237 research outputs found

    Intelligent IT Governance Platform: Strategic level

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    The objective of this work is the implementation of a new IT governance platform adaptable to any type of Information system architecture and any kind of business. The proposed platform is intelligent and independent to understand the business needs continuously changing, is distributed to involve all stakeholders and heterogeneous components, and scalable to accumulate the know-how of the company's IT Governance through a learning asset

    Dark matter via Baryogenesis: Affleck-Dine Mechanism in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We conducted an investigation into Affleck-Dine baryogenesis within the context of D-term inflation, specifically focusing on its relationship with a recent reheating formalism. It was found that by considering a specific reheating temperature, the observed baryon asymmetry can be accounted through Affleck-Dine baryogenesis. Additionally, the majority of gravitinos are inferred to be generated from the decay of the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle, with Q-balls potentially serving as a source of gravitinos via NSP decay. The temperature at which decay occurs depends on the charge of the Q-balls, which is determined by the fragmentation of the Affleck-Dine condensate. Remarkably, the gravitino mass required for dark matter aligns naturally with the theoretical gravitino mass.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Empirical Study on the Status of Moroccan Information Systems and Proposition of Approach for Choice of Best Practices for Good IT Governance

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    Today, the function of the chief information officer (CIO) has become part of the flow charts of many Moroccan companies [1]. Based on this statement, we did an empirical study in the first part of this work on the state of information systems (IS) Moroccan to know their strengths and weaknesses. The aim of the second part is to propose an approach based on the IT (information technology) frameworks helping CIOs to form their own repository of good practices to be applied in order to have good IT governance

    An Empirical Study on the information systems in the Moroccan organizations: An explanatory model to decide differently and to optimize the IT governance

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    An information system, it's the key point of the success of companies [5] [6]. Where from the necessity of investing to develop information systems, these investments concern to infrastructures, application software's, set up systems, and existing processes. Companies have to follow policies to manage well their investment of information systems in an economic and optimal way, it is the subject of this paper. To validate our subject, our hypothesis, a study of ground was necessary. We opted for an empirical study on the information systems of the high-level Moroccan organizations in various sectors, by basing itself on scientific foundations. The study and the data analysis allowed us to propose new simplified models

    Reactivity of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butanone: Photolysis and \OH\ reaction kinetics

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    International audienceHydroxycarbonyl compounds are important secondary reaction products in the oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere. The atmospheric fate of these oxygenated \VOCs\ is however poorly understood, especially the relevance of the photolytic pathway. In this work, a combined investigation of the photolysis and temperature-dependent \OH\ radical reaction of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butanone (3H3M2B) is presented. A photolysis lifetime of about 4-5 days was estimated with a global quantum yield of 0.10. The \OH\ reaction rate coefficient follows the Arrhenius trend (298-356 K) and could be modelled through the following expression: k3H3M2B(T) = (5.12 ± 0.07) × 10−12 exp(−563 ± 119/T) in cm3 molecule−1 s−1. A 3H3M2B atmospheric lifetime of 15 days towards the \OH\ radical was evaluated. Our results showed that the photolysis pathway is the major degradation channel for 3H3M2B. Photolysis products were identified and quantified in the present work with a carbon balance of around 80% enabling a reaction mechanism to be proposed. The present work underlines the need for further studies on the atmospheric chemistry of oxygenated VOCs

    Sensitivity and Uncertainty Quantification of Neutronic Integral Data Using ENDF/B-VII.1 and JENDL-4.0 Evaluations

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    Many integral neutronic parameters such as the effective multiplication factors (keff) are based on neutron reactions with matter through cross sections. However, these cross sections present uncertainties, of origin multiple, which reduce the safety margin of nuclear installations. In order to minimize these risks, a sensitivity analysis is necessary to indicate the rate of change of a reactor performance parameter compared to variations in cross sections. Thus, several critical benchmarks were taken from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments (IHECSBE), and their sensitivities and covariance matrix of the desired cross section were processed by MCNP6 and NJOY codes, respectively, in ENDF/B-VII.1 and JENDL-4.0 evaluations. The results obtained show that the 44 energy groups give the most varied sensitivity profiles than those given by others (15 and 33). In addition, we observed large uncertainties on the keff due to the H-1 and O-16 cross-sectional uncertainties (∼200–1000 pcm) in ENDF/B -VII.1 and the U-235 cross section in JENDL-4.0; however, keff’s uncertainties due to the cross-sectional uncertainties of the U-238 are very small

    Fractional Supersymmetry As a Matrix Model

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    Using parafermionic field theoretical methods, the fundamentals of 2d fractional supersymmetry QK=P{\bf Q}^{K} =P are set up. Known difficulties induced by methods based on the Uq(sl(2))U_{q}(sl(2)) quantum group representations and non commutative geometry are overpassed in the parafermionic approach. Moreover we find that fractional supersymmetric algebras are naturally realized as matrix models. The K=3 case is studied in details. Links between 2d (13,0)({1\over 3},0) and ((132),0)(({1\over 3}^{2}),0) fractional supersymmetries and N=2 U(1) and N=4 su(2) standard supersymmetries respectively are exhibited. Field theoretical models describing the self couplings of the matter multiplets (02,(13)2,(23)2)(0^{2},({1\over 3})^{2},({2\over 3})^{2}) and (04,(13)4,(23)4)(0^{4},({1\over 3})^{4},({2\over 3})^{4}) are given.Comment: Latex,no figure,17page
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