1,549 research outputs found

    Presence of Legionellaceae in warm water supplies and typing of strains by polymerase chain reaction

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    Outbreaks of Legionnaire's disease present a public health challenge especially because fatal outcomes still remain frequent. The aim of this study was to describe the abundance and epidemiology of Legionellaceae in the human-made environment. Water was sampled from hot-water taps in private and public buildings across the area of Göttingen, Germany, including distant suburbs. Following isolation, we used polymerase chain reaction in order to generate strain specific banding profiles of legionella isolates. In total, 70 buildings were examined. Of these 18 (26%) had the bacterium in at least one water sample. Legionella pneumophila serogroups 1, 4, 5 and 6 could be identified in the water samples. Most of the buildings were colonized solely by one distinct strain, as proven by PCR. In three cases equal patterns were found in separate buildings. There were two buildings in this study where isolates with different serogroups were found at the same time

    Interacting Crumpled Manifolds: Exact Results to all Orders of Perturbation Theory

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    In this letter, we report progress on the field theory of polymerized tethered membranes. For the toy-model of a manifold repelled by a single point, we are able to sum the perturbation expansion in the strength g of the interaction exactly in the limit of internal dimension D -> 2. This exact solution is the starting point for an expansion in 2-D, which aims at connecting to the well studied case of polymers (D=1). We here give results to order (2-D)^4, where again all orders in g are resummed. This is a first step towards a more complete solution of the self-avoiding manifold problem, which might also prove valuable for polymers.Comment: 8 page

    Random RNA under tension

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    The Laessig-Wiese (LW) field theory for the freezing transition of random RNA secondary structures is generalized to the situation of an external force. We find a second-order phase transition at a critical applied force f = f_c. For f f_c, the extension L as a function of pulling force f scales as (f-f_c)^(1/gamma-1). The exponent gamma is calculated in an epsilon-expansion: At 1-loop order gamma = epsilon/2 = 1/2, equivalent to the disorder-free case. 2-loop results yielding gamma = 0.6 are briefly mentioned. Using a locking argument, we speculate that this result extends to the strong-disorder phase.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures. v2: corrected typos, discussion on locking argument improve

    Systematic Low-Energy Effective Field Theory for Magnons and Holes in an Antiferromagnet on the Honeycomb Lattice

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    Based on a symmetry analysis of the microscopic Hubbard and t-J models, a systematic low-energy effective field theory is constructed for hole-doped antiferromagnets on the honeycomb lattice. In the antiferromagnetic phase, doped holes are massive due to the spontaneous breakdown of the SU(2)sSU(2)_s symmetry, just as nucleons in QCD pick up their mass from spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking. In the broken phase the effective action contains a single-derivative term, similar to the Shraiman-Siggia term in the square lattice case. Interestingly, an accidental continuous spatial rotation symmetry arises at leading order. As an application of the effective field theory we consider one-magnon exchange between two holes and the formation of two-hole bound states. As an unambiguous prediction of the effective theory, the wave function for the ground state of two holes bound by magnon exchange exhibits ff-wave symmetry.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figure

    Interacting crumpled manifolds

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    In this article we study the effect of a delta-interaction on a polymerized membrane of arbitrary internal dimension D. Depending on the dimensionality of membrane and embedding space, different physical scenarios are observed. We emphasize on the difference of polymers from membranes. For the latter, non-trivial contributions appear at the 2-loop level. We also exploit a ``massive scheme'' inspired by calculations in fixed dimensions for scalar field theories. Despite the fact that these calculations are only amenable numerically, we found that in the limit of D to 2 each diagram can be evaluated analytically. This property extends in fact to any order in perturbation theory, allowing for a summation of all orders. This is a novel and quite surprising result. Finally, an attempt to go beyond D=2 is presented. Applications to the case of self-avoiding membranes are mentioned

    Microscopic Model versus Systematic Low-Energy Effective Field Theory for a Doped Quantum Ferromagnet

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    We consider a microscopic model for a doped quantum ferromagnet as a test case for the systematic low-energy effective field theory for magnons and holes, which is constructed in complete analogy to the case of quantum antiferromagnets. In contrast to antiferromagnets, for which the effective field theory approach can be tested only numerically, in the ferromagnetic case both the microscopic and the effective theory can be solved analytically. In this way the low-energy parameters of the effective theory are determined exactly by matching to the underlying microscopic model. The low-energy behavior at half-filling as well as in the single- and two-hole sectors is described exactly by the systematic low-energy effective field theory. In particular, for weakly bound two-hole states the effective field theory even works beyond perturbation theory. This lends strong support to the quantitative success of the systematic low-energy effective field theory method not only in the ferromagnetic but also in the physically most interesting antiferromagnetic case.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur

    Phase transitions of a tethered surface model with a deficit angle term

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    Nambu-Goto model is investigated by using the canonical Monte Carlo simulations on fixed connectivity surfaces of spherical topology. Three distinct phases are found: crumpled, tubular, and smooth. The crumpled and the tubular phases are smoothly connected, and the tubular and the smooth phases are connected by a discontinuous transition. The surface in the tubular phase forms an oblong and one-dimensional object similar to a one-dimensional linear subspace in the Euclidean three-dimensional space R^3. This indicates that the rotational symmetry inherent in the model is spontaneously broken in the tubular phase, and it is restored in the smooth and the crumpled phases.Comment: 6 pages with 6 figure

    Systematic Low-Energy Effective Field Theory for Electron-Doped Antiferromagnets

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    In contrast to hole-doped systems which have hole pockets centered at (±π2a,±π2a)(\pm \frac{\pi}{2a},\pm \frac{\pi}{2a}), in lightly electron-doped antiferromagnets the charged quasiparticles reside in momentum space pockets centered at (πa,0)(\frac{\pi}{a},0) or (0,πa)(0,\frac{\pi}{a}). This has important consequences for the corresponding low-energy effective field theory of magnons and electrons which is constructed in this paper. In particular, in contrast to the hole-doped case, the magnon-mediated forces between two electrons depend on the total momentum P\vec P of the pair. For P=0\vec P = 0 the one-magnon exchange potential between two electrons at distance rr is proportional to 1/r41/r^4, while in the hole case it has a 1/r21/r^2 dependence. The effective theory predicts that spiral phases are absent in electron-doped antiferromagnets.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Field Theory of the RNA Freezing Transition

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    Folding of RNA is subject to a competition between entropy, relevant at high temperatures, and the random, or random looking, sequence, determining the low- temperature phase. It is known from numerical simulations that for random as well as biological sequences, high- and low-temperature phases are different, e.g. the exponent rho describing the pairing probability between two bases is rho = 3/2 in the high-temperature phase, and approximatively 4/3 in the low-temperature (glass) phase. Here, we present, for random sequences, a field theory of the phase transition separating high- and low-temperature phases. We establish the existence of the latter by showing that the underlying theory is renormalizable to all orders in perturbation theory. We test this result via an explicit 2-loop calculation, which yields rho approximatively 1.36 at the transition, as well as diverse other critical exponents, including the response to an applied external force (denaturation transition).Comment: 96 pages, 188 figures. v2: minor correction

    First-order phase transition in the tethered surface model on a sphere

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    We show that the tethered surface model of Helfrich and Polyakov-Kleinert undergoes a first-order phase transition separating the smooth phase from the crumpled one. The model is investigated by the canonical Monte Carlo simulations on spherical and fixed connectivity surfaces of size up to N=15212. The first-order transition is observed when N>7000, which is larger than those in previous numerical studies, and a continuous transition can also be observed on small-sized surfaces. Our results are, therefore, consistent with those obtained in previous studies on the phase structure of the model.Comment: 6 pages with 7 figure