give a more better output.The test result shown that kinect device can give good output by using the depth sensor. The test can divide the speed that kinect catch can be classified to 4 stage dan each of this stage can giive a different reaction on the game

    Simulasi Cockpit View Pesawat Terbang

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    Banyak orang yang berkeinginan untuk mencoba menerbangkan pesawat terbang, tetapi dalam dunia nyata, tidak mungkin seseorang menggunakannya hanya untuk ingin tahu bagaimana rasanya mengemudikan pesawat terbang. Hal tersebut dikarenakan dibutuhkannya izin untuk dapat menerbangkan pesawat terbang. Selain itu banyak resiko kecelakaan yang dapat terjadi saat menerbangkannya.Dengan menyediakan simulasi Cockpit View pesawat terbang dengan interface tiga dimensi yang dibuat semirip dengan dunia nyata, akan membantu orang yang berkeinginan untuk menerbangkan pesawat terbang merasakan berada pada kokpit pesawat terbang. Joystick sebagai kontrol kemudi akan membuat pengguna seperti menggunakan kontrol kemudi pada pesawat terbang. Dalam penggunaan joystick diperlukan Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL) sebagai library untuk membaca dan menerima input yang dihasilkan dari joystick.Aplikasi ini akan menghasilkan data training yang nantinya akan dilatihkan pada Neuro-Fuzzy tipe MIMO Takagi Sugeno (NFTS) atau Jaringan saraf tiruan jenis lain. Hasil dari data training nantinya akan digunakan untuk mengontrol gerakan dari Massively Actuator Array using Artificial Intelligence (MA3I)

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada Pt.lumajang Jaya Sejahtera

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    Nowdays, registration, journalizing, and creating report system at PT. Lumajang Jaya Sejahtera still use the old methods or traditional way such as document word. Accounting which is doing manually, can enhance the risk of error calculation at creating journal. And regular data storage didn't exist yet, it causes the important data is easy to lose. Based on the background of the problem, accounting information will be designed with system which has been computering so that can decrease the error in calculation. The result which is gotten from application that has been made, are saving lease data, selling data and also supplier-customer data.Before creating the program, must do analyzing company, then proceed with the design of the program. Analysis performed directly on the company concerned. The process of its using software VB.net and SQL server
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