809 research outputs found

    Iodine status of soils, grain crops, and irrigation waters in Pakistan

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    A study was carried out across 86 locations of the country to investigate iodine supply potential of soils, grains and underground waters for onward design of an environmental intervention in Pakistan. Wheat crops were the principal crop in this study since it supplies 75 % of calorific energy in an average Pakistani diet. TMAH-extractable iodine in soils provided a geometric mean of 0.66 Āµg gāˆ’1, far lower than the worldwide mean of 3.0 Āµg gāˆ’1 for soil iodine. Bioavailable (water-extractable) iodine concentration had a geometric mean of 2.4 % (of TMAH-extractable iodine). Median iodine concentrations in tube well sourced waters were 7.3 Āµg Lāˆ’1. Median wheat grain-iodine concentrations were 0.01 Āµg gāˆ’1. In most of the grain samples, TMAH-extractable iodine was below detection limit of 0.01 Āµg gāˆ’1. The highest wheat grain iodine was measured on a soil having highest TMAH-extractable iodine. An iodine intake of 25.4 Āµg a day has been estimated based on median wheat grain iodine measured and groundwater consumption compared to world health organisation (WHO) recommendations of iodine intake of 150 Āµg a day. This nominal intake of iodine is alarming since 60 % of Pakistani households do not consume iodised salt

    Advancing Ehealth Education for the Clinical Health Professions

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    This is the final report of a project that aimed to encourage and support program coordinators and directors of Australian undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs in all allied health, nursing and medical professions to address the need for Ehealth education for entry-level clinical health professionals

    The impact of Chinese import penetration on the South African manufacturing sector

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    This article uses a Chenery-type decomposition and econometric estimation to evaluate the impact of Chinese trade on production and employment in South African manufacturing from 1992 to 2010. The results suggest that increased import penetration from China caused South African manufacturing output to be 5 per cent lower in 2010 than it otherwise would have been. The estimated reduction of total employment in manufacturing as a result of trade with China is larger ā€“ in 2010 about 8 per cent ā€“ because the declines in output were concentrated on labour-intensive industries and because the increase in imports raised labour productivity within industries

    Dexamphetamine boosts naming treatment effects in chronic aphasia

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    To date, minimal research has investigated the effect of combining dexamphetamine with standard naming therapy after stroke. The present study used a double-blind, placebo-controlled, multiple baseline, crossover design with two individuals in the chronic stage of stroke recovery. Each individual attended two 4-week blocks of naming therapy (two to three treatment sessions per week). Dexamphetamine (10 mg) was administered at the start of each session during one therapy block, while a placebo was administered during the other therapy block. Therapy progress on treated and untreated items was assessed by a confrontation naming task during and after each therapy block. Both individuals showed greater progress in therapy and maintenance of therapy gains when behavioral treatment was combined with dexamphetamine rather than placebo, although this gain was only statistically significant in one individual. There was no significant improvement on a control task (nonword reading) in either individual. The results provide preliminary evidence that dexamphetamine paired with combined semantic and phonological therapy may be beneficial for the treatment of naming disorders in chronic aphasia

    Lability of Pb in soil: effects of soil properties and contaminant source

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    Environmental Context: There is growing concern that lead (Pb) in the environment may cause adverse health effects in human populations. We investigated the combined use of isotopic abundance and isotopic dilution to show how the origins of soil Pb and soil characteristics affect lability. Soil pH and soil Pb content are the dominant controls on Pb lability; the lability of recent petrol-derived Pb is similar to that of other sources in urban soils but greater than geogenic Pb in rural roadside topsoils. Lability of lead (Pb) in soils is influenced by both soil properties and source(s) of contamination. We investigated factors controlling Pb lability in soils from (i) land adjacent to a major rural road, (ii) a sewage processing farm and (iii) an archive of the geochemical survey of London. We measured isotopically exchangeable Pb (E-values; PbE), phase fractionation of Pb by a sequential extraction procedure (SEP) and inferred source apportionment from measured Pb isotopic ratios. Isotopic ratios (206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb) of total soil Pb fell on a mixing line between those of petrol and UK coal or Pb ore. The main determinant of the isotopically exchangeable Pb fraction (%E-value) was soil pH: %E-values decreased with increasing pH. In rural roadside topsoils and there was also evidence that, petrol-derived Pb remained more labile (35%) than Pb from soil parent material (27%). However, in biosolid-amended and London soils %E-values were low (c. 25%), covered a restricted range, and showed no clear evidence of source-dependent lability

    Optimisation of a current generation ICP-QMS and benchmarking against MC-ICP-MS spectrometry for the determination of lead isotope ratios in environmental samples

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    Ā© 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry. Novel ANOVA methodology was used to benchmark ICP-QMS against MC-ICP-MS for Pb isotope ratios, demonstrating "fitness-for-purpose" in environmental source apportionment. The precision and accuracy of lead (Pb) isotope measurements obtained from quadrupole-based mass spectrometers (ICP-QMS) are considered to be limited by a number of factors originating in different components of the instruments. In this study, experimental and instrumental protocols were optimised for determining lead isotope ratios in urban soil digests. Experimental measures included individual dilution of all samples and isotopic standards (SRM-981, NIST) to a single Pb concentration intended to produce an intensity which was high enough to negate blanks and interferences but low enough to ensure the detector operated only in pulse counting mode. Instrumental protocols included batch dead time correction, optimisation of dwell time and the number of scans employed and correction of mass discrimination by sequential application of both internal ( 203 Tl/ 205 Tl ratio) and external (SRM-981, NIST) standards. This optimised methodology was benchmarked against multi-collector mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) measurements of Pb isotope ratios using replicate digest solutions of the same soil; but after these had been subjected to Pb separation using an ion-exchange procedure. On the assumption that MC-ICP-MS measurements are more accurate, small additive and multiplicative differences were observed in only the 4 th decimal place. ANOVA was used to compare the precisions of the two techniques demonstrating equal precisions c. 0.08% for 207 Pb/ 206 Pb, suggesting a sample heterogeneity limitation. By contrast, for 207 Pb/ 204 Pb, the worst-case ratio, ICP-QMS had a 10-fold poorer precision, despite negligible interference from 204 Hg, implying an instrumental limitation. The study concludes that ICP-QMS can provide valuable source apportionment information for most Pb isotope ratios but further efforts should focus on improving assay of the 207 Pb/ 204 Pb ratio

    IL-17A both initiates, via IFNĪ³ suppression, and limits the pulmonary type-2 immune response to nematode infection

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    Nippostrongylus brasiliensis is a well-deļ¬ned model of type-2 immunity but the early lung-migrating phase is dominated by innate IL-17A production. In this study, we conļ¬rm previous observations that Il17a-KO mice infected with N. brasiliensis exhibit an impaired type-2 immune response. Transcriptional proļ¬ling of the lung on day 2 of N. brasiliensis infection revealed an increased Ifng signature in Il17a-KO mice conļ¬rmed by enhanced IFNĪ³ protein production in lung lymphocyte populations. Depletion of early IFNĪ³ rescued type-2 immune responses in the Il17a-KO mice demonstrating that IL-17A-mediated suppression of IFNĪ³ promotes type-2 immunity. Notably, later in infection, once the type-2 response was established, IL-17A limited the magnitude of the type-2 response. IL-17A regulation of type-2 immunity was lung-speciļ¬c and infection with Trichuris muris revealed that IL-17A promotes a type-2 immune response in the lung even when infection is restricted to the intestine. Together our data reveal IL-17A as a major regulator of pulmonary type-2 immunity such that IL-17A supports early development of a protective type-2 response by suppression of IFNĪ³ but subsequently limits excessive type-2 responses. A failure of this feedback loop may contribute to conditions such as severe asthma, characterised by combined elevation of IL-17 and type-2 cytokines

    'Avaā€™: a Beaker-associated woman from a cist at Achavanich, Highland, and the story of her (re-) discovery and subsequent study

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    This contribution describes the discovery and subsequent investigation of a cist in a rock-cut pit at Achavanich, Highland. Discovered and excavated in 1987, the cist was found to contain the tightly contracted skeletal remains of a young woman, accompanied by a Beaker, three flint artefacts and a cattle scapula. Initial post excavation work established a date for the skeleton together with details of her age and sex, and preliminary pollen analysis of sediments attaching to the Beaker was undertaken. The findings were never fully published and, upon the death of the excavator, Robert Gourlay, the documentary archive was left in the Highland Council Archaeology Unit. Fresh research in 2014ā€“17, initiated and co-ordinated by the first-named author and funded by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland with assistance from National Museums Scotland, the Natural History Museum and Harvard Medical School, has produced a significant amount of new information on the individual and on some of the items with which she was buried. This new information includes two further radiocarbon dates, a more detailed osteological report, isotopic information pertaining to the place where she had been raised and to her diet, histological information on the decomposition of her body, and genetic information that sheds light on her ancestry, her hair, eye and skin colour and her intolerance of lactose. (This is the first time that an ancient DNA report has been published in the Proceedings.) Moreover, a facial reconstruction adds virtual flesh to her bones. The significance of this discovery within the Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age of this part of Scotland is discussed, along with the many and innovative ways in which information on this individual, dubbed ā€˜Avaā€™, has been disseminated around the world.Copyright Ā© 2018 rests with the Society and the individual authors. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives licence.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ The permission to reproduce the Society's copyright-protected ma-terial does not extend to any material which is identified as being the copyright of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned. The attached file is the published pdf
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