5,414 research outputs found

    Dynamics and symmetries of a field partitioned by an accelerated frame

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    The canonical evolution and symmetry generators are exhibited for a Klein-Gordon (K-G) system which has been partitioned by an accelerated coordinate frame into a pair of subsystems. This partitioning of the K-G system is conveyed to the canonical generators by the eigenfunction property of the Minkowski Bessel (M-B) modes. In terms of the M-B degrees of freedom, which are unitarily related to those of the Minkowski plane waves, a near complete diagonalization of these generators can be realized.Comment: 14 pages, PlainTex. Related papers on accelerated frames available at http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~gerlac

    Coulomb field of an accelerated charge: physical and mathematical aspects

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    The Maxwell field equations relative to a uniformly accelerated frame, and the variational principle from which they are obtained, are formulated in terms of the technique of geometrical gauge invariant potentials. They refer to the transverse magnetic (TM) and the transeverse electric (TE) modes. This gauge invariant "2+2" decomposition is used to see how the Coulomb field of a charge, static in an accelerated frame, has properties that suggest features of electromagnetism which are different from those in an inertial frame. In particular, (1) an illustrative calculation shows that the Larmor radiation reaction equals the electrostatic attraction between the accelerated charge and the charge induced on the surface whose history is the event horizon, and (2) a spectral decomposition of the Coulomb potential in the accelerated frame suggests the possibility that the distortive effects of this charge on the Rindler vacuum are akin to those of a charge on a crystal lattice.Comment: 27 pages, PlainTex. Related papers available at http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~gerlac

    Inappropriateness of the Rindler quantization

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    It is argued that the Rindler quantization is not a correct approach to study the effects of acceleration on quantum fields. First, the "particle"-detector approach based on the Minkowski quantization is not equivalent to the approach based on the Rindler quantization. Second, the event horizon, which plays the essential role in the Rindler quantization, cannot play any physical role for a local noninertial observer.Comment: 3 pages, accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Goal-directed fluid management based on stroke volume variation and stroke volume optimization during high-risk surgery: a pilot multicentre randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction: Perioperative hemodynamic optimization has been shown to be useful to improve the postoperative outcome of patients undergoing major surgery. We designed a pilot study in patients undergoing major abdominal, urologic or vascular surgery to investigate the effects of a goal-directed (GD) fluid management based on continuous stroke volume variation (SVV) and stroke volume (SV) monitoring on postoperative outcomes. Methods: Fifty-two high-risk-surgical patients (ASA 3 or 4, arterial and central venous catheter in place, postoperative admission in ICU) were randomized either to a control group (Group C, n = 26) or to a goal-directed group (Group G, n = 26). Patients with cardiac arrhythmia or ventilated with a tidal volume <7 ml/kg were excluded. In Group G, SVV and SV were continuously monitored with the FloTrac™/Vigileo™ system (Edwards Lifesciences, USA) and patients were brought to and maintained on the plateau of the Frank-Starling curve (SVV <10% and SV increase <10% in response to fluid loading). During the ICU stay, organ dysfunction was assessed using the SOFA score and resource utilization using the TISS score. Patients were followed up to 28 days after surgery for infectious, cardiac, respiratory, renal, hematologic and abdominal complications. Results: Group G and Group C were comparable for ASA score, comorbidities, type and duration of surgery (275 vs. 280 minutes), heart rate, MAP and CVP at the start of surgery. However, Group G was younger than Group C (68 vs. 73 years, P < 0.05). During surgery, Group G received more colloids than Group C (1,589 vs. 927 ml, P < 0.05) and SVV decreased in Group G (from 9.0 to 8.0%, P < 0.05) but not in Group C. The number of postoperative wound infections was lower in Group G (0 vs. 7, P < 0.01). Although not statistically significant, the proportion of patients with at least one complication (46 vs. 62%), the number of postoperative complications per patient (0.65 vs. 1.40), the maximum ICU SOFA score (5.9 vs. 7.2), and the cumulative ICU TISS score (69 vs. 83) were also lower in Group G. ICU and hospital length of stay were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Although the two groups were not perfectly matched, this pilot shows that fluid management based on SVV and SV optimization decreases wound infections. It also suggests that such a GD strategy may decrease postoperative organ dysfunction and resource utilization. However, this remains to be confirmed by a larger study

    Probing the local dynamics of periodic orbits by the generalized alignment index (GALI) method

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    As originally formulated, the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) method of chaos detection has so far been applied to distinguish quasiperiodic from chaotic motion in conservative nonlinear dynamical systems. In this paper we extend its realm of applicability by using it to investigate the local dynamics of periodic orbits. We show theoretically and verify numerically that for stable periodic orbits the GALIs tend to zero following particular power laws for Hamiltonian flows, while they fluctuate around non-zero values for symplectic maps. By comparison, the GALIs of unstable periodic orbits tend exponentially to zero, both for flows and maps. We also apply the GALIs for investigating the dynamics in the neighborhood of periodic orbits, and show that for chaotic solutions influenced by the homoclinic tangle of unstable periodic orbits, the GALIs can exhibit a remarkable oscillatory behavior during which their amplitudes change by many orders of magnitude. Finally, we use the GALI method to elucidate further the connection between the dynamics of Hamiltonian flows and symplectic maps. In particular, we show that, using for the computation of GALIs the components of deviation vectors orthogonal to the direction of motion, the indices of stable periodic orbits behave for flows as they do for maps.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures (accepted for publication in Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos

    Tangent-point self-avoidance energies for curves

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    We study a two-point self-avoidance energy EqE_q which is defined for all rectifiable curves in RnR^n as the double integral along the curve of 1/rq1/r^q. Here rr stands for the radius of the (smallest) circle that is tangent to the curve at one point and passes through another point on the curve, with obvious natural modifications of this definition in the exceptional, non-generic cases. It turns out that finiteness of Eq(γ)E_q(\gamma) for q2q\ge 2 guarantees that γ\gamma has no self-intersections or triple junctions and therefore must be homeomorphic to the unit circle or to a closed interval. For q>2q>2 the energy EqE_q evaluated on curves in R3R^3 turns out to be a knot energy separating different knot types by infinite energy barriers and bounding the number of knot types below a given energy value. We also establish an explicit upper bound on the Hausdorff-distance of two curves in R3R^3 with finite EqE_q-energy that guarantees that these curves are ambient isotopic. This bound depends only on qq and the energy values of the curves. Moreover, for all qq that are larger than the critical exponent 22, the arclength parametrization of γ\gamma is of class C1,12/qC^{1,1-2/q}, with H\"{o}lder norm of the unit tangent depending only on qq, the length of γ\gamma, and the local energy. The exponent 12/q1-2/q is optimal.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    The generalization of the Regge-Wheeler equation for self-gravitating matter fields

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    It is shown that the dynamical evolution of perturbations on a static spacetime is governed by a standard pulsation equation for the extrinsic curvature tensor. The centerpiece of the pulsation equation is a wave operator whose spatial part is manifestly self-adjoint. In contrast to metric formulations, the curvature-based approach to gravitational perturbation theory generalizes in a natural way to self-gravitating matter fields. For a certain relevant subspace of perturbations the pulsation operator is symmetric with respect to a positive inner product and therefore allows spectral theory to be applied. In particular, this is the case for odd-parity perturbations of spherically symmetric background configurations. As an example, the pulsation equations for self-gravitating, non-Abelian gauge fields are explicitly shown to be symmetric in the gravitational, the Yang Mills, and the off-diagonal sector.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figure

    Study of fluid transients in closed conduits annual report no. 1

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    Atmospheric density effect on computation of earth satellite orbit

    Electric Current Focusing Efficiency in Graphene Electric Lens

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    In present work, we theoretically study the electron wave's focusing phenomenon in a single layered graphene pn junction(PNJ) and obtain the electric current density distribution of graphene PNJ, which is in good agreement with the qualitative result in previous numerical calculations [Science, 315, 1252 (2007)]. In addition, we find that for symmetric PNJ, 1/4 of total electric current radiated from source electrode can be collected by drain electrode. Furthermore, this ratio reduces to 3/16 in a symmetric graphene npn junction. Our results obtained by present analytical method provide a general design rule for electric lens based on negative refractory index systems.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure