2,215 research outputs found

    Rheological properties of aging thermosensitive suspensions

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    Aging observed in soft glassy materials inherently affects the rheological properties of these systems and has been described by the soft glassy rheology (SGR) model [S. M. Fielding et al., J. Rheol. 44, 323 (2000)]. In this paper, we report the measured linear rheological behavior of thermosensitive microgel suspensions and compare it quantitatively with the predictions of the SGR model. The dynamic moduli [G[prime](omega,t) and G[double-prime](omega,t)] obtained from oscillatory measurements are in good agreement with the model. The model also predicts quantitatively the creep compliance J(t−tw,tw), obtained from step stress experiments, for the short time regime [(t−tw)<tw]. The relative effective temperature [script X]/[script X]g obtained from both the oscillatory and the step stress experiments is indeed less than 1 ([script X]/[script X]g<1) in agreement with the definition of aging. Moreover, the elasticity of the compressed particles (Gp) increases with increased compression, i.e., the degree of hindrance and consequently also the bulk elasticity (G[prime] and 1/J) increases with the degree of compression

    In vitro replication capacity of HIV-2 variants from long-term aviremic individuals

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    To establish whether efficient suppression of virus replication in HIV-2-infected individuals is associated with low replicative capacity of HIV-2, replication kinetics of HIV-2 variants from long-term aviremic individuals was analyzed and compared with that of the relatively slow-replicating HIV-1 variants from asymptomatics and long-term nonprogressors (AS/LTNP). On average, HIV-2 from aviremic individuals had lower replication rates than HIV-1 variants from AS/LTNP in cells of 8 donors (0.45 log10 [range 0.14-0.77] vs. 0.58 log10 [range 0.32-0.99] pg RT/ml/day, P = 0.036). The relatively low replication rate of HIV-2 compared to HIV-1 variants was not related to different sensitivities to inhibition by CD8+ T cells or different degrees of infectivity. HIV-2 replication rates increased with progressive infection and with switch from CCR5 to CXCR4 usage. The relatively low replicative capacity of HIV-2 variants from aviremic individuals likely contributes to the low viral load and benign course of infection in these individuals

    Sexual development in the homothallic green alga Chlamydomonas monoica Strehlow

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    Some Siegel modular standard L-values, and Shafarevich–Tate groups

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    AbstractWe explain how the Bloch–Kato conjecture leads us to the following conclusion: a large prime dividing a critical value of the L-function of a classical Hecke eigenform f of level 1, should often also divide certain ratios of critical values for the standard L-function of a related genus two (and in general vector-valued) Hecke eigenform F. The relation between f and F (Harderʼs conjecture in the vector-valued case) is a congruence involving Hecke eigenvalues, modulo the large prime. In the scalar-valued case we prove the divisibility, subject to weak conditions. In two instances in the vector-valued case, we confirm the divisibility using elaborate computations involving special differential operators. These computations do not depend for their validity on any unproved conjecture

    Studies of the Electrical Parameters and Behavioral Effects of an EEG \u27\u27Seizure Discharge

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    Nemastrina monkeys with multiple electrodes implanted in the amygdaloid area of the brain were used to study the relationship of electrical seizures and overt behavior. The electrical seizures were produced by long duration electrical pulses administered through the implanted electrodes. There appears to be no relationship between this kind of electrical seizure and lever pressing performance. Relationships between depth EEG, depth impedance, DC potential and surface EEG are observed and as a consequence some ideas concerning the genesis of the electroencephalogram are put forth
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