23 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Kepulauan Karimunjawa termasuk dalam wilayah Kabupaten Jepara, terletak di sebelah barat Kota Jepara dengan jarak 45 mil laut (83km).  Di perairan ini terdapat banyak sumberdaya perikanan terutama teripang yang merupakan salah satu produk unggulan dengan nilai ekonomi yang tinggi.  Tingkat eksploitasi yang cukup tinggi mengakibatkan berkurangnya stok populasi teripang di Kep. Karimun Jawa. Untuk meningkatkan populasi teripang maka terapkannya suatu teknologi fission dalam proses perkembangbiakan teripang. Pelaksanaan Program IbM ini akan menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR), dengan melibatkan secara aktif kelompok masyarakat mitra. Sehingga keberhasilan program akan sangat tergantung oleh keaktipan dari kedua belah pihak yaitu Tim Pelaksana dan Tim Mitra. Penyuluhan dan penguatan kelompok telah dilaksanakan dengan baik dan mendapatkan perhatian yang sangat baik dengan kehadiran 100% anggota kelompok mitra  yang diundang. Penerapan teknik fission pada teripang berjalan dengan baik, hampir seluruh peserta memiliki antusias yang baik.

    Struktur Komunitas Fitoplankton Di Perairan Morosari Kecamatan Sayung Kabupaten Demak

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    Morosari waters located in Sayung District, Demak Regency is waters area where there is a mixture of land and sea water. Settlement activity, aquaculture, industrial land and existing at the entry and exit activities of fishing boats around the estuary can contribute to the dynamics of water quality fluctuations and productivity. The dynamics of water quality that occur greatly affect community structure and distribution of phytoplankton in the waters. The results of this study showed 28 genera for the vertical method, while for the method of horizontally obtained 31 genera. Average abundance obtained by the observation station was 1087.09 cells/l with vertical method, while for the horizontal method obtained 884.69 cells/l. While the abundances obtained by times of sampling average of 1087.09 cells/l for the vertical method, while for the horizontal method was 831.38 cells/l. Index phytoplankton diversity showed medium and obtained the average gain by the station is 2.02 for method of vertical and horizontally method to obtain 1.85. While based on the sampling time obtained an average of 2.09 for the vertical method, and for the horizontal method is 1.58. Uniformity index indicates the type of high uniformity and obtained the average by the station is 0.68 for the vertical method, while the horizontal method is obtained 0.4. While the sampling time is obtained based average of 0.64 for the vertical method, while for the horizontal method is 0.51. Dominance index obtained average based on the observation station is 0.3 for the vertical method, while the horizontal method obtained 0.6. While the sampling time is obtained based on an average of 0.35 for the vertical method, where for the horizontal method is 0.48 which indicates there is no dominating genus

    Densitas Dan Kandungan Total Lipid Mikroalga Spirulina Platensis Yang Dikultur Pada Tingkatan Perbedaan Fotoperiod

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    Spirulina platensis is belong to divisi of Cyanophyta which has ability for good adaption in fluctuativ condition where environment factors can influent the composisition of nutrion (lipid, protein, carbohydrate). Lipid has function for fatty acid resources, vitamins and for bioenergy resources. This research aims to know influence of photoperiod with density and total lipid microalga Spirulina platensis which is has been cultured in different photoperiod as a purpose. This research uses complete random plan and treatment of photoperiod 4 hours light 20 hours dark, 8 hours ligth 16 hours dark, 12 hours light 12 hours dark, 24 hours light. The results shows that the highest density of S.platensis on experiment 24 hours light is 1591± 16 x 103 sinusoidal/mL and lowest density on photoperiod 4 hours light 20 hours dark 1087 ± 62 x 103 sinusoidal/mL while higest total lipid amount presentation of lipid on photoperiod 4 hours light 20 hours dark 46,08 ±27,93 %-dw and the total lipid 24 hours light treatment is 24,76 ±5,23 %-dw

    Struktur Komunitas Zooplankton Di Perairan Morosari, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak

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    Morosari waters is an area with high dynamics due to rob or high tide phenomenon, which affects the community structure of zooplankton in the waters. The purpose of this study was to investigate community structure of Zooplankton around Morosari waters, Sayung District, Demak Regency. This research was conducted in the Morosari waters, Sayung District, Demak Regency. This study uses an exploratory method with data collection methods using the Sample Survey Method. Three location were stablished for this research namely Location 1 is a Morosari river estuary area, Location 2 is an area of aquaculture, Location 3 is a Pandansari river estuary area. Samples were taken 5 times, during early July to early October 2011 using a planktonnet with 45 μm mesh size, sampling was done vertical sampling and horizontal sampling. The results of this study showed 41 genera for the vertical, and 45 genera for the horizontally. Average abundance obtained by the observation station was 18,40 ind/l for the vertical, and 4,80 ind/l for the horizontal. Index zooplankton diversity showed medium and obtained the average gain by the station is 2,44 for the vertical and 2,59 for the horizontally. Uniformity index indicates the type of high uniformity and obtained the average by the station is 0,87 for the vertical, and 0,80 for the horizontal. Dominance index obtained average based on the observation station is 0,12 for the vertical, and 0,31 for the horizontal

    Kajian Struktur Komunitas Fitoplankton Di Perairan Pantai Desa Tapak Kecamatan Tugu Kota Semarang

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    Fitoplankton merupakan biota tumbuhan yang bersifat autotrophic dan merupakan produsen primer di perairan. Perairan Pantai Desa Tapak dikelilingi oleh Perumahan penduduk, kawasan industri, dan aktivitas nelayan yang akan menyumbang pencemaran organik maupun pencemaran anorganik. Perairan ini mengalami peningkatan ketinggian permukaan sebagai akibat pasang tinggi rob, yang mengakibatkan penggenangan daerah pertambakan dan sebagian dari estuaria. Penggenangan tersebut berakibat kepada peningkatan percampuran unsur hara yang diduga akan mempengaruhi keberadaan dan struktur komunitas fitoplankton pada daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas fitoplankton yang meliputi kelimpahan, keanekaragaman, keseragaman, dan dominasi fitoplankton di Perairan Pantai Desa Tapak, Kecamatan Tugu, Semarang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Oktober - November 2013. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif eksploratif, pengumpulan data dengan Sample Survey Method. Sampel fitoplankton diambil secara horizontal dengan planktonnet 37 µm. Sejumlah 3 stasiun pengambilan sampel telah ditetapkan dengan metode pertimbangan (purposive sampling method). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur komunitas fitoplankton di Perairan Pantai Desa Tapak tersusun atas 3 kelas fitoplankton yang terdiri dari 24 genus fitoplankton, yaitu kelas Bacillariophyceae (17 genus), kelas Dinophyceae (5 genus), dan Cyanophyceae (2 genus). Genus yang mempunyai kelimpahan tertinggi adalah Skeletonema, Thalassionema, Thalassiothrix, dan Pleurosigma dari kelas Bacillariophyceae. Kelimpahan fitoplankton rata-rata berkisar 25.426 – 34.100 sel/m3. Nilai keanekaragaman berkisar 1,68 – 2,05, dimana tertinggi pada stasiun II dan terendah pada stasiun III. Keseragaman berkisar 0,66 – 0,76, dimana tertinggi pada stasiun II yang diikuti dengan stasiun I dan stasiun III. Nilai dominansi berkisar 0,24 – 0,34, dimana tertinggi pada stasiun III dan diikuti stasiun I dan stasiun I

    Kajian Morfometri Gastropoda Di Perairan Pantai Desa Tapak Kecamatan Tugu Kota Semarang

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    Perairan pantai desa Tapak merupakan salah satu daerah yang telah mengalami degradasi lingkungan akibat adanya Perubahan alih fungsi lahan yaitu dari kawasan hutan mangrove menjadi daerah pertambakan dan perindustrian. Degradasi lingkungan ini menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas lingkungan sehingga akan mempengaruhi populasi gastropoda, dimana menggunakan daerah tersebut sebagai habitatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui morfometri, hubungan panjang dan berat, serta faktor kondisi gastropoda yang ada di Perairan Pantai Desa Tapak, Kecamatan Tugu, Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di wilayah perairan pantai desa Tapak, Kec. Tugu, Kota Semarang yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai November tahun 2013. Sampel gastropoda diambil dengan menggunakan transek ukuran 1x1 meter, selama 4 kali pengambilan sampel dengan selang waktu dua minggu sekali. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif eksploratif dengan pendekatan metode Sample Survey Method. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 3 stasiun yaitu stasiun 1 yang merupakan daerah bersubstrat pasir, stasiun 2 yaitu merupakan daerah dengan pohon mangrove, dan stasiun 3 merupakan daerah dengan substrat berlumpur, dengan metode pertimbangan (purposive sampling method). Data kualitas perairan terdiri dari suhu, salinitas, DO, pH dan substrat sedimen, diambil secara bersamaan dengan sampling gastropoda. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis untuk diketahui jenis, morfologi, panjang, lebar, dan beratnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gastropoda yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah jenis C. cingulata sebesar 836 ekor dan C. coralium sebesar 244 ekor. Kelas ukuran panjang cangkang dari C. cingulata berada di kisaran diantara 15,1 - 35,0 mm dan C. coralium berada di kisaran diantara 20,1 – 25,0 mm. Kelas ukuran lebar cangkang dari C. cingulata berada di kisaran diantara 5,6 – 7,0 mm dan C. coralium berada di kisaran diantara 7,1 – 8,5 mm. Kelas ukuran lebar operculum dari C. cingulata berada di kisaran diantara 5,1 – 6,0 mm dan C. coralium berada di kisaran diantara 4,1 – 5,0 mm. Hubungan panjang dan berat gastropoda yang diperoleh bersifat allometrik negatif. Nilai faktor kondisi gastropoda jenis C. cingulata berkisar 1,446 – 2,224 dan pada jenis C. coralium berkisar antara 0,981 – 1,98

    Perbandingan Komposisi Jenis Fitoplankton Antara Laut Jawa Dan Banda

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    Pytoplankton in the waters has role as primary. Generally, the existence of phytoplankton in waters is supported by availability of light, nutrients, and other marine environment parameters. Java Sea is a sea that has shallow depth and Banda Sea has depth until more than 2000 meters. Many differences of characteristics, certainly organisms including phytoplankton, which are owned both the sea have different composition of phytoplankton, because of many factors influence it. The purpose of this research is study of comparison of phytoplankton spatial distribution horizontally between Java Sea and Banda Sea based on composition.Research was conducted in off shore of Java and Banda Sea. Data was collected with Research vessel of Baruna Jaya III was managed by BPPT (Balai Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi) on 31th August – 9th September 2012. Methods used descriptive explorative. Phytoplankton was collected by plankton net passively that has mashes was 5 μm, lenght 65 cm, and diameter of meshes was 30 cm. Water was filtered as much as 30 l. result of filtering then stored in the bottle (200 ml). Station was collected as many as 14 stations. This Research was found 3 class of Phytoplankton, there were Bacillariophyceae (15 genera), Dinophyceae (4 genera), and Cyanophyceae (1 genera). The average abundance of Java Sea was 139 x 103 cells/m3 (range 115-189 x 103 cells/m3). Banda Sea had abundance range between 89-209 cells/m3 with average 146 x 103 cells/m3. Genera that had the highest of abundance was Rhizosolenia. The diversity index (H') with range from 0,88 – 2,15 (very low – moderate). Uniformity index (e) values was with 0,67-0,88 (moderate-high), dominance index (D) was ranged from 0,12-0,51, just on station 17 that indicates dominating genus. Java and Banda Sea had identity community index (S) value was 76,47% (high category). Kruskal Wallis test (H) had values was 0,017 that lower than tabulated value of 6,63 at α = 0,01. It means accept H1 conclude that there is no significant difference of phytoplankton abundance between Java Sea and Banda Sea

    Struktur Komunitas Makrozoobentos Di Perairan Morosari, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak

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    Morosari estuary waters is consist of a pond area which flooded by high tide and became a shallow water area. Makrozoobentos is a biological component, which can be utilized to determine water quality. The purpose of this study is to determine the makrozoobentos community structure in the Morosari waters, Sayung District, Demak. There are 21 spesies of 4 classes, under 3 phyla Mollusca (13 species), consist of Polychaeta (8 species) and Crustacea (2 species), found in the 4 stations in the waters Morosari, District Sayung, Demak. The macrozoobentos abundance values on the entire sample ranged from 9 - 295 ind/m2. The diversity index show a range value from 0,00 – 3,28 (low to high category). The richness index show a range value between 0,00 – 0,94 (small to high category), while the dominance index indicates a range values between 0,18 – 1,00. The water quality show a variation that are still support makrozoobentos life

    Struktur Komunitas Zooplankton Di Perairan Desa Mangunharjo Kecamatan Tugu Semarang

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    Mangunharjo village waters is located in Subdistrict Tugu, Semarang is the waters close to densely populated settlements. Household waste and industrial waste will affect water quality and community structure of zooplankton in waters. The aims of the research was to find out the community structure of Zooplankton in the village Mangunharjo Waters, subdistrict Tugu, Semarang. The method in this research was case study method with the exploratory nature of data collection used Sample Survey Method. The location was set as a research location was the location 1, as the areas of a body of a river, Location 2 as the river estuaries, and Location of 3 as ocean waters. Sampling was performed every 2 weeks for 5 times the sampling making use planktonnet with mesh size 45 μm. Sampling was carried out vertically at high tide and low tide began from May to July 2012. The results obtained 49 genera at high tide, while at low tide obtained 44 genera. Abundance obtained when the observation was an average of 17.90 specs/L at high tide, and at low tide the average gained 20.49 specs/L. Diversity of zooplankton an average of 2.20 obtained at high tide, and an average of 2.13 obtained at low tide. Homogeneity obtained average for sampling at the time of high tide and low tide with the same value at 0.56. The index domination at high tide and low tide also have the same value, the average 0.44