567 research outputs found

    Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies from Scaling Seeds: Fit to Observational Data

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    We compute cosmic microwave background angular power spectra for scaling seed models of structure formation. A generic parameterization of the energy momentum tensor of the seeds is employed. We concentrate on two regions of parameter space inspired by global topological defects: O(4) texture models and the large-N limit of O(N) models. We use χ2\chi^{2} fitting to compare these models to recent flat-band power measurements of the cosmic microwave background. Only scalar perturbations are considered.Comment: LaTeX file 4 pages, 4 postscript figs. revised version, to appear in PR

    Vector and Tensor Contributions to the Luminosity Distance

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    We compute the vector and tensor contributions to the luminosity distance fluctuations in first order perturbation theory and we expand them in spherical harmonics. This work presents the formalism with a first application to a stochastic background of primordial gravitational waves.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of biasing on the galaxy power spectrum at large scales

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    n this paper we study the effect of biasing on the power spectrum at large scales. We show that even though non-linear biasing does introduce a white noise contribution on large scales, the P(k)knP(k)\propto k^n behavior of the matter power spectrum on large scales may still be visible and above the white noise for about one decade. We show, that the Kaiser biasing scheme which leads to linear bias of the correlation function on {\em large} scales, also generates a linear bias of the {\rm power spectrum} on rather small scales. This is a consequence of the divergence on small scales of the pure Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum. However, biasing becomes k-dependent when we damp the underlying power spectrum on small scales. We also discuss the effect of biasing on the baryon acoustic oscillations.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. One figure and comments clarifying the linear biasing on small scales and references added. V3 version accepted in PR

    Crossing the Phantom Divide

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    We consider fluid perturbations close to the "phantom divide" characterised by p = -rho and discuss the conditions under which divergencies in the perturbations can be avoided. We find that the behaviour of the perturbations depends crucially on the prescription for the pressure perturbation delta-p. The pressure perturbation is usually defined using the dark energy rest-frame, but we show that this frame becomes unphysical at the divide. If the pressure perturbation is kept finite in any other frame, then the phantom divide can be crossed. Our findings are important for generalised fluid dark energy used in data analysis (since current cosmological data sets indicate that the dark energy is characterised by p ~ -rho so that p < -rho cannot be excluded) as well as for any models crossing the phantom divide, like some modified gravity, coupled dark energy and braneworld models. We also illustrate the results by an explicit calculation for the "Quintom" case with two scalar fields.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, v2: updated to agree with published version: more readable figures, slightly expanded discussion on modified gravity models and the interpolation across w=-1, results and conclusions unchange

    Large Scale Structure Formation with Global Topological Defects. A new Formalism and its implementation by numerical simulations

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    We investigate cosmological structure formation seeded by topological defects which may form during a phase transition in the early universe. First we derive a partially new, local and gauge invariant system of perturbation equations to treat microwave background and dark matter fluctuations induced by topological defects or any other type of seeds. We then show that this system is well suited for numerical analysis of structure formation by applying it to seeds induced by fluctuations of a global scalar field. Our numerical results are complementary to previous investigations since we use substantially different methods. The resulting microwave background fluctuations are compatible with older simulations. We also obtain a scale invariant spectrum of fluctuations with about the same amplitude. However, our dark matter results yield a smaller bias parameter compatible with b2b\sim 2 on a scale of 20Mpc20 Mpc in contrast to previous work which yielded to large bias factors. Our conclusions are thus more positive. According to the aspects analyzed in this work, global topological defect induced fluctuations yield viable scenarios of structure formation and do better than standard CDM on large scales.Comment: uuencoded, compressed tar-file containing the text in LaTeX and 12 Postscript Figures, 41 page

    Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies from Scaling Seeds: Global Defect Models

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    We investigate the global texture model of structure formation in cosmogonies with non-zero cosmological constant for different values of the Hubble parameter. We find that the absence of significant acoustic peaks and little power on large scales are robust predictions of these models. However, from a careful comparison with data we conclude that at present we cannot safely reject the model on the grounds of present CMB data. Exclusion by means of galaxy correlation data requires assumptions on biasing and statistics. New, very stringent constraints come from peculiar velocities. Investigating the large-N limit, we argue that our main conclusions apply to all global O(N) models of structure formation.Comment: LaTeX file with RevTex, 27 pages, 23 eps figs., submitted to Phys. Rev. D. A version with higher quality images can be found at http://mykonos.unige.ch/~kunz/download/lam.tar.gz for the LaTeX archive and at http://mykonos.unige.ch/~kunz/download/lam.ps.gz for the compiled PostScript fil

    Non-Gaussianities due to Relativistic Corrections to the Observed Galaxy Bispectrum

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    High-precision constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) will significantly improve our understanding of the physics of the early universe. Among all the subtleties in using large scale structure observables to constrain PNG, accounting for relativistic corrections to the clustering statistics is particularly important for the upcoming galaxy surveys covering progressively larger fraction of the sky. We focus on relativistic projection effects due to the fact that we observe the galaxies through the light that reaches the telescope on perturbed geodesics. These projection effects can give rise to an effective fNLf_{\rm NL} that can be misinterpreted as the primordial non-Gaussianity signal and hence is a systematic to be carefully computed and accounted for in modelling of the bispectrum. We develop the technique to properly account for relativistic effects in terms of purely observable quantities, namely angles and redshifts. We give some examples by applying this approach to a subset of the contributions to the tree-level bispectrum of the observed galaxy number counts calculated within perturbation theory and estimate the corresponding non-Gaussianity parameter, fNLf_{\rm NL}, for the local, equilateral and orthogonal shapes. For the local shape, we also compute the local non-Gaussianity resulting from terms obtained using the consistency relation for observed number counts. Our goal here is not to give a precise estimate of fNLf_{\rm NL} for each shape but rather we aim to provide a scheme to compute the non-Gaussian contamination due to relativistic projection effects. For the terms considered in this work, we obtain contamination of fNLlocO(1)f_{\rm NL}^{\rm loc} \sim {\mathcal O}(1).Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, Typos corrected to match the published version in JCA

    A note on perfect scalar fields

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    We derive a condition on the Lagrangian density describing a generic, single, non-canonical scalar field, by demanding that the intrinsic, non-adiabatic pressure perturbation associated with the scalar field vanishes identically. Based on the analogy with perfect fluids, we refer to such fields as perfect scalar fields. It is common knowledge that models that depend only on the kinetic energy of the scalar field (often referred to as pure kinetic models) possess no non-adiabatic pressure perturbation. While we are able to construct models that seemingly depend on the scalar field and also do not contain any non-adiabatic pressure perturbation, we find that all such models that we construct allow a redefinition of the field under which they reduce to pure kinetic models. We show that, if a perfect scalar field drives inflation, then, in such situations, the first slow roll parameter will always be a monotonically decreasing function of time. We point out that this behavior implies that these scalar fields can not lead to features in the inflationary, scalar perturbation spectrum.Comment: v1: 11 pages; v2: 11 pages, minor changes, journal versio

    Universal upper limit on inflation energy scale from cosmic magnetic field

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    Recently observational lower bounds on the strength of cosmic magnetic fields were reported, based on gamma-ray flux from distant blazars. If inflation is responsible for the generation of such magnetic fields then the inflation energy scale is bounded from above as rho_{inf}^{1/4} < 2.5 times 10^{-7}M_{Pl} times (B_{obs}/10^{-15}G)^{-2} in a wide class of inflationary magnetogenesis models, where B_{obs} is the observed strength of cosmic magnetic fields. The tensor-to-scalar ratio is correspondingly constrained as r< 10^{-19} times (B_{obs}/10^{-15}G)^{-8}. Therefore, if the reported strength B_{obs} \geq 10^{-15}G is confirmed and if any signatures of gravitational waves from inflation are detected in the near future, then our result indicates some tensions between inflationary magnetogenesis and observations.Comment: 12pages, v2: several discussions and references added, version accepted for publication by JCA

    Accelerated expansion of the Universe driven by dynamic self-interaction

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    We establish a new model, which takes into account a dynamic (inertial) self-interaction of gravitating systems. The model is formulated by introduction of a new function depending on the square of the covariant derivative of the velocity four-vector of the system as a whole into the Lagrangian. This term is meant for description of both self-action of the system irregularly moving in the gravitational field, and back-reaction of the motion irregularities on the gravity field. We discuss one example of exact solution to the extended master equations in the framework of cosmological model of the FLRW type with vanishing cosmological constant. It is shown that accelerated expansion of the Universe can be driven by traditional matter with positive pressure (e.g., dust, ultrarelativistic fluid) due to the back-reaction of the gravity field induced by irregular motion of the system as a whole; this back-reaction is shown to be characterized by the negative effective pressure.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Letters