3,115 research outputs found

    Configuration development study of the X-24C hypersonic research airplane

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    Bottom line results were made of a three-phase study to determine the feasibility of designing, building, and operating, and maintaining an air-launched high performance aircraft capable of cruising at speeds up to Mach 8 for short durations. The results show that Lockalloy heat-sink structure affords the capability for a 'work-horse' vehicle which can serve as an excellent platform for this research. It was further concluded that the performance of a blended wing body configuration surpassed that of a lifting body design for typical X-24C missions. The cost of a two vehicle program, less engines, B-52 modification and contractor support after delivery, can be kept within $70M (in Jan. 1976 dollars)

    A Structure for Quasars

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    This paper proposes a simple, empirically derived, unifying structure for the inner regions of quasars. This structure is constructed to explain the broad absorption line (BAL) regions, the narrow `associated' ultraviolet and X-ray warm absorbers (NALs); and is also found to explain the broad emission line regions (BELR), and several scattering features, including a substantial fraction of the broad X-ray Iron-K emission line, and the bi-conical extended narrow emission line region (ENLR) structures seen on large kiloparsec scales in Seyfert images. Small extensions of the model to allow luminosity dependent changes in the structure may explain the UV and X-ray Baldwin effects and the greater prevalence of obscuration in low luminosity AGN.Comment: 35 pages, including 8 color figures (figures 4abc are big). Astrophysical Journal, in press. Expanded version of conference paper astro-ph/000516

    Lack of trust in maternal support is associated with negative interpretations of ambiguous maternal behavior

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    Attachment theory assumes that children who lack trust in maternal availability for support are more inclined to interpret maternal behavior in congruence with their expectation that mother will remain unavailable for support. To provide the first test of this assumption, early adolescents (9-13 years old) were asked to assess whether ambiguous interactions with mother should be interpreted in a positive or a negative way. In our sample (n = 322), results showed that early adolescents' lack of trust in their mother's availability for support was related to more negative interpretations of maternal behavior. The associations remained significant after controlling for depressive mood. The importance of these findings for our understanding of attachment theory, attachment stability, and clinical practice are discussed

    Chronology Protection in Generalized Godel Spacetime

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    The effective action of a free scalar field propagating in the generalized Godel spacetime is evaluated by the zeta-function regularization method. From the result we show that the renormalized stress energy tensor may be divergent at the chronology horizon. This gives a support to the chronology protection conjecture.Comment: Latex 6 pages, typos correcte

    Time travel paradoxes, path integrals, and the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics

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    We consider two approaches to evading paradoxes in quantum mechanics with closed timelike curves (CTCs). In a model similar to Politzer's, assuming pure states and using path integrals, we show that the problems of paradoxes and of unitarity violation are related; preserving unitarity avoids paradoxes by modifying the time evolution so that improbable events bewcome certain. Deutsch has argued, using the density matrix, that paradoxes do not occur in the "many worlds interpretation". We find that in this approach account must be taken of the resolution time of the device that detects objects emerging from a wormhole or other time machine. When this is done one finds that this approach is viable only if macroscopic objects traversing a wormhole interact with it so strongly that they are broken into microscopic fragments.Comment: no figure

    Quantum Coherence and Closed Timelike Curves

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    Various calculations of the SS matrix have shown that it seems to be non unitary for interacting fields when there are closed timelike curves. It is argued that this is because there is loss of quantum coherence caused by the fact that part of the quantum state circulates on the closed timelike curves and is not measured at infinity. A prescription is given for calculating the superscattering matrix $\$ on space times whose parameters can be analytically continued to obtain a Euclidean metric. It is illustrated by a discussion of a spacetime in with two disks in flat space are identified. If the disks have an imaginary time separation, this corresponds to a heat bath. An external field interacting with the heat bath will lose quantum coherence. One can then analytically continue to an almost real separation of the disks. This will give closed timelike curves but one will still get loss of quantum coherence.Comment: 13 page

    Supersymmetric Rotating Black Holes and Causality Violation

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    The geodesics of the rotating extreme black hole in five spacetime dimensions found by Breckenridge, Myers, Peet and Vafa are Liouville integrable and may be integrated by additively separating the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. This allows us to obtain the St\"ackel-Killing tensor. We use these facts to give the maximal analytic extension of the spacetime and discuss some aspects of its causal structure. In particular, we exhibit a `repulson'-like behaviour occuring when there are naked closed timelike curves. In this case we find that the spacetime is geodesically complete (with respect to causal geodesics) and free of singularities. When a partial Cauchy surface exists, we show, by solving the Klein-Gordon equation, that the absorption cross-section for massless waves at small frequencies is given by the area of the hole. At high frequencies a dependence on the angular quantum numbers of the wave develops. We comment on some aspects of `inertial time travel' and argue that such time machines cannot be constructed by spinning up a black hole with no naked closed timelike curves.Comment: 36 pages,LaTeX,8 figures;added 1 reference and a few comments; formula (2.6) corrected; a few changes to section

    Testing causality violation on spacetimes with closed timelike curves

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    Generalized quantum mechanics is used to examine a simple two-particle scattering experiment in which there is a bounded region of closed timelike curves (CTCs) in the experiment's future. The transitional probability is shown to depend on the existence and distribution of the CTCs. The effect is therefore acausal, since the CTCs are in the experiment's causal future. The effect is due to the non-unitary evolution of the pre- and post-scattering particles as they pass through the region of CTCs. We use the time-machine spacetime developed by Politzer [1], in which CTCs are formed due to the identification of a single spatial region at one time with the same region at another time. For certain initial data, the total cross-section of a scattering experiment is shown to deviate from the standard value (the value predicted if no CTCs existed). It is shown that if the time machines are small, sparsely distributed, or far away, then the deviation in the total cross-section may be negligible as compared to the experimental error of even the most accurate measurements of cross-sections. For a spacetime with CTCs at all points, or one where microscopic time machines pervade the spacetime in the final moments before the big crunch, the total cross-section is shown to agree with the standard result (no CTCs) due to a cancellation effect.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, late

    Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics at the Planck Scale

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    I argue that the linearity of quantum mechanics is an emergent feature at the Planck scale, along with the manifold structure of space-time. In this regime the usual causality violation objections to nonlinearity do not apply, and nonlinear effects can be of comparable magnitude to the linear ones and still be highly suppressed at low energies. This can offer alternative approaches to quantum gravity and to the evolution of the early universe.Comment: Talk given at the International Quantum Structures 2004 meeting, 16 pages LaTe
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