45,692 research outputs found

    Time-asymptotic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation for free shear flows using an alternating-direction implicit method

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    An uncoupled time asymptotic alternating direction implicit method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations was tested on two laminar parallel mixing flows. A constant total temperature was assumed in order to eliminate the need to solve the full energy equation; consequently, static temperature was evaluated by using algebraic relationship. For the mixing of two supersonic streams at a Reynolds number of 1,000, convergent solutions were obtained for a time step 5 times the maximum allowable size for an explicit method. The solution diverged for a time step 10 times the explicit limit. Improved convergence was obtained when upwind differencing was used for convective terms. Larger time steps were not possible with either upwind differencing or the diagonally dominant scheme. Artificial viscosity was added to the continuity equation in order to eliminate divergence for the mixing of a subsonic stream with a supersonic stream at a Reynolds number of 1,000

    Creep and creep rupture of laminated graphite/epoxy composites

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    An incremental numerical procedure based on lamination theory is developed to predict creep and creep rupture of general laminates. Existing unidirectional creep compliance and delayed failure data is used to develop analytical models for lamina response. The compliance model is based on a procedure proposed by Findley which incorporates the power law for creep into a nonlinear constitutive relationship. The matrix octahedral shear stress is assumed to control the stress interaction effect. A modified superposition principle is used to account for the varying stress level effect on the creep strain. The lamina failure model is based on a modification of the Tsai-Hill theory which includes the time dependent creep rupture strength. A linear cumulative damage law is used to monitor the remaining lifetime in each ply

    The effect of extreme temperatures on the elastic properties and fracture behavior of graphite/polyimide composites

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    The influence of elevated and cryogenic temperatures on the elastic moduli and fracture strengths of several C6000/PMR-15 and C6000/NR-15082 laminates was measured. Tests were conducted at -157 C, 24 C, and 316 C (-250 F, 75 F, and 600 F). Both notched and unnotched laminates were tested. The average stress failure criterion was used to predict the fracture strength of quasi-isotropic notched laminates

    An evaluation of the effects of stacking sequence and thickness on the fatigue life of quasi-isotropic graphite/epoxy laminates

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    Notched and unnotched geometries at 16, 32, and 64-ply thicknesses of a 90/45/0-45 (ns) laminate and a 45/0/-45/90 (ns) laminate were tested in compression-compression fatigue. The fatigue life and the initiation, type, and progression of damage were determined. Interlaminar stresses generated at straight, free edges of axially loaded laminates were used to interpret the test results. The fatigue lives of the notched specimens did not appear to be a strong function of laminate stacking sequence or specimen thickness. The stress concentration at the hole dominated over the interlaminar stresses at the straight free edge. The unnotched specimens of the 90/45/0/-45 (ns) laminate with tensile interlaminar normal stresses delaminated more readily than did the 45/0/-45/90 (ns) laminate with compressive interlaminar normal stress. The life of the 16-ply unnotched specimens was lower than the 32- and 64-ply specimens. Delaminations were located at the interface where the maximum shear stress occurred regardless of the sense or magnitude of the interlaminar normal stress. An antibuckling fixture was effective in preventing out-of-plane motion without overconstraining the specimen

    The viscoelastic behavior of the principal compliance matrix of a unidirectional graphite/epoxy composite

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    The time-temperature response of the principal compliances of a unidirectional graphite/epoxy composite was determined. It is shown that two components of the compliance matrix are time and temperature independent and that the compliance matrix is symmetric for the viscoelastic composite. The time-temperature superposition principle is used to determine shift factors which are independent of fiber orientation, for fiber angles that vary from 10 D to 90 D with respect to the load direction

    Fracture behavior of thick, laminated graphite/epoxy composites

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    The effect of laminate thickness on the fracture behavior of laminated graphite epoxy (T300/5208) composites was studied. The predominantly experimental research program included the study of the 0/+ or - 45/90 sub ns and 0/90 sub ns laminates with thickness of 8, 32, 64, 96 and 120 plies and the 0/+ or - 45 sub ns laminate with thickness of 6, 30, 60, 90 and 120 plies. The research concentrated on the measurement of fracture toughness utilizing the center-cracked tension, compact tension and three point bend specimen configurations. The development of subcritical damage at the crack tip was studied nondestructively using enhanced X-ray radiography and destructively using the laminate deply technique. The test results showed fracture toughness to be a function of laminate thickness. The fracture toughness of the 0 + or - 45/90 sub ns and 0/90 sub ns laminates decreased with increasing thickness and asymptotically approached lower bound values of 30 ksi square root of in. (1043 MPa square root of mm and 25 ksi square root of in (869 MPa square root of mm respectively. In contrast to the other two laminates, the fracture toughness of the 0/+ or - 45 sub ns laminate increased sharply with increasing thickness but reached an upper plateau value of 40 ksi square root of in (1390 MPa square root of mm) at 30 plies. Fracture toughness was independent of crack size for both thin and thick laminates for all three laminate types except for the 0/90 sub 2s laminate which spilt extensively. The center cracked tension, three point bend and compact tension specimens gave comparable results

    A new experimental method for the accelerated characterization of composite materials

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    The use of composite materials for a variety of practical structural applications is presented and the need for an accelerated characterization procedure is assessed. A new experimental and analytical method is presented which allows the prediction of long term properties from short term tests. Some preliminary experimental results are presented

    Creep-rupture of polymer-matrix composites

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    An accelerated characterization method for resin matrix composites is reviewed. Methods for determining modulus and strength master curves are given. Creep rupture analytical models are discussed as applied to polymers and polymer matrix composites. Comparisons between creep rupture experiments and analytical models are presented. The time dependent creep rupture process in graphite epoxy laminates is examined as a function of temperature and stress level

    The time-temperature behavior of a unidirectional graphite/epoxy composite

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    A testing program to determine the time-temperature response of undirectional graphite/epoxy materials is described. Short-term creep test results of strip tensile specimen with the load at various angles to the fiber direction and at various temperature levels are reported. It was shown that the material is elastic at all temperature levels when the fiber is in the load direction. On the other hand, when the load is transverse to the fibers, the viscoelastic response was shown to vary from small amounts at room temperature to large amounts for temperatures in excess of 180 C for other fiber angles, the response was similar to the latter

    The accelerated characterization of viscoelastic composite materials

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    Necessary fundamentals relative to composite materials and viscoelasticity are reviewed. The accelerated characterization techniques of time temperature superposition and time temperature stress superposition are described. An experimental procedure for applying the latter to composites is given along with results obtained on a particular T300/934 graphite/epoxy. The accelerated characterization predictions are found in good agreement with actual long term tests. A postcuring phenomenon is discussed that necessitates thermal conditioning of the specimen prior to testing. A closely related phenomenon of physical aging is described as well as the effect of each on the glass transition temperature and strength. Creep rupture results are provided for a variety of geometries and temperatures for T300/934 graphite/epoxy. The results are found to compare reasonably with a modified kinetic rate theory