5,159 research outputs found

    Generation and purification of maximally-entangled atomic states in optical cavities

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    We present a probabilistic scheme for generating and purifying maximally-entangled states of two atoms inside an optical cavity via no-photon detection in the output cavity mode, where ideal detectors may not be required. The intermediate mixed states can be continuously "filtered" so as to violate Bell inequalities in a parametrized manner. The scheme relies on an additional strong-driving field that yields unusual dynamics in cavity QED experiments, simultaneously realizing Jaynes-Cummings and anti-Jaynes-Cummings interactions.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figure

    Instantaneous Measurement of field quadrature moments and entanglement

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    We present a method of measuring expectation values of quadrature moments of a multimode field through two-level probe ``homodyning''. Our approach is based on an integral transform formalism of measurable probe observables, where analytically derived kernels unravel efficiently the required field information at zero interaction time, minimizing decoherence effects. The proposed scheme is suitable for fields that, while inaccessible to a direct measurement, enjoy one and two-photon Jaynes-Cummings interactions with a two-level probe, like spin, phonon, or cavity fields. Available data from previous experiments are used to confirm our predictions.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, modified version with experimental estimation

    Strong-driving-assisted multipartite entanglement in cavity QED

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    We propose a method of generating multipartite entanglement by considering the interaction of a system of N two-level atoms in a cavity of high quality factor with a strong classical driving field. It is shown that, with a judicious choice of the cavity detuning and the applied coherent field detuning, vacuum Rabi coupling produces a large number of important multipartite entangled states. It is even possible to produce entangled states involving different cavity modes. Tuning of parameters also permits us to switch from Jaynes-Cummings to anti-Jaynes-Cummings like interaction.Comment: Last version with minor changes and added references. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Measure of phonon-number moments and motional quadratures through infinitesimal-time probing of trapped ions

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    A method for gaining information about the phonon-number moments and the generalized nonlinear and linear quadratures in the motion of trapped ions (in particular, position and momentum) is proposed, valid inside and outside the Lamb-Dicke regime. It is based on the measurement of first time derivatives of electronic populations, evaluated at the motion-probe interaction time t=0. In contrast to other state-reconstruction proposals, based on measuring Rabi oscillations or dispersive interactions, the present scheme can be performed resonantly at infinitesimal short motion-probe interaction times, remaining thus insensitive to decoherence processes.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted in JPhys

    Sequential Generation of Matrix-Product States in Cavity QED

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    We study the sequential generation of entangled photonic and atomic multi-qubit states in the realm of cavity QED. We extend the work of C. Schoen et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 110503 (2005)], where it was shown that all states generated in a sequential manner can be classified efficiently in terms of matrix-product states. In particular, we consider two scenarios: photonic multi-qubit states sequentially generated at the cavity output of a single-photon source and atomic multi-qubit states generated by their sequential interaction with the same cavity mode.Comment: 11 page

    Numerical time propagation of quantum systems in radiation fields

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    Atoms, molecules or excitonic quasiparticles, for which excitations are induced by external radiation fields and energy is dissipated through radiative decay, are examples of driven open quantum systems. We explain the use of commutator-free exponential time-propagators for the numerical solution of the associated Schr\"odinger or master equations with a time-dependent Hamilton operator. These time-propagators are based on the Magnus series but avoid the computation of commutators, which makes them suitable for the efficient propagation of systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. We present an optimized fourth order propagator and demonstrate its efficiency in comparison to the direct Runge-Kutta computation. As an illustrative example we consider the parametrically driven dissipative Dicke model, for which we calculate the periodic steady state and the optical emission spectrum.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Macroscopic Interference Effects in Resonant Cavities

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    We investigate the possibility of interference effects induced by macroscopic quantum-mechanical superpositions of almost othogonal coherent states - a Schroedinger cats state - in a resonant microcavity. Despite the fact that a single atom, used as a probe of the cat state, on the average only change the mean number of photons by one unit, we show that this single atom can change the system drastically. Interference between the initial and almost orthogonal macroscopic quantum states of the radiation field can now take place. Dissipation under current experimental conditions is taken into account and it is found that this does not necessarily change the intereference effects dramatically.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Cavity-assisted spontaneous emission as a single-photon source: Pulse shape and efficiency of one-photon Fock state preparation

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    Within the framework of exact quantum electrodynamics in dispersing and absorbing media, we have studied the quantum state of the radiation emitted from an initially in the upper state prepared two-level atom in a high-QQ cavity, including the regime where the emitted photon belongs to a wave packet that simultaneously covers the areas inside and outside the cavity. For both continuing atom--field interaction and short-term atom--field interaction, we have determined the spatio-temporal shape of the excited outgoing wave packet and calculated the efficiency of the wave packet to carry a one-photon Fock state. Furthermore, we have made contact with quantum noise theories where the intracavity field and the field outside the cavity are regarded as approximately representing independent degrees of freedom such that two separate Hilbert spaces can be introduced.Comment: 16 pages, 7 eps figures; improved version as submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Early Bird Catches The Term: Combining Twitter and News Data For Event Detection and Situational Awareness

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    Twitter updates now represent an enormous stream of information originating from a wide variety of formal and informal sources, much of which is relevant to real-world events. In this paper we adapt existing bio-surveillance algorithms to detect localised spikes in Twitter activity corresponding to real events with a high level of confidence. We then develop a methodology to automatically summarise these events, both by providing the tweets which fully describe the event and by linking to highly relevant news articles. We apply our methods to outbreaks of illness and events strongly affecting sentiment. In both case studies we are able to detect events verifiable by third party sources and produce high quality summaries

    Monitoring the Dipole-Dipole Interaction via Quantum Jumps of Individual Atoms

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    The emission characteristics in the fluorescence of two laser-driven dipole-dipole-interacting three level atoms is investigated. When the light from both atoms is detected separately a correlation of the emission processes is observed in dependence of the dipole-dipole interaction. This opens the possibility to investigate the dipole-dipole interaction through the emission behavior. We present Monte-Carlo simulations which are in good agreement with the analytic solutions
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