3,264 research outputs found

    Half Semimetallic Antiferromagnetism in the Sr2_2CrTO6_6 System, T=Os, Ru

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    Double perovskite Sr2_2CrOsO6_6 is (or is very close to) a realization of a spin-asymmetric semimetallic compensated ferrimagnet, according to first principles calculations. This type of near-half metallic antiferromagnet is an unusual occurrence, and more so in this compound because the zero gap is accidental rather than being symmetry determined. The large spin-orbit coupling (SOC) of osmium upsets the spin balance (no net spin moment without SOC): it reduces the Os spin moment by 0.27 μB\mu_B and induces an Os orbital moment of 0.17 μB\mu_B in the opposite direction. The effects combine (with small oxygen contributions) to give a net total moment of 0.54 μB\mu_B per cell in \scoo, reflecting a large impact of SOC in this compound. This value is in moderately good agreement with the measured saturation moment of 0.75 μB\mu_B. The value of the net moment on the Os ion obtained from neutron diffraction (0.73 μB\mu_B at low temperature) differs from the calculated value (1.14 μB\mu_B). Rather surprisingly, in isovalent Sr2_2CrRuO6_6 the smaller SOC-induced spin changes and orbital moments (mostly on Ru) almost exactly cancel. This makes Sr2_2CrRuO6_6 a "half (semi)metallic antiferromagnet" (practically vanishing net total moment) even when SOC is included, with the metallic channel being a small-band-overlap semimetal. Fixed spin moment (FSM) calculations are presented for each compound, illustrating how they provide different information than in the case of a nonmagnetic material. These FSM results indicate that the Cr moment is an order of magnitude stiffer against longitudinal fluctuations than is the Os moment.Comment: 6 page

    Crystal Symmetry, Electron-Phonon Coupling, and Superconducting Tendencies in Li2_2Pd3_3B and Li2_2Pt3_3B

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    After theoretical determination of the internal structural coordinates in Li2_2Pd3_3B, we calculate and analyze its electronic structure and obtain the frequencies of the two AgA_g phonons (40.6 meV for nearly pure Li mode, 13.0 meV for the strongly mixed Pd-Li mode). Pd can be ascribed a 4d104d^{10} configuration, but strong 4d character remains up to the Fermi level. Small regions of flat bands occur at -70 meV at both the Γ\Gamma and X points. Comparison of the Fermi level density of states to the linear specific heat coefficient gives a dynamic mass enhancement of λ\lambda = 0.75. Rough Fermi surface averages of the deformation potentials DD of individual Pd and Li displacements are obtained. While is small, ~ 1.15 eV/\AA is sizable, and a plausible case exists for its superconductivity at 8 K being driven primarily by coupling to Pd vibrations. The larger d bandwidth in Li2_2Pt3_3B leads to important differences in the bands near the Fermi surface. The effect on the band structure of spin-orbit coupling plus lack of inversion is striking, and is much larger in the Pt compound.Comment: 8 pages and 8embedded figures, to be appeared in PR

    Half metallic digital ferromagnetic heterostructure composed of a δ\delta-doped layer of Mn in Si

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    We propose and investigate the properties of a digital ferromagnetic heterostructure (DFH) consisting of a δ\delta-doped layer of Mn in Si, using \textit{ab initio} electronic-structure methods. We find that (i) ferromagnetic order of the Mn layer is energetically favorable relative to antiferromagnetic, and (ii) the heterostructure is a two-dimensional half metallic system. The metallic behavior is contributed by three majority-spin bands originating from hybridized Mn-dd and nearest-neighbor Si-pp states, and the corresponding carriers are responsible for the ferromagnetic order in the Mn layer. The minority-spin channel has a calculated semiconducting gap of 0.25 eV. Analysis of the total and partial densities of states, band structure, Fermi surfaces and associated charge density reveals the marked two-dimensional nature of the half metallicity. The band lineup is found to be favorable for retaining the half metal character to near the Curie temperature (TCT_{C}). Being Si based and possibly having a high TCT_{C} as suggested by an experiment on dilutely doped Mn in Si, the heterostructure may be of special interest for integration into mature Si technologies for spintronic applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nax_xCoO2_2 in the x -> 0 Regime: Coupling of Structure and Correlation effects

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    The study of the strength of correlations in Nax_xCoO2_2 is extended to the x=0 end of the phase diagram where Mott insulating behavior has been widely anticipated. Inclusion of correlation as modeled by the LDA+U approach leads to a Mott transition in the aga_g subband if U is no less than Uc_c=2.5 eV. Thus U smaller than Uc_c is required to model the metallic, nonmagnetic CoO2_2 compound reported by Tarascon and coworkers. The orbital-selective Mott transition of the aga_g state, which is essentially degenerate with the eg′e'_{g} states, occurs because of the slightly wider bandwidth of the aga_g bands. The metal-insulator transition is found to be strongly coupled to the Co-O bond length, due to associated changes in the t2gt_{2g} bandwidth, but the largest effects occur only at a reduced oxygen height that lies below the equilibrium position.Comment: 8 pages with 9 embedded figure

    Effect of Local Electron-Electron Correlation in Hydrogen-like Impurities in Ge

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    We have studied the electronic and local magnetic structure of the hydrogen interstitial impurity at the tetrahedral site in diamond-structure Ge, using an empirical tight binding + dynamical mean field theory approach because within the local density approximation (LDA) Ge has no gap. We first establish that within LDA the 1s spectral density bifurcates due to entanglement with the four neighboring sp3 antibonding orbitals, providing an unanticipated richness of behavior in determining under what conditions a local moment hyperdeep donor or Anderson impurity will result, or on the other hand a gap state might appear. Using a supercell approach, we show that the spectrum, the occupation, and the local moment of the impurity state displays a strong dependence on the strength of the local on-site Coulomb interaction U, the H-Ge hopping amplitude, the depth of the bare 1s energy level epsilon_H, and we address to some extent the impurity concentration dependence. In the isolated impurity, strong interaction regime a local moment emerges over most of the parameter ranges indicating magnetic activity, and spectral density structure very near (or in) the gap suggests possible electrical activity in this regime.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Orbital-quenching-induced magnetism in Ba_2NaOsO_6

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    The double perovskite \bnoo with heptavalent Os (d1d^1) is observed to remain in the ideal cubic structure ({\it i.e.} without orbital ordering) despite single occupation of the t2gt_{2g} orbitals, even in the ferromagnetically ordered phase below 6.8 K. Analysis based on the {\it ab initio} dispersion expressed in terms of an Os t2gt_{2g}-based Wannier function picture, spin-orbit coupling, Hund's coupling, and strong Coulomb repulsion shows that the magnetic OsO6_6 cluster is near a moment-less condition due to spin and orbital compensation. Quenching (hybridization) then drives the emergence of the small moment. This compensation, unprecedented in transition metals, arises in a unified picture that accounts for the observed Mott insulating behavior.Comment: in press at Europhysics Letter

    Vibrational Modes in LiBC: Theory Compared with Experiment

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    The search for other superconductors in the MgB2 class currently is focussed on Li{1-x}BC, which when hole-doped (concentration x) should be a metal with the potential to be a better superconductor than MgB2. Here we present the calculated phonon spectrum of the parent semiconductor LiBC. The calculated Raman-active modes are in excellent agreement with a recent observation, and comparison of calculated IR-active modes with a recent report provides a prediction of the LO--TO splitting for these four modes, which is small for the B-C bond stretching mode at ~1200 cm^{-1}, but large for clearly resolved modes at 540 cm^{-1} and 620 cm^{-1}.Comment: 4 pages, two embedded figures. Physica B (in press

    Competing Phases, Strong Electron-Phonon Interaction and Superconductivity in Elemental Calcium under High Pressure

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    The observed "simple cubic" (sc) phase of elemental Ca at room temperature in the 32-109 GPa range is, from linear response calculations, dynamically unstable. By comparing first principle calculations of the enthalpy for five sc-related (non-close-packed) structures, we find that all five structures compete energetically at room temperature in the 40-90 GPa range, and three do so in the 100-130 GPa range. Some competing structures below 90 GPa are dynamically stable, i.e., no imaginary frequency, suggesting that these sc-derived short-range-order local structures exist locally and can account for the observed (average) "sc" diffraction pattern. In the dynamically stable phases below 90 GPa, some low frequency phonon modes are present, contributing to strong electron-phonon (EP) coupling as well as arising from the strong coupling. Linear response calculations for two of the structures over 120 GPa lead to critical temperatures in the 20-25 K range as is observed, and do so without unusually soft modes.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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